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Future Hair Doc

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Everything posted by Future Hair Doc

  1. I definitely suggest you start using oral finasteride and topical minoxidil ASAP. Chances of side effects from finasteride are about 5%. I would start at 1mg daily. Please feel free to reach out anytime.
  2. Do you have photos you can share? Where are you located? Are you looking at FUT or FUE? These are the recommended surgeons: https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/hair-transplant-surgeons.asp?sr=HRN
  3. It varies from patient to patient. I would say by 16 months is when you will get full maturation/growth.
  4. Do you have any pictures? Where are you located? Have you consulted with surgeons. Here are some surgeons you should consult with: https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/hair-transplant-surgeons.asp?sr=HRN
  5. Many people initially shed on minoxidil and this can last from 3-6 months. This is actually a good sign. You need to be on it for at least 1 year and use it consistently.
  6. For FUE, there are less restrictions since you don't have a continuous linear wound that is closed. Avoid contact sports for ~10 days. You can run after about ~3 days and lift weights ~10 days. For FUT, you want to avoid exercises that will stretch your neck. So no heavy lifting for at least 2 months and you can do light weights ~14 days and run ~7 days. As always, it's best to consult with your surgeon beforehand.
  7. Lack of good donor hair supply is a big one. Do you have pics of your hair you can share?
  8. You can continue to use oral finasteride, no need to hold it. Hold minoxidil the day before surgery and resume it ~10 days after your surgery. These are the general guidelines.
  9. You still have a LOT of growing left to do and this is actually a common occurrence. Just be patient for now. I know it's easier said than done. Who did your surgery?
  10. Yeah, you should definitely check out topical finasteride. Thanks for sharing your journey!
  11. Amazing results. It looks completely natural and is very refined and densely packed. I agree, @Dr. Vladimir Panineand @Stuart01are elite. Are you on any meds @JG11?
  12. Different surgeons have different philosophies in terms of how aggressive/cautious they want to be. As you mentioned, you made your expectations clear. If you'd like, you can share pictures with the community and can do virtual consults as well with recommended surgeons to see what they say.
  13. Mediterranean hair is much easier to work with and get great results. I would say the same applies for Desi and Middle Eastern hair. There is MUCH greater diversity of patients in the US than Spain and Portugal.
  14. What Melvin said. I don't think minoxidilmax products are made in the US. You have to order it from their website.
  15. You're in great hands with @Dr. Carlos Wesley. I think people on this forum are much more knowledgeable and have more realistic expectations than the average person looking into a hair transplant.
  16. I've never heard of that surgeon. One bite, everyone knows the rules....sorry, I just had to haha
  17. Are you looking to get an FUT or FUE? I would consult with the recommended surgeons on here: https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/hair-transplant-surgeons.asp?sr=HRN I believe @Dr. Vladimir Paninehas extensive experience with this. You should consult with him and see what he says.
  18. I know that @Dr. Vladimir Paninehas experience with this. You should consult with him.
  19. Yes, you can start using topical finasteride/minoxidil after about the 2 week mark. Consult with your surgeon beforehand though.
  20. Sildenafil has helped some of my patients who got ED from finasteride. Obviously, talk to your doctor as everyone's situation is different.
  21. Your results are looking great so far. Thanks for sharing mate.
  22. Based on those photos, I think 1,500 grafts should be enough for your crown.
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