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Everything posted by Gasthoerer

  1. Thanks for sharing your story. Can you have some better pictures? Yours are so blurry. It is hard to see anything. Also it would be great to see the post OP pictures for the clinic to address your concerns (extraction pattern, density of the recipient). The hairline design appears to be really (!) aggressive even though it is hard to tell from the pictures.
  2. Hair loss is a bitch and for men it is 99 % AGA. You have the classic pattern: All the conditions you mentioned will not cause such a pattern, but make you lose hair everywhere (or not at all, as not all conditions you mentioned are related to hairloss). By the way: I think your logic is also flawed in case you are right. If you have the slightest hint, that a severe amount of your balding would come from this conditions then you should NOT opt for FUT. What happens if your donor thins out from either of these conditions? Then you are severely screwed even in the case of a good scar.
  3. Great to hear that there are no NW6 in your family. But unfortunately this is not a guarantee. The bald genes from both sides can also add up and make you the worst of it all. Please, stop thinking your loss is not AGA. 99.9 % it is AGA. Maybe psoriasis, has triggered it a little (!), but you have the classic pattern and your loss is strong. The typical dermatologist, does know less about hairloss than the average Joe here in the forum. The reasons why you think your loss has stopped: - Hairloss often comes in waves - Hairloss visibility is not linear (From 100-60 % density reduction is hardly visible at all, this is why HT works in the first place). - You have lost most of your hair in NW4-5 area already. Of course your loss is slowed down. Summary: If you plan is based on the remaining hair your have in the front or that your loss has stopped you make a big (!) mistake. P.S. If I get one dollar for everyone in the forum who thinks his loss is not AGA, I would be able to quit my job and still make living.
  4. Jesus, why would someone do that? I had 400 grafts and even this few grafts were equally distributed.
  5. I have been to a F2F consultation with Feriduni (3x times actually including the surgery day) and he always created the same asymmetrical hairline for me following my existing hairline, my facial structure and most important: my hair direction.
  6. OK, I'll bite: Who is a "shill" for ASMED. If you fill in my name, you make a fool of yourself. I am not a supporter of ASMED, and I recommend different clinics all over the world for different cases of hairloss. ASMED typically is not one of the clinics I recommend, and even in the post you are referring to, I didn't. Just read it again! I just try (!) to showcase both sides of the story and give a perspective. Side topic: I know JT made everyone crazy about microscopes, but microscopes do NOT guarantee a great hairline or guarantee single grafts only (and the latter does NOT guarantee the first). Actually, one of my favourite hairline clinics, where the doc does everything himself, does NOT use microscopes according to my knowledge. The results are still outstanding and very natural. By the way: Thanks Melvin.
  7. ASMED was never on my radar, even though I like Erdogan's math driven approach. But his clinic appeared always to less "personal" to me. This has nth todo with using techs. Most top clinics use techs and even heavily when performing FUE: H&W, Rahal, Feriduni, Freitas and many, many more. ASMED seems to make this to the extreme, but (!) HT0416 entire post is full of unproven accusations and even misquoting of what Erdogan has written. This is not fair as well, and there is NO data to back it up. Statistically (%-wise), I think the results of ASMED are still good compared to other clinics. Jean got a great result from Erdogan recently (with or without the second round). There is a crazy amount of results online of Erdogan compared to other highly praised clinics. Hence, there will be a lot of bad results as well. To put things into perspective: I just saw a video of the "famous" JT, advertising a clinic in LA with a "do all yourself surgeon". And in this very video, where JT spoke about the importance of single grafts in the hairline, I saw doubles in the result. There are no guarantees. And to be fair: Communication with all better clinics is terrible (this is one of the major reasons, shi.ty clinics can make a living). Especially (!) with the clinics which focus on the doc only approach, the communication is very poor, as the surgeon is naturally very busy. I do not want to advocate for ASMED. Personally, I would not go there and never thought about going there. I think the hairlines are too aggressive, too straight/generic and I like to spend more time with the surgeon (But I am also not financially restricted, relatively old and a difficult case). Still, the approach is not that much different from other clinics assuming the techs are properly trained. Personally, I think that in the future, Erdogan will hire further surgeons to supervise and concentrate on other things (maybe he already has done that). Would that be a bad thing per se? No, it would not, but it would not be the clinic I prefer.
  8. It is really difficult to get an opinion about Diep. He has really strong results, but his Donors look terrible bloody after surgery compared to other top clinics.
  9. Haha, best thread ever. But, legend got it all wrong. My educated (!) opinion is that vampires actually sleep in coffins and not upside down. Bats sleep upside down. Hence, we need pictures of the hair status of bats.
  10. We get it, but NO: It will not regrowth hair. Why? The odds speak against it. Blood thinner also do not grow hair. Sport does not grow hair. Both will also increase blood flow. Hairloss is not a lack of nutrition by lack of blood flow. On top: You get the effect of Minox wrong. It doesn't maintain. FIN does. Minox can be a temporary booster (which actually grows hair), but some claim it can even increase DHT and be net negative.
  11. OK, seeing you pics and regarding your age: You are not (!) a diffused thinner. Your crown is huge and almost slick bald. The front and mid is diffused, but so heavily that is it clear that all of this is lost after the transplant. You should plan as if this hair isn't there. My recommendation: 0) Think about medication 1) Check your family history. If there is there is a risk going towards NW6+ you should not have a transplant 2) Shave and consider SMP or Trico. Maybe you like yourself with short hair. 3) Go to reputable clinics H&W (If you are in North America) and Hattingen (if you are in Europe) who offer strip and FUE. You have to have a personal consultation. Options FUT: But most likely leave the crown open. + Chance for best coverage and classic hairstyle - Fall back (Shaving) in case of further loss / poor growth is difficult FUE with SMP: Kind of less is more. More evenly distributed with less density but the option for a shorter hairstyle. Good luck P.S. Hattingen has an own section with tons of patient reports in a domestic forum, but you need to register as it is not allowed to publish before and after pictures in many EU countries: https://www.alopezie.de/foren/transplant/index.php?t=thread&frm_id=14&
  12. I think the answer of Legend was very funny, hilarious actually. Unfortunately, I agree with Melvin, this fairy tales about hairloss go around since Julius Cesar: Hanging upside down, massage, topical beer (or piss of sh.t or garlic or spe.m, can be continued...). I recommend to do some sport: Will also increase blood flow and while not growing hair it will help your general health. If you want to fight hairloss, there is FIN (DUT), Minox and maybe KET or PO.
  13. OK, I misunderstood your request. If you focus is a strip megesession H&W would be my choice from the two clinics. Another one would be Hattingen in Europe. Both are strip megasession Experts. Rahal woould be my favorite for hairlines. I am not aware of a FUT specialist well known for work on diffused thinners or using an implanted pen. But maybe there are. I have seen some nice cases on YouTube for diffused thinners from Arocha if I remember correctly. But not patient reports.
  14. You should look into clinics using implanted pens. Usually this clinics have great results with diffuse thinning. Lorenzo or Freitas could be starting points for your research.
  15. Let me check my Chrystal ball... Ah no it is out if order. Sorry, but without pics what do you expect? If you clinic was a better one you should also have measurements of your density and hair diameter. With that you can calculate the amount of available grafts yourself.
  16. I would not trust a clinic who writes such a nonsense like this 1 to 1 hair to graft ratio. Please give some more background about yourself. The hairline on the pictures appears quite aggressive if I guess your age correct. Anyway, I recommend to look further and meet face to face with some recommended clinic.
  17. I give up. Not only you do know nth about hairtransplants or economics, you fail to understand the topic yet again. And sorry to dissappoint you: I do not drink any coffee, never. Your analogy is wrong as well by the way, as Starbucks is a world wide franchise and rahal a single class A clinic. The right comparison for Starbucks would be Bosley or Moser clinics.
  18. It appears that you are not only dazed but also confused or at least you have difficulties to understand the topic. This two procedures do NOT have a big price difference per se. #of grafts is similar but the distribution is different. The price difference is due to one clinic is a well known one in Canada and the other a newer one in turkey. He could have either one at either clinic, hence you are not only wrong but also out of topic.
  19. Yes, it is a guess, but an educated one. Considering the age, hair status and his clinic it is a high probability to be bad work. No pics is just one more hint. He could have a non or partly shaven FUE in case shaving was the issue, which I doubt looking at his status.
  20. He is on FIN now, which should slow down the process.
  21. Normally you are right, but: 1300 (!) FU Strip considering the age of this patient is not state of the art: Either it is to less hair for this area anyway, and also to small of a case to have a strip OR it is just to few grafts for the area covered AND for a strip. Either way it is not state-of-the-art work. Not having pictures pre-, intra- and post op by the clinic is just the icing of the cake. I would be very (!) surprised if there is a great explanation of the clinic.
  22. My understanding is, that the implanter pen: - Makes it easier to work in between existing hair - Makes it easier to dense pack as you can have smaller incisions (just as big as the implanter) = less trauma to surrounding hair On the negative side: - It is more difficult to get the angles and bending of the hairs right --> Hence I understand: Implanter pen is better for touch ups but worse on complete bald areas
  23. +1 This, and/or get a third opinion. One last time: The point mentioned was, that price should not (!) be the decision maker but the focus has to be the different approaches of the two clinics. Once you understand the background, and find the right way forward to your (!) problem then (!) you can focus on the price (Discuss a discount, discuss a payment plan, discuss with other (!) clinics, etc.). Regardless, the mentioned price is not extraordinary for top clinics I north America. The are plenty of threads about price structure in different countries and depending on the working model.
  24. What you "babble" here has nth to do with the topic. I am sure there are thousands of topics regarding pricing of aesthetic surgeries.
  25. No, you cannot sport your hair like that after a transplant. FUE still creates scars, which will be visible when shaven.
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