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Everything posted by mav23100gunther

  1. I hear you - sometime after my 1st transplant, I had Lasik performed on my eyes. It was such a great feeling when minutes before the surgery the nurse took my glasses and said I won't be needing them again. 5 minutes later I had 20/15 vision. Basically you have to keep your eyes shut for the 1st 5 hours after surgery, so you go home, fall asleep, and when I woke up I could see perfectly. Wouldn't it be great if HT procedures worked the same way, you get the procedure, go to sleep, and then when you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and have a full head of hair.
  2. I have a very simple question - is Doganay going to do 100% of the implantation using the Choi pen moving forward or not?
  3. That is absolutely shocking. We now have the clinic posting pictures of the patient's face on the internet by mistake? I am absolutely appalled
  4. If you booked an ARTAS procedure, then I am afraid you haven't done nearly enough research. All the top FUE surgeons stopped using ARTAS as they found it doesn't work as well as hand-held manual punches.
  5. I personally let them shave it down as it makes the procedure easier for the doc and quicker as incisions and implanting through hairs slows them down I thnk, therefore less time the grafts are out of the body too. I guess it takes more skill to be able to do the procedure without shaving, but I wonder if the doctor is able to be more precise when shaved down? Or is that precision negligible? H&W and Feriduni make it mandatory to shave down.
  6. Armani is in California mate. I thought you were going with FUT? Turkey is known for FUE, and most clinics there don't even perform strip. If you are looking at FUE, then in my opinion Erdogan from Turkey, Feriduni from Belgium and Lorenzo from Spain are the best in the business.
  7. Jeeze the world really can be a cruel cruel place. I bet you have never ever bumped your head on the plane before - then the one time you do..... That's rotten rotten luck mate
  8. Jeeze, I didn't even ask if having them both perform the procedure was an option. I would totally have Hasson do the hairline and Wong the crown/vertex - that's if I actually had enough donor to work on th vertex - which I don't
  9. Hey Matt, At H&W, they don't both operate on the same patient. They both operate on separate patients, even the 6,000 graft session, it's one or the other, not both. Hasson has his team of technicians, and Wong his. Can't argue with Konior's stellar reputation, and love how merticulous he is. it really came down to his game plan, scheduling and price with Konior. his game plan for me just didn't resunate with me like the others did. My gut told me to narrow it down to the other three. Hope it makes sense. It's really like picking the quarterback for your team when you have Aaron Rogers, Tom Brady, a younger Drew Brees, and a younger Peyton Manning to choose from. Of course you are going to take Peyton, so for me Konior just ended up being one of the other three. Konior was booked out 5 months when I enquirered earlier this year, same as Rahal who performs 2 surgeries a day. Feriduni was close to a year.
  10. My research lead me to Hasson, Rahal, Ron Shapiro, and Konior for strip. If FUE, I would travel to Belgium or Turkey. I know it's only 4 and you asked for 5. I've been hearing great things about Gabel but never researched him. Now out of the 4, I eliminated Konior as I preferred the other 3. Now picking the best out of he 3 is tough as hell and something I really struggled with. I met with all 3 in person, and there is very little between them. Hasson definitely estimated the most lifetime grafts, and it's hard not to love the Rahal hairlines and density. Was also very impressed with Shapiro all round. I would recommend meeting with all three in person and picking the one who you feel can best achieve your goals for you and the one you feel most comfortable with. I'll be documenting my story very soon, including the decision making process I went through. It's really tough, and honestly, I got my best information from the in person consultations as well as from talking to and PM'ing some of the more senior members of the forum as well as in the industry. You seem to have looked at a lot of pictures as well which is the right thing to do. I went through as many as possible, but it's also helpful to understand their different techniques, I.e Rahal uses needles whilst Hasson uses the custom cut blades. Seeing you are going for dense packing, one method may achieve more density than the others. good luck mate
  11. Bill, no disrespect, but you found the following explanations satisfactory? 1) he poured gasoline over his head by mistake 2) he either masterbated or had sex, but the doctor doesn't know which one? Also regarding ambiguity - is Dr Doganay now going to make 100% of the incisions himself or not, and seeing it's the implementor pen, then that means 100% of graft placements? I would think the answer to this question is the most important before we can talk about second chances no?
  12. Spot on Stig! How does one pour gasoline on ones head by mistake only days after a transplant? Regarding the masturbated or had sex - why doesn't the doctor know which one? Was it sex or was it just masterbating? I think that makes a difference as he could have bumped his head during sex or had his lady touch the grafts by mistake, whereas I would imagine masterbating is less risky. Wouldn't this detail be important for the doctor to know? I think the fact that he doesn't know whch one it was shows that the explanation is complete bullshit.
  13. It would be great to get greater transparency around pricing, but lets not leave it up to the clinics. I am convinced that certain groups of people are getting charged more than others, and the folks that negotiate manage to get the prices down. Even the clinics that reflect prices on their website will drop their prices during a negotiation. I contact other posters that use the surgeon I am considering to get a feel for what they got charged.
  14. Absolutely awesome hairline, but man that's a lot of grafts to use on such a small area. Hope this guy has a lot of donor left in the bank or isn't advancing to a high norward. Must be nice though, Rahal's hairlines always blow me away, good stuff
  15. Actually, I have seen giddy results from all three. There are some absolutely killer Rahal results out there, his hairlines are amazing in my opinion. Shapiro has some as well, have you seen Sunnycool's results from his pass with Shapiro? They don't get better than that. You are on the right track, but keep on looking at the pictures and researching, you will see. I had a very rough time choosing between the three
  16. You should call back and be specific that you want to go with Dr Hasson.
  17. I don't disagree, but just remember that the photo gallery is going to be the best of the best results cherry picked. I always like to also search the patient posted results on forums like this. My top three are Hasson, Rahal, and Ron Shapiro
  18. Haha I second that - I almost choked on my food when I read the robotic and neograft part - haha
  19. Sounds about right mate. The 4,000 + grafts cases are mainly virgin scalps, especially seeing 6,000 lifetime grafts is the average. You may be more or you may be on the lower side, you will only really know for sure how many grafts the doc can get when he examines you in person. However, if anyone can get the max grafts for you, it's Hasson.
  20. Sorry my bad - I thought I knew all the NY surgeons, he must have slipped past me - apologies
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