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Everything posted by mav23100gunther

  1. Esrec, notice how Dr Feller made no mention of Bernstein on his favourite list. That just goes back to my previous post on your other thread that Bernstein is part of the tier 2 and not the best of the best. I guarantee most other surgeons share the same view of Dr Feller. I am curious to know Dr Feller's favourite list for FUE, for when the patient is stripped out of course
  2. It probably makes sense to transfer some saline into a carry-on size bottle and check the rest.
  3. Very interesting - I know Dr Rahal requires that you don't fly for at least 3 days post-op for shorter flights, and 5 days for longer flights. I would be worried about the dimwit sitting behind me by mistake knocking the grafts.
  4. If you are only at 3 months, it is way too early to rule the procedure a failure. Rather give it to 6 months and then re-assess then. You may have had shockloss in the donor area as well which is distorting the loook of that. You should also find out how much donor supply you do have, as if this is truly a failure, it can give you a better idea on how many grafts you can do in the future to repair or follow the hair loss. Remember you also have the option to move onto BHT once grafted out. In order to maximise grafts, you may want to even consider having FUT as your next procedure until being striped out and then switching back to FUE. Finally, you definitely need to remain on Propecia for as long as you want to retain your existing hair. I think its unethical for your surgeon to have operated on you without that as a condition. I say calm yourself down to a panic, go for another consultation to assess your lifetime supply of grafts, wait until you get out of the ugly duckling phase and into the growth stage _ for me around 4.5 months, and try be optimistic. Surgeons like Hasson & Wong do outstanding repairs if need be. Also, you always have the option of supplementing a HT with SMP. You are not the first patient to have an unsuccessful procedure, and there are tons of repair options. Also, 2,500 grafts was a very conservative graft count, so I am sure you still have available grafts. The average patient has around 6,000. So please please post some pics and calm down to a panic - it may not be a grim as you believe - still very early days. we are all here to support you
  5. Also wanted to point out that Dr Bernstein still uses the Artis Robot for FUE procedures whilst the top FUE surgeons and Rahal have discontinued its use citing that its not as effective of a manual process. Not sure if it means much, but another datapoint.
  6. Buddy, I was in the same boat as you. I live in New York, and therefore limited my options to surgeons in New York for the first pass. It was a huge mistake on my part, and the reality is that the best of the best elite surgeons are just not here. Don't get me wrong, Dorin, Wesley, Feller, and Bernstein are the top surgeons in the NY area, but I would say that out of that group, Feller is probably the best in my opinion but I still think they are all tier two. What I did notice is that Bernstein has a couple of weeks long waitlist for a consultation, and his office was packed when I visited. I did think he was very professional, and looks like someone who would be a safe bet, but... when I was waiting for that half/ hour in the waitroom I paged through an album of pictures of his patients, and they really did not blow me away at all. As I said before, his price per graft is ridiculously expensive, and I do not think its justifiable unless you believe he is the best surgeon in the world. Only Feriduni or Hasson could justify that kind of price, and they are way cheaper. I know you think he is a safe bet, but do some more research of the guys I listed. The Shapiro I was referring to is Dr Ron Shapiro - not to be confused with Jeffery. Dr Ron owns Shapiro medical group in Minnesota, and I think he is the safe bet you are looking for. At a min, compare his history against Bernsteins, and then you will know what I am talking about. His patient rep Matt Z is also awesome, well worth the consult. Good luck mate, and let me know if you want more advice from me offline
  7. I wasn't talking about the doctor contributing to this forum, I really was talking about reviews and posting from patients themselves. The lack of participation and reviews from patients on the web (not just this forum) compared to other surgeons should be telling. I agree, it may not mean he is a bad surgeon, but should be a datapoint for you to consider. I also never said Bernstein was a bad surgeon, he wouldn't be recommended here if he were. In fact he may in fact be a great surgeon, but based on my own countless hours of research which included consulting with Bernstein himself and comparing at thousands of pictures from him and other surgeons, my own conclusion was that there is a small group of surgeons who appear to be producing outstanding results on a consistent basis, and then a second group of surgeons who I consider to be tier two who are good as well, but are just not in the same class. In addition, whenever I consulted with surgeons themselves, I always asked them who they consider to be there strongest competition, and guess which names came up almost every time? Hasson, Rahal, Shapiro, Erdogan, Feriduni, lorenzo, and even Feller. I consulted with a lot of surgeons by the way. Also do a google search on best HT surgeons in the world, and see which names forum members consistently mention. Once again, it is subjective, but Bernstein's name just doesn't come up. It is also just my opinion, you really should do your own research, and make sure you look at plenty of patient pictures when you visit his clinic. It should become obvious. It's also your own head, so why wouldn't you want to go with the best of the best? For my 1st procedure, I elected to go with one of the tier 2 surgeons, and my results were solid, but less than stellar. Therefore I am going to go for a 2nd pass with one of the elite surgeons. Everyday I regret not having gone with one of the elite. Finally, no disrespect to you, but in the words of our old friend Busa - "it seems you have a lot of research to do before you are ready to get a HT".
  8. You have one of the best HT clinics on the clinic right in your backyard - you should definitely go consult with them and see what they have to say - & yes, get on Fin
  9. You just don't see a lot of patient reviews or patient postings for these surgeons. Just do some Internet searches of those two, and compare to searches on Hasson & Wong or Rahal. Also compare the pictures, you will see a much higher quantity of patients from H&W, Rahal, or Shapiro as well as more wow results. Bernstein is also too conservative and I don't believe he even does mega-sessions. He may be an early pioneer, but in my opinion, he isn't in the same class as the surgeons I mentioned.
  10. I purchased it online from nanogen.com. Its not that great actually.It is actually a saqueeze type spray. I think the Toppik spray applicator works much better. I just retain an empty Toppic container with the spray applicator. Whenever I run-out, I purchase a new Nanagen container, and use pliers to rip it open so that I can transfer the Nanagen into the Toppik container.
  11. Disagree with this, if you will be a higher NW, then you need to maximise your lifetime supply of donor grafts. In order to gain the most grafts, best bet is FUT until stripped out and then switch to FUE later.
  12. Both solid surgeons, but there are better out there. These two are probably in the 2nd tier, and Dr Bernstein is ridiculously expensive. He quoted me $8.5 per graft for FUT. Rather look into H&W, Dr Ron Shapiro, Dr Feriduni and Dr Rahal for FUT, and Erdogan, Lorenzo, or Feriduni for FUE.
  13. LOL - I heard the Hoff (David Hasselhoff) can also overome the three forces and not leave any linier scar when he performs a HT
  14. He actually responds to online consultations pretty quickly. He turned round mine in a day. Its a long waitlist for surgery though
  15. Seth, his waitlist for surgeries is not 4 weeks, the waitlist for a consultation is 4 weeks. His waitlist for surgery must be much longer. He seems to be doing okay for himself.
  16. I'm not looking forward to the day when I am stripped out, FUE'd out, bearded out, hair less on my chest, and have to get the pubes off my balls ripped
  17. If that is BHT in the Feller edit, then fair game and does add context to it, in which case I would appriciate if It is presented as such. No idea why Dr Bhatti chose to include BHT in the video in the first place though. However, overall, there were plenty other scary parts in that video. The way those grafts are raked like leaves - can't be good.
  18. Thank goodness - pity Dr Feller isn't so lucky for you to stop addressing him. i did love your comment about not following this thread closely. Almost every time Feller has posted something, you are there posting a response. Laughable really. Anyway, good luck to you HTsoon, no hard feelings I hope!
  19. Agree with you 100%, that's gotta do damage to the grafts, however probably a mute point if Feller no longer even uses motorized punches. Unfortunately I found Dr Bhatti's unedited video to be just as scary in a different way. I suspect Feller intentionally posted that video to further his case for FUSS.
  20. HTsoon knows only too well thats Feller in the video. It's been discussed at length on this thread. Dr Feller has also explained numerous times that his hands are not shaking, it's because the punch is motorized. It would be odd for a surgeon to have shaky hands like that though wouldn't it? If that were the case, I would imagine Feller would have an extra-ordinary amount of botched cases and botched linier scars. Regardless, the shaking wether natural or caused by the motor looks shocking. No way in hell that can be good, and no way would I let Feller touch my grafts like that.
  21. Completely agree. I think the FUT haters are just so blinded that they are convincing themselves otherwise. It's like when you hook up with an ugly girl and convince yourself that she is hot. Notice how they jump on Dr Feller for comments he made 10 freakin years ago and latch on to a conspiracy theory regarding Dr Blake, mFUe, and the connection to this thread which I still don't see what's the big deal about. Yet when Dr Bhatti tried to censor the video and then (in my opinion) got caught out in a "misunderstanding" by Bill releasing a pretty telling e-mail trail where Dr BHATTI actually disregards the advice given to him - not much of word from anyone, and then others stating let's just move on with he debate. The hypocrisy of some of these folks is unbelievable. Oh, and then at one point I got accused of changing positions just because I was trying to be somewhat objective - like that was the biggest crime in the world.
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