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Everything posted by mav23100gunther

  1. I love it, Charlene seems to be long gone, she hasn't logged on in months - why bother?
  2. You know I'm not the biggest fan of the fan of Dr Feller, but c'mon man, why would he or anyone come right out and state "hey guys, I'm doing this to market my business" - hell no, he is not stupid. Whilst I do agree with you that he is trying to market his practice and mFUE, but at the same time I do see genuine passion in the man. I believe he is very passionate about his view on FUE, and believes everything he is saying. You are dead wrong if you believe he isn't and is simply lying to promote his practice.
  3. Who really cares? Is it really the end of the world that a moderator was also working for Dr Feller? If it's such a big deal, then why don't we take a close look at the U.S. Presidential candidates. They can't run unless they have enough money. Where do they get the money? Donations from persons and Companies of interest. But yeah, they don't have any conflict of interest at all. Wake up people, that's a bigger problem than Dr Blake being a moderator whilst working with Feller.
  4. I hear you point HTsoon, however I still think it's a stretch to state that this thread backfired on him. What I can agree with you is that Dr Feller's bedside manner at times on this thread has backfired on him and is causing him to lose business, but quite frankly I don't get the impression he really cares about that, otherwise he probably wouldn't continue to say some of the stuff in the manner he does at times. In terms of the thread itself, I think he is certainly achieving exactly what he intended to achieve whilst at the same time he has promoted himself, his practice and his MFUE procedure. That's the key HTsoon, he is using this thread to deliver his message and at the same time promote his business. In terms of the magnitude of how much and whether that exceeds the loss of patients - then yes that's unknownand will remain so, but based on Dr Feller's attitude I really don't think he cares about the lost patients, especially ones that want FUE. He is specifically targeting patients who want FUT, and by promoting FUT the way he does, it's a good chance that he now has a presence with more patient seeking FUT or on the fence than he would without this thread.
  5. Hi HTsoon - I wouldn't say I advised him to cancel, more so advised that he could cancel and why it would actually save him money to cancel seeing that I presumed from his post that he felt he couldn't because he was locked in with a deposit. He seems to have made the decision that he would rather go with Dr Bhatti. If I was advising him, which I was not because he wasn't asking for any, I would have advised him to pick a completely different surgeon. Regardless, I agree he was uneasy, but how does this relate back to me point? I even specifically mentioned in my point that Dr Feller's bedside mannerhas probably turned away potential candidates and candidates just like that fellow. I also said I believe Dr Feller's surgery has probably received an uptick in new patients due to this thread. Just my speculation of course, and I could be wrong, but I highly doubt this thread has backfired on the good Dr, if anything it's helped his business. Obviously we will never really know, but I think Dr Feller is calculated enough to know the oppurtunity cost of doing something like this.
  6. Dr Bhatti, what exactly is your point here? Both are obviously promoting an agenda that overlaps - so what? How does it result in less credibility to Dr Feller and specifically this topic. Fact - they both prefer strip FUSS; Fact - they don't believe in large FUE mega-sessions; Fact - they believe FUT is more popular and a better procedure than FUE; Fact - they have come up with a new procedure to address the problem - mFUE. Yes, they are all obvioulsy related, but so what? To me they are simply presenting what they view as a problem, and then a solution. What exactly is wrong with this?
  7. What exactly was the ploy? How have they been rumbled? They are simply using this forum to promote their agenda's - and so far I do not believe they have broken any rules by doing so have they? Not their fault other doctors aren't doing the same. Dr Feller has created this thread, its not like he is going into other patient/doctor threads and name dropping his own practice. They have promoted mFUE at the same time - so what??? Good for them I say
  8. In what way has this thread backfired on him? Based on the number of views, the good doctor has probably succeeded in significantly raising his own profile. I know you disagree with me, but I would bet you that Dr Feller has experienced an uptick in enquiries to his practice of late. I agree his bedside manner has probably turned away a number of potential patients, but he has probably gotten into the heads of alot of other potential patients who had never heard his namen previously. Think about it, a newbie HT patient comes onto this site to research, and he keeps seeing Dr Feller - Dr Feller - Dr Feller - resulting in at least an enquiry to his office and a consultation. Obviously if he researched further he would come accross the likes of Rahal, H$W, Shapiro, Konior, but how much do you want to bet a good chunk of folks never get that far. Minus his bedside manner, I find Feller to be pretty compelling and has articulated his thoughts very wel and convincinglyl. He clearly knows what he is talking about, and this alone should convince potential candidates. I would go with Dr Feller myself in the absence of the surgeons mentioned above. Going back to my first point, I actually think the man is brilliant in the manner in which he uses this forum to raise his own profile and market his practice. Thats the only way in this day and age of online technology. One of the H&W consultants recently told me they were trying to emphathize to both Dr Wong and Dr Hasson how important the web is these days in marketing themselves and raising their profile (not that H&W really need to raise it).
  9. No brainer actually, Feller charges $9/10 a graft for FUE right, whilst Bhatti charges around $1.5 per graft. You'll save around $9,000 dollars, less say the airfaire of 2,500, leaving with around $6,500 in savings which should surely be more than enough to eat the deposit you are loosing right? Or did you pay Dr Feller in full already? You will save alot of money by cancelling with Feller and going with Bhatti - whats the issue?
  10. Agreed on Waz, I found what he did there quite shocking actually. Appriciate that you don't find it offensive Doctor (we agree to disagree), but when you use words like that you do open yourself up, especially with all the haters out there just waiting for you to give them just the slightest opening.
  11. Wazaam, I must admit that I find it shocking that you took this particular quote from Dr Bhatti, and then passed it off in a differnt context as Dr Fellers. Have to agree with the Dr on this, and I know thats what journalists do all the time, but it was shocking none-the-less. His original quote on learning disabilities was fair game, but not this one. Sorry bud
  12. The grafts are most probably fine, especially seeing they have grown in - now let's talk skin cancer - wear a hat mate, it's not worth it
  13. Thanks Wazaam, but to be fair, you can't hold this one against Feller as these are Bhatti's words not his. The 1st one is fair game though. I am sure Dr Feller has seen a significant uptick in business of late by increasing his profile with this thread, I would venture to say this uptick more than exceeds the number of potential candidates he puts off by his bedside manner. Gotta hand it to the guy though.
  14. Wazaam, thanks for retrieving the original quote, however, the 2nd one is vastly different from the first one you quoted. Looks like you even tried to reword it, or were they quoted in two different places?
  15. Sorry Doc, you definitely said it, although not in that context of directly stating that the members have learning disabilities. Regardless, as an uncle to a nephew that has a learning disability himself, I found that comment to be offensive. With all due respect sir, using that term to make a point is highly inappropriate and unprofessional. You as a Doctor should know better. It's a serious problem impact many families. You have made some outstanding points on this thread, and I have a lot of respect for what you are trying to do here, but using that term the way you did was wrong.
  16. You may want to consider Dr Ron Shapiro, as he produces great natural hairlines with a less aggressive approach than Dr Rahal. 1,000 isn't a significant number of grafts though
  17. I thought the high points were when he referred to us as peanuts in a peanut gallery and then at one point insinuated a "severe learning disability"
  18. I believe he was referring to FUSS cases that have been performed to date.
  19. Not true - there is FUE and SMP into the scar as options. Agreed its not ideal, but your statement of not being able to shave down is simply not true.
  20. Once they get educated that hair loss is progressive and donor supply is finite - then hell yes, I would hope they do have that mindset. I think the issue becomes that FUE only surgeons don't explecitly state that FUE results in less lifetime grafts than strip FUT. I certainly wasn't offered up this information at any of my consultations until I specifically asked. I think you are under-estimating the number of higher NW patients walking into procedures who can't quite get the coverage they hope for due to limited grafts. It also gets murky where it seems that with the exception of H&W and a few other strip masters, you could probably get a higher number of grafts moved in a one FUE mega-procedure (over 2 days) than with strip in a single session where laxity plays a role resulting in the need to wait a year to go again. But once again, this is short-sighted. I'm actually surprized the lifetime donor supply factor isn't brought up more in this debate. If its unlikely that lifetime grafts won't keep you covered, then why wouldn't you fight for every last graft? Like I said before, if getting a linier scar gets me an addition couple of of thousand grafts over my lifetime, and keep my head covered for an extra 5 to 10 years - then hell yeah! I do respect your difference of opinion though
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