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Everything posted by mav23100gunther

  1. Sigh ? If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Never heard of them. I get that Google has its place, but this website has done an outstanding job at building a listing of recommended HT surgeons. I would use that listing rather than google. It's your head, and you have a limited lifetime donar supply of grafts. I think you have a lot more research to do. I get the timing of your wedding, but please please please proceed with extreme caution. If you don't want to travel, can I recommend t least taking the greyhound bus or train up to Hasson & Wong in Vancauver. They are still relatively new at FUE, but they happen to be the best FUT clinic on the planet.
  2. Hey buddy, Can I be completely honest with you? You are going to drive yourself crazy by taking and posting pics every month when it's so soon after the procedure. My advice is to try just forget about it, try avoid looking at your hair in the mirror, and get to the 4 month post-op Mark. At that point you will start noticing all hell breaking loose, and then I would do the monthly comparisions. I somehow made it to the 4 month mark, and when I compared to pre-op pics, I knew I was in business. Happy growing!!!
  3. Hi Bill, in your hair loss website, the link to HT #3 write-up doesn't work. Would love a link to your H&W write-up Hair Transplant #3 : View Post
  4. Blake, what I don't quite get is the fact that MFUE should surely be resulting in many mini linier scars no? Especially if you did a large MFUE procedure, aren't you going to get a whole bunch of mini scars in different formations? That sounds worse than 1 pencil thin linier scar no? What am I missing?
  5. Well said Bill. As I said before, for the average patient who may qualify for both strip and FUE, the only disadvantage for going with strip over FUE is the linier scar. I have yet to hear any other disadvantages/cons. Still waiting for a credible FUE surgeon to come out and state otherwise.
  6. Not just yield, but what about lifetime donor supply going with FUE over FUT.
  7. Sorry Dr Bhatti, great post, but you still haven't rebutted any of Dr Feller's claims or answered the questions below: 1) can the three forces of FUE mentioned by Dr Feller be overcome, or have you actually succeeded in doing so? 2) Does FUT really provide a greater number of lifetime donor grafts compared with FUE? 3) Is the transection rate on FUE higher than that of FUT? 4) Does FUE damage the donor region more than FUT? 5) Is cherry picking for FUE really a myth as you still can't really identify singles from doubles?
  8. Dear Dr Bhatti, With all due respect sir, I must admit I am dissapointed by your post above. Although sincer, you still have not disputed any of the statements made by Dr Feller on his view of FUT being a better procedure than FUE. You mentioned previously that you disagree with some of his statements, please can you ellaborate on why you feel that way, i.e. 1) can the three forces of FUE mentioned by Dr Feller be overcome 2) Does FUT really provide a greater number of lifetime donor grafts compared with FUE 3) Is the transection rate on FUE higher than that of FUT 4) Does FUE damage the donor region more than FUT 5) Is cherry picking for FUE really a myth as you still can't really identify singles from doubles? Honestly, the fact that neither yourself nor any other FUE surgeon is coming out and disputing the facts laid out by Dr Feller is just adding credibility to what he has stated, and for someone like myself, I really have no option but to trust what he states. So far, the only pro to selecting FUE over FUT is the lack of that linier scar, is that really the only one? Please please please can you make good on your promise and engage in an intellectual debate. Looking forward to hearing your views.
  9. Good luck mate, although big mistake in choosing not to travel for the best procedure. I made that same mistake myself, and regret it like crazy because I ended up using a tier 2 surgeon in NY, paid an arm and a leg, when I could have traveled and gone with one of the best surgeons on the planet for cheaper. Now that I have to go for a 2nd procedure, I am gladly traveling. You only have a limited supply of grafts, so I highly recommend trading the hassle of travel with getting the best result. You won't get it in LA, my opinion.
  10. Unfortunately you are going to have to travel. If you want FUE, then the best option is to travel to Turkey or Belgium or Spain. And the costs per graft happen to also be much cheaper at round 3 Euros per graft. Research Erdogan of Turkey, Lorenzo of Spain, or Feriduni of Belgium. Those 3 are the top 3 FUE surgeons in my opinion. If you want strip, go with Hasson & Wong in Vancuover. Don't waste your money or precious grafts by limiting yourself to Cali.
  11. Dr Feller, I think it's the part in bold that rubbed folks the wrong way. "If you want FUE because you desire a particular hair style then do so. But do so with the knowledge that you are using a procedure that does not work as well and produces far more scaring than FUT. Furthermore acknowledge that you will have fewer donor grafts in the future as a direct result of the FUE. Acknowledge all this and go and have your FUE. It's your head, not mine. " Bill, appreciate your comments, but reading through the thread, I have to admit Dr Feller was just being a straight shooter. I personally appreciate his honesty and say it like it is mentality. Got to appreciate his passion for the topic. At the same time, if others are complaining and finding his comments disrespectful, then can't argue with that perception. Hopefully we can move past this tit for tat nonsense, and I really hope Dr Bhatti engages Dr Feller in a healthy debate on the topic.
  12. This tit for tat brings back memories of grade school - aaahhh good times. Looking forward to seeing the healthy and imformative debate between Dr Feller & Dr Bhatti on the new thread.
  13. Dr Feller / Dr Bhatti, I'm not a moderator, but started a new thread for you. Dr Bhatti, will that suffice, or does it have to be created by one of the moderators? Would love to hear your position and view on the statements made by Dr Feller previously. See the link below FUT versus FUE - Forum By and for Hair Loss Patients
  14. Hi All, At the request of Dr Bhatti, I have started this thread so that both doctors can debate the merits and dissadvantages of both FUT and FUE. Dr. Feller has made some specific statements regarding FUE, and believes that FUT is superior to FUE due to three factors that have yet to be overcome. Would love to hear Dr Bahtti's view on this, and in general.
  15. Couple of points: Re marketing of FUT, I do not necessarily agree this is the case. Dr Feller charges a much higher price for FUE than FUT, and I believe the overhead on FUE procedures is lower. I could be wrong, but if a patient walks into Dr Feller's clinic asking for FUE, then the good Dr will walk away with more profit sticking to FUE than if he convinces the patient to switch to FUT. I'm a simple man with a simple mind, so what am I missing here? Re the BHT comment, I am still not following you. You stated that the Dr harvested 5,500 grafts from FUE on the scalp and an additional 15,000 from the body. Why wouldn't the same person be able to get 5,500 grafts or more via FUT and the same 15,000 from the body? I'm not following you here, why does going with FUT rule out BHT. If he went with FUT first, then switched to FUE once stripped out, then he can still get the body hair no? In fact, wouldn't all the info we know point to that producing the best result over your scenario? I get your concern with the scar, I really do, but there is always the SMP or BHT into the scar option - just saying.
  16. Buddy, but the point being made is that its not necessarily 5%. Its not just the transection rate, you also have to take the impact of electing to proceed with FUE over FUT on the lifetime donor supply of grafts. I have yet to hear a FUE surgeon dispute the fact that FUT will give one more lifetime grafts. If the average person only has 6,000 lifetime grafts available to him, and he is a higher Norwood, then surely that IS going to matter. If I had an abundance of lifetime grafts available to me (i.e. in excess of 20,000), then of course FUE starts making more sense, even with the higher risk of transection, abit slightly higher. Hell I do not know if thsi stuff is even true, but respected surgeons are making these claims and no FUE surgeons are disputing them, so I'm sorry, I have to trust what Dr.Feller is stating unless proven otherwise. I completely disagree that FUE will take over from FUT. As long as FUT provides a greater number of lifetime grafts, and a lower risk of transection, then it will always have a place until something better comes along, or FUE evolves to guarantee those two things. Its not just about the scar, I want more hair on my head, and if the scar only gets me 1,000 more grafts, then hell yes, I will take every single one. I for one haven't always appriciated Dr. Feller's tone, but I do appriciate how passionate the man is about this, and I am million times more informed now based on the information he has laid out on this forum. Yes, it is elective, and yes we are customers with the right to choose, but its still a surgical procedure, and I do believe strongly that Dr Feller has an ethical, yes ETHICAL responsibility to refuse surgery if he feels appropriate, as well as inform us of the all the facts and circumstances as he knows it. I personally do not take exception to anything he has said on this particular thread, and I also think you should have a little more respect when addressing a Doctor. I highly doubt he needs to be schooled by you or me in how to conduct his business. Are you a qualified doctor?
  17. Hey buddy, there really only should one mav, but you can be Goose or Iceman if you want! If in the Seattle area, I strongly recommend consulting with Hasson & Wong in Vancuaver. They are one of the best HT surgeons for FUT on the planet, and can easily do mega-sessions in excess of 4,000 grafts.
  18. I'll be honest with you. If FUT guarantees a greater number of lifetime grafts, then I am going to want to capture every single one of them. If it means a linier scar but more hair and coverage, then hell yeah I will take it. When the time comes to shave my head, and people ask me why I have a scar on the back of my he, I will answer them as follows: "Because I am a freakin billionaire, just look at the big smile on the back of my head, ear to ear baby!!!"
  19. Not true re the 3 or 4 scars. I believe that in most cases, its only 1 scar, as they remove the existing scar during the strip. Obviously this is dependent on having selected the right surgeon the 1st time around.
  20. Some very good points, and I'm well aware of the H&W patient who appears to have had low yield from a crown procedure, although I'm sure H&W would argue differently. That's 1 case though, but I highly doubt he would have had greater success if he had went with FUE. However, your previous statement " also I think that it should be stated that FUE is a better option for high norwood cases for the simple fact that you can harvest body hair as well, you don't only have to depend on donor hair, a norwood 7 is not a surgical candidate for FUT, however with FUE, the combination of donor hair and bodyhair has been shown to yield some good results." simply isn't true. If FUT can get you more lifetime grafts, which a FUE surgeon has yet to dispute, then mathematics tells you that surely FUT until being stripped out, then switching to FUE and finally BHT is the best option for higher norwoods over going with FUE and BHT is it not? So far the only pro of FUE over FUT is the lack of the linear scar. I appreciate you are providing an opinion mate, but the facts are suggesting otherwise. I have yet to hear a FUE surgeon claim that FUE provides greater lifetime grafts over FUE or lower transaction over FUE.
  21. Yup "‐ If your total flight time is 5 hours or less: you are required to stay in Ottawa for 3 nights after your procedure. ‐ If your total flight time is 6 hours or more: you are required to stay in Ottawa for 5 nights after your procedure. ‐If you are driving/taking the train to Ottawa: please speak with Patient & 3. How soon can I fly? If your flight time is 5 hours or less, you can fly 3 nights after your surgery. If your flight time is 6 hours or longer, you can fly 5 nights after your surgery. Long flights cause your new grafts to dehydrate and can effect the outcome of your surgery."
  22. Hi HTsoon If FUT gets you a greater number of lifetime donar grafts over FUE, then surely FUT combined with FUE once stripped out, and then BH once donor supply is all gone is the best option for norwood 7? why would getting FUT strip rule out BHT????
  23. I read in Dr Rahal's post op instructions that he does not allow flying for the 1st 3 days post surgery due to the cabin conditions potentially dehydrating the grafts which could impact the results.
  24. Thanks Dr. Feller - the cherry picking myth blows my mind - wow. And Maras is a doctor recommended by this site. Guess it shows you how important it really is to research research research. We now have two recommended surgeons saying two completely different things, and you know both can't be right.
  25. Yup, I completely agree, and think we should start a thread on this forum where we each disclose the price per surgeon quoted to us during consultations. I was charged $6 a graft for my first procedure, then was PMing another member after the fact who was using the same surgeon, and he only paid $5 a graft. Then for my 2nd procedure which I am shopping around for, I basically played my top choices against each other, and have seen them all try to beat each other's price, even with two of them disclosing their prices on the website. I think we can all help each other. Another I have been doing is PMing members who have used the same surgeon, and asking then for the price they were charged, then using that info during the consultation, I.e. ... Well you charged xxx $4 a graft for the same procedure. Works like a charm, and the beauty about the free market, is that we can negotiate the prices down. I do believe though that the clinics will quote on the high end of the scale if they can see you have a high paying job, look like someone who can afford it ect ect ect. Nothing wrong with that, it's just business man .... Just play them at their game and negotiate negotiate!!!
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