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Everything posted by mav23100gunther

  1. Hi Dr. Feller, Well I am not nearly as qualified enough to answer that, but here are my own personal thoughts, and as a disclaimer I am just an average guy on the street who really doesn't know much about this topic other than what I have read online: 1) The cherry picking aspect makes alot of sense to me, although as stated, if Maras is really looking for singles, why is it a disadvantage by going with FUT and cutting up doubles and triples into singles? Ido agree that if he is looking for more doubles or triples, then he is limited to what he gets from FUT. Overall, I found this argument for going with FUE weak, and in my mind doesn't outweigh the higher risk of transection of grafts by electing FUE over FUT. Once again, I have no personal view on this, and have to trust what you and other doctors claim. This is also the first time I have really heard the argument of cherry picking grafts resulting in a significant advantage of a strip, but it does make logical sense though. I dunno, you tell me? 2) In my opinion, the only pro of going with FUE over FUT when I am not stripped out yet, is the linier scar, but as a previous FUT patient, I already have the linier scar, so isn't this a mute point in my case anyway? I didn't buy the stretching of the scar statement either, as isn't the risk of stretching the same as my 1st procedure? In addition, my scalp laxity has still been assessed as good, and this procedure would only go after 2,500 grafts, so is the risk of scar stretching even that much elevated? I may buy it if I was going after 4,000 odd grafts. 3) Dr Maras hasn't disclosed the risks of FUE you mentioned, and disclosed that I would get a better result by going with FUT. Once again, I don't have a view on this matter, but I do trust the view you have shared on this forum as I haven't seen evidence to the contrary. Thats the reason I declined the procedure with Maras and will be going with a different surgeon via FUT for my 2nd procedure. 4) Finally, he never disclosed that by switching to FUE, i would be reducing my lifetime grafts available to me than if I remained with FUT until being stripped out. I had an estimated 6,000 odd grafts available for strip when first assessed prior to my 1st procedure. The 1st procedure was for around 2,000 grafts, so that leaves around 4,000 FUT grafts. This is the biggie for me. I want to get the absolute maximum number of grafts over my lifetime, and if that means a linier scar, then hell yes - I will take it. Finally, no disrespect at all to Dr. Maras. I am a nobody, and he is a qualified and well respected HT doctor, so the views I made above may be total nonsense.
  2. Travel to Belgium, Turkey or Spain. The three top FUE surgeons in the world are Lorenzo, Feriduni, and Erdogan.
  3. Dr Feller, I can and will name one FUE surgeon. When I performed an online consultation with Dr Maras, I specifically stated that I wanted to get FUT. Below is an extract of the e-mail I received back from Alex where he clearly states that Dr Maras will prefer to perform FUE without any of the disclaimers you mentioned. At no point in my initial e-mail did I state I wanted FUE or no scar. I already had FUT for my 1st procedure. What do you think? " I have presented your case to Dr Maras earlier and for optimum coverage he would require approximately 2500 grafts (or maximum in a two consecutive day session) that will allow him to restore the hairline and area behind it with high density. You will be able to discuss specific hairline design and height prior to the procedure with him. The reason such number is required is because he will need to match the cosmetic density of your existing hair and because at the frontal 0.5cm of the hairline we use only single hair follicles mimicking nature at approximately 65-70 grafts per cm2. How much work can be done as well as the final result depends on your donor capacity, quality and texture of your donor hair. I do not see any issues regarding this from the photos sent in fact are very encouraging as your donor hair looks of very good quality however Dr Maras prefers to perform FUE in your case in order to ensure the harvesting of the grafts is the appropriate required for your case and I will explain. He wants to cherry pick the exact number of singles required from your donor without the need of separating doubles or trebles and cherry pick the doubles and trebles when restoring further back from the hairline. The second main reason that he wants to perform FUE in your case is the increase risk of the new scar to stretch as it will be the second time. "
  4. Okay, fair enough, I guess H&W don't want to set a precedent, although if they stand behind and guarantee their work, then why the secrecy - enquiring minds would like to know?
  5. I wonder if Doug & Mike have been overwhelmed since Joe left. You should e-mail David (aka Gangland on this forum). David is much more responsive than Doug, even though he serves as UK rep. It's a pity that pure sloppiness on the consultants ruins it. dr Hasson is one of the top FUT surgeons on the planet, but no reason for you not to go with his direct competitors such as Dr Rahal or Dr Ron Shapiro. The Rahal sales team are excellent and very responsive, whilst Matt Z at Shapiro medical is outstanding. I found Doug to be lagging (compared to team Rahal and Matt Z) when I consulted with H&W, however, I did look past that when choosing my surgeon. I know it leaves a bad taste in your mouth, but Doug's unresponsiveness doesn't take away that Dr Hasson is one of the best. It's unfortunate though.
  6. C'mon Corey, after the support you got from this forum, it's only fair that you let us know what you agreed on. Did they offer you a full refund? You correctly utilized this forum to get H&W's attention, you can't leve us hanging now???
  7. Nah, Busa would have compared the result to Maras or Erdogan, not Konior or Feriduni.
  8. Yeah, my best bet is that H&W offered him a full refund as long as he went back and revised the title of this thread. Glad that this story seems to have a happy ending after all, and kudos for H&W for doing right for Corey. Pleas keep us updated
  9. Sounds like he has already chosen Reddy subconsciously, and is just looking for validation, I.e. He will go with Reddy if Reddy doesn't do something aggregious during the consultation. My advice is go on the Reddy consultation, but keep an open mind and definitely consider Turkey surgeons.
  10. Um, yes David from H&W has posted their position along with pictures on this thread.
  11. Wow, I must admit that i'm finding it difficult not to side with Corey on this one. I tried to reserve my own opinion on this matter until I had heard from both sides. Obviously there is a 3rd side to this story - the truth, but based on what I have seen above, it seems as if H&W were less than upfront with this patient regarding managing his expectations, and really trying to be honest about what the final outcome would be, and more focused on making the sale and taking his money. I myself am strongly considering Dr. Hasson for my 2nd procedure, and rate him up there in the top 5 strip surgeons on this planet. Two other things I don't like: 1) David admitting that Dr. Hasson is not happy that Corey posted on this thread. Really???. Are you kidding me? What else is this guy sposed to do? That just comes off as unprofessional, and I am extremely dissapointed that Dr. Hasson made that known. He has every reason to not be happy about this thread, but keep that to yourself. 2) I respect H&W trying to defend themselves, but as other posters have mentioned, it looks foolish the way they are trying to claim this procedure as a success. Yes, the grafts may have grown, but if this was always going to be the final outcome, then it is truly shocking that they did not communicate this fact to Corey. Joe's e-mail says it all, and it will be difficult for David to counter that. You can see crystal clear they were trying to make the sell rather than communicating realistic expectations with this guy. Sorry David, I have supported H&W on other threads, but you have lost me on this one. I would do right by this guy, give him a full refund, lick your wounds, and move on. Finally, Corey, I know you don't want to remain with this clinic, but have you considered letting Dr Wong having a full go at repairing your crown? I believe he is the best in the business when it comes to crown work, and honestly, I think you will struggle to find a better surgeon for crown work out there. Maybe H&W can give you thwt procedure for free (more than 1,000 grafts)? Just a suggestion.
  12. Bill /David? Hopefully you will allow his post to go through - it's only fair
  13. Why was Corey's last post deleted? It is showing up in the daily feed, but it's not here
  14. Thanks David, I'll let your statement sink in before commenting.
  15. Sorry David, I just don't see much of a difference between the before & after pics besides obvious different lighting. I think it's a stretch to say this was anything close to a success. Hopefully you guys will do right and give this guy a bone of some sort.
  16. It's hard not get very excited for you, best of luck!!!!
  17. FUE or FUT? If FUT, 1,000 grafts is absolutely nothing - run for your life from this surgeon.
  18. Outstanding decision buddy, please keep us all updated. Also make sure you are doing those scalp laxity exercises hourly and like crazy.
  19. There is a difference between Bisango & Feriduni. Lorenzo used to be on the list, but decided he no longer needed to pay the fee as he had enough patients. Therefore I believe he volunteered himself off the list. All great choices, but I disagree with Reddy being your number 1. I would consider removing him and adding Maras.
  20. Probably because you charge a ridiculously high $ per graft for FUE at or in excess of $9 a graft or something like that compared to around and less than 3 euros a graft by top surgeons in Europe & Turkey.
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