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Everything posted by mav23100gunther

  1. Thanks Dr. Feller, wow, didn't realize you had a year-long waitlist.
  2. We all know about the scar. I wouldn't go so far to call FUT "Old fashioned", but I get it, I really do. In terms of brutal, I can think of many other elective surgeries that are brutal - so what? Lasik is pretty butal, they clamp your eyes open, cut a flap in your eyball, and then laser the hell out of the outer tissue of your eyeball. Thats way more brutal than cutting a piece of scalp out of the back of a person's scalp, thats for sure, but once again - who cares if its brutal if it works and does the trick. Nobody has suffered a serious injury from it have they? worst complication is the stretching of the scar. Hell, even getting a root canal is pretty dam brutal. What about a prostate exam?
  3. Hi Swooping, Thats very short sighted, I would imagine that the majority of patients SHOULD need to maximize their lifetime donor supply. I'm a lower NW, and around 4,000 total grafts for my 1st and 2nd HT procedures combined puts me in a solid position for the next decade hopefully. But as I have an average donor supply, that only leaves 2,000 - 3,000 grafts in the bank. If I progress to a higher NW, then I suspect I will be in trouble later on, and no, I will not just bank on BHT. If people really believe that they don't need to maximize their donor supply, then I feel very sad for folks who will find themselves tapped out later on. My experience from consultations with recommended surgeons, is to plan for the future, and that means treatment plans that utilizes grafts effectively, and saves a good number for future hair loss. Even the more aggressive surgeons such as Rahal took a long term view in my recommendation. Whilst I think we would all love to have generous lifetime donor supply of grafts, the start reality is a) the majority just dont, and b) its really difficult to truly know whether one won't progress to a higher NW. In fact I would be shocked if there are many recommended surgeons who would advise patients that they don't need to maximise donor supplies. Even H&W had a long-terms plan for me. Sorry buddy, but I think you are dead wrong here
  4. Dr. Feller, curious to know why you are not going to present your mFUE technique at the IHRS conference in Sept?
  5. Tell that to a high norwood with limited donor supply. I get the scar issue, but you are downplaying how big of a deal maximising ones donar supply of lifetime grafts really is and should be. As long as going with FUT until being stripped out provides a greater number of lifetime grafts, then you are gravely mistaken about FUT dying. I would accept the scar anyday of the week if it can provide me with the max number of lifetime grafts (which FUT does). If FUE provided one with the same number of lifetime grafts, and only resulted in SOME yield being sacrificed, then I think you would have a valid point, but that is not the case at all.
  6. Interesting that Dr Feller is not presenting his MFUE technique
  7. You should definitely go after 3,000 grafts, 2,000 is really not that much, and won't make a significant difference if you are a higher Norwood. The last thing you want is to not be entirely satisfied and have to come back for a 2nd procedure shortly after the first to add density. Rather nail it in one go. If you want FUE, then the best three are Lorenzo, Feriduni and Erdogan. Maybe even Maras. If you want FUT, then Hasson & Wong, Feriduni, Rahal, or Ron Shapiro.
  8. You sure about that mate? The polls are currently showing something different. Remember these are the same people who took George W Bush seriously - twice! and a chap named Obama (just the 2nd time, 1st time was fair game)
  9. Thanks for the honesty Dr Bhatti, this is the point that alot of the FUT haters don't get.
  10. Don't bother with any surgeons in the New York area. Rather consult with Hasson & Wong or another of the big fish recommended by this site. If you need a large mega session for the maximim number of grafts, H& W is your best bet. Any surgeon stating they can only do max 1800 grafts in a single session is a disgrace - bon't even bother
  11. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/174034-procedure-booked-w-dr-rahal-second-transplant-post2419326.html#post2419326 My understanding is that Dr Konior and Dr Ron Shapiro only perform 1 procedure a day. I guess its just a good business decision for Dr Rahal, especially if he can do multiple in a day whithout impacting quality.
  12. Yup, apparently he is performing two procedures a day now, and there have been rumblings that he has taken on too much, but the clinic did come on this site to clarify and answer those rumurs. I think it is further compunded by the fact that you are seeing less results being posted these days because of the reasons by Yonex and the Ottawa law regarding self-advertizing, but the ones that are being posted have been killer, so I highly doubt the quality of his work has dropped, and haven't seen any evidence that they have. His hairlines are absolutely killer too. I'm a fan.
  13. Seems to be pretty good to me, I had him on my final shortlist of surgeons for my next procedure. Was he performing 2 procedures a day when you had yours? He is also booked solid for 6 months or so which should say it all.
  14. Thanks for clarifying! What is the FUT cost per graft? $6 USD for FUE is very competitive
  15. This statement is not true. I'm a non-Canadian, and I was provided a quote that was specifically in US dollars, i.e. the Hair Loss Treatment Plan had the total cost plus tax in US Dollars. I am looking at the treatment plan as we speak and it specifically has US dollars. When talking with the patient advisor, I specifically asked him if the quote was in US dollars , and he responded it is. It was $4.5 USD for the first 2,500 grafts, and then $3 US dollars a graft afterwards. Are you claiming that this price should have been in Canadian dollars? I have the treatment plan, and can post a screenshot of it, but I will provide you with an oppurtunity to respond first. If the moderators want me to e-mail them a copy of the treatment plan, I will do so as well.
  16. Hi Sean, Yes, that was when the Canadian dollar was much stronger, so he charged everyone in Canadian dollars. Now that the U.S. dollar is stronger I believe he charges all non-Canadian residents in US dollars and Canadian residents Canadial dollars. H&W also quote in US dollars.
  17. It sucks for the patient, but makes sense from a business perspective. I just wish more clinics were more transparent with their pricing.
  18. I heard he charges Canadians in Canadian dollars and the rest of us in US dollars. It's a business I guess, so why not!
  19. That hairlne is awesome - dam! I want one of those. Have you noticed more attention coming your way from the opposite sex?
  20. London, when you meet with Dr Feller, don't forget to make him clarify the waiting 7 month versus 9 months period between procedures. We are all counting on you for this.
  21. Sorry Dr Bhatti, that video is scary. Oohhh nonononono - I wouldn't let you near my head. Huge difference when compared with Dr Feller's or Lorenzo's videos
  22. If you are bankng on body hair to compensate for losing 50% of potential grafts, then you are gravely mistaken. The growth rate is not the same and I keep hearing that you that's it's basically like having pupes on your head. If body hear was really that viable, then having to ever buzz down when all else fails would be a non-factor for folks no?
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