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Everything posted by mav23100gunther

  1. Just think of Shapiro as Aaron Rogers/Peyton Manning whilst Wesley is like Matt Ryan /Phillip Rivers
  2. Agree with Stig. Just do some research, Shapiro is one of the top 5 FUT surgeons, whilst Wesley is in the 2nd tier. Shapiro is much more renowned and is known for his hairlines. You don't see the same wow results from Wesley.
  3. I'd rather have more/the most hair to actually style, wouldn't you?
  4. Do the following: 1) schedule a consultation with Dr Raymond Konior 2) get on Propecia 3) start using Rogain twice a day
  5. That statement is nonsense Seth. One could always get FUE or SMP into the scar, whilst I would imagine having over 6,000 grafts of FUE is going to leave some noticible dots. I think we can all summaize that the pro of FUE is the lack f the linier scar, however the issue is that it seems as if FUT is achieving greater success in terms of yield and providing a greater number of lifetime grafts, and that should be a key factor in choosing between the two. I still elect FUT until it's proven that FUE .... Yawn yawn ... This is getting old.
  6. Very nice hairline, however surely 2,200 grafts won't quite do the trick, what was the density coverage? Very impressive growth after 5 months though.
  7. Yeah, 800 grafts seems inconsequential. I would suggest going to Rahal for a densly packed Rahal hairline 2,000 - 2,500 should do the trick.
  8. That hairline again - I challenge anyone to find a better hairline produced by a HT than that
  9. Absolutely wow!!!!!! Dr Rahal is proving to be a bad man, what a stunning hairline - I think I should reconsider my choice of surgeon and switch to the bad man Rahal - wow
  10. Excellent choice buddy - you've come along way since the Dr Bernstein nonsense - good on you!
  11. Looked at the pics, I actually think you are fine mate. Your surgeon was correct to pack the grafts into the frontal 3rd. That will give you the best aestetic effect, and I think you should be able to go for a 2nd pass in the next couple of years to to take care of future thining and the mid-scalp region. In addition, I think Propecia will take care of the crown/vertix area. Maybe even some SMP into the crown/vertex area. The approach your surgeon took is consistent with what one would expect in your case. If anything he could have used more grafts to go back further into the midscalp region, but looks like he is saving those for future procedures as your balding developes. You definitely do not want to be using precious grafts on the back part of the head, he was correct to address the frontal 3rd. Like I said, get onto Propecia ASAP, and I think aestetically, if the growth goes well, it will be a solid result with grafts saved up in the bank for future procedures. Who was your surgeon?
  12. They won't find a cure in 5-7 years. I really think you need to calm down. Its very tough to know and predict future hairloss. Like I said before, worst case scenario is you shave your head and some SMP. Another option is you FUE that hairline and push it back later on if you really need to. For now, please please go for therapy and try not worry about it until another 3 months, at which stage go out and enjoy that youthful hairline
  13. Dr Maras also offers FUT, and then one of the female surgeons in India specializes in FUT
  14. I think the harline was lowered too much, solid result though
  15. Only go back and do a search on Dr Feller's own forum posts and you will sera couple of failed Feller procedures, so your statement is completely false. I do agree Dr Feller is a very good surgeon, and probably the best in New York in my opinion, however, I don't think he is in the same class as Shapiro, Hasson, Rahal, and Feriduni.
  16. It's been disclosed on his own website and throughout this forum.
  17. Yes, both Hasson and Wong are both outstanding, but I would go with Dr Hasson. If you were going with just the crown, then Dr Wong is the better bet, but for Harline, and midsection I would choose Dr Hasson. When you consult with H&W make sure you specifically ask for Dr Hasson. Cherry picking made sense to me at one point, but it's actually a myth, as when doing strip, if you want more singles, you can always cut doubles or triples into singles, whilst when doing FUE you actually can't always tell whether what seems like a single may be a double with one of the grafts in the dormant phase. If you can live with the linier scar (I can) there is absolutely zero evidence to suggest FUE produces better yield and greater lifetime grafts then FUT, whilst FUT is proven, and is the safer option. HTsoon and Seth are going to come onto this thread and tell you otherwise, but I am a FUT fan only because you aren't risking yield than with FUE, and it provides a greater number of lifetime grafts. I want to maximize every single last graft over my lifetime.
  18. Rahal does both, but definitely go with FUT with him. If you elect FUE, then go with Erdogan, Lorenzo, or Feriduni - all in Europe. Just look at the pictures of his patients - his hairlines are unmatched and he will densly pack it along with the middle. People say he is very aggresive with the grafts on the hairline, so consider that. Regardless, I think you would have a tough time choosing between Rahal, Hasson, or Ron Shapiro
  19. He has no financial ties with Dr B, only Dr Lindsay and Dr Blake.
  20. Outstanding result, however, why couldn't you have just performed 3,000 grafts the first time around and done it all in one single pass?
  21. Looking at your pics I thought 1600 - 2000 was too low. That's another one of my critisism with Dr Bernstein, he is too conservative. Nothing wrong with being conservative when appropriate, and it definitely has its place, but I get the impression he just doesn't believe in and perform larger sessions in excess of 2,500, whilst it is standard practice for the top elite clinics to perform mega sessions in excess of 3,000 grafts on aconsistent basis. With that approach you are inadvertently going to need to come back for a 2nd pass in a year or 2 to add density. That's going to hurt your pocket big time as Dr B charges a fixed fee per graft of $8.5 for FUT with no reduction in price. Compare that to H&W who charge $5 a graft up to 2,000 grafts, and then $3 a grat for any above 2,000. I also think you are better off trying to do it all in one pass, hence the 3,000 grafts being recommended by Dr Feller. I bet you H&W recommend a similar number if not more.
  22. I actually think Dr Rahal would do an outstanding job for your situation.. He is called the hairline king after all, and will densly pack it in for you.
  23. KO, do you know who did his procedure? It was Hasson right?
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