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Everything posted by mav23100gunther

  1. Hi Bill, It wasn't my conclusion, it was Dr feller who refuses to discuss the potential of the crown stretching on this thread. He asked that a new thread be created to discuss that. So Dr Feller, can you please provide your thoughts on what Dr Bhatti claimed about the crown area stretching with strips?
  2. Hasson & Wong prescribe it, but you have to go to Vancauver to get a perscription.
  3. Dear Dr Feller, I think it has everything to do with this topic. The last I heard, this was a two way debate over both the advantages and disadvantages of both procedures. You have made some claims as to what you believe are advantages of FUT over FUE, and seem to be putting the burden on Dr Bhatti to refute those. Dr Bhatti made a point as what he believes to be a disadvantage of electing FUT over FUE, that being the stretching of the crown/vertex area when you get a strip taken. I feel strongly that just as if you expect him to come out and refute your claims, it is not unreasonable to ask you to come out and refute his claims. With the greatest of respect sir, this is is not the Dr Feller show, and just because you don't believe that Dr Bhatti has succeeded in refuting anything you have stated, doesn't mean you shouldn't also attempt to refute all the claims made by him. I would try create another thread, but last time I tried to do that Bill shut me down and insisted we continue this debate on this thread. Bill, thoughts?
  4. Sorry Dr, you haven't addressed the stretching of the crown area point that was raised by Dr Bhatti, surely you are not dancing around that one are you Dr Feller? Your silence on that specific point is also deafening!
  5. Buddy, get on Propicia staright away, and if you don't experience any side effects stay on it. I absolutely wish I had gone on Propecia when I was your age - golly, I wouldn't be in this mess right now if I had. Don't chance, just get on it, see what happens, and if you start to experience any side effects, then you can stop. No ethical HT surgeon should agree to operate on you at your age if you are not on Fin. Sure you will find one that will, but don't do it man.
  6. Hi California, Couldn't agree with you more. Was just making fun of the peanut gallery comment made earlier by Dr Feller.
  7. Actually, if you read between the lines carefully, you will actually see that only one doctor is saying that FUT is better than FUE, whilst the other doctor isn't explicitly saying the same for FUE. Although Dr Bhatti did raise some good points, the only two disadvantages I am hearing of choosing FUT over FUE is 1) the linier scar and 2) potentially stretching the crown/vertex area which is actually freaking me out now, and the fact that Dr Feller hasn't addressed it yet makes me even more nervous. Other than that, I'm just not seeing much of an argument to support FUE being better than FUT. But, hey, what do I know, I'm just another peanut in the peanut gallery.
  8. Dr Feller, I absolutely agree with Adonix on this point. Dr Bhatti brought up the stretching of the crown as a disadvantage of electing FUT over FUE, and therefore relevant to this thread. I never even considered this factor before, what are your thoughts?
  9. I think it's a dissapointing result. It's definitely a cosmetic improvement, but the issue is the doctor never transplanted enough grafts. I can only summize that your scalp laxity wasn't great, donor supply limited, or Dr Charles always planed for multiple procedures? Regardless, I think you should consult with one of the top FUT surgeons for a 2nd procedure to get you over the finish line. Think Ron Shapiro or H&W as starting points. You were always going to need a mega-session.
  10. Thanks Dr Bhatti, Looking forward to hearing your view on the following questions: 2) Does FUT really provide a greater number of lifetime donor grafts compared with FUE? 3) Is the transection rate on FUE higher than that of FUT? 4) Does FUE damage the donor region more than FUT? 5) Is cherry picking for FUE really a myth as you still can't really identify singles from doubles?
  11. Actually he is smarter than the average forum visitor. He is a qualified doctor with a PHD! what are you?
  12. Then why did you make an explicit statement that FUT having an advantage is simply not true? you just admitted you have no records to prove either side, so for you it's simply unknown, therefore FUT having an advantage could be true, no?
  13. So you have verifiable records of FUE having an advantage?
  14. Why is FUT not having an advantage simply not true? How do you know this as fact?
  15. My definition of "better" is which procedure would provide the most hair and aesthetic coverage over the course of an average patients life who needs every single graft available to him, has average scalp laxity, and qualifies equally for both procedures. Let's also say that he is deciding between FUE only or FUT until stripped out, and then switching to FUE once stripped out.
  16. Hi Adonix, I am not talking about Dr Feller's FUT at all, I am talking about FUT in general, hence why I picked another FUT surgeon for own procedure. My own top 5 list of FUT surgeons are Hasson, Rahal, Shapiro, Konior, & Feriduni. But that's a separate discussion altogether. Dr Feller has made some claims about FUT vs FUE in general, not Dr Feller's FUT vs Dr Bhatti's FUE.
  17. Hey buddy, Yeah I guarantee you would have a completely different opinion if H&W (only one of the best HT clinics on the planet) was not in your backyard. i get the convinience factor, but if I could go back in time to my 1st procedure, I would have travelled in a heartbeat like I am doing for my 2nd procedure that would not be necessary if I had done it right the 1st time round.
  18. Cali / FUE2014 - all fair points, not trying to be disrespectful to Dr Bhatti at all, and apologies if I came off like that, the politician statement was probably inappropriate. Just trying to say what I feel because I really do want to hear both sides with an objective view so that as an average patient with little real knowledge of this stuff, I myself can make an informed decision. So far all I have really heard to date, is that FUE is performed with extraordinary success in the hands of Dr Bhatti (I never disputed this myself, and know it to be true, just take a look at David's progress to date) and that he made the decision to switch his practice to FUE exclusively. I think he is implicitly stating that the three forces are overcome or mitigated in his own hands due to patient selection/screening, but I am still not hearing whether FUE is a better procedure over FUT when a patient has great donar laxity and qualifies for both (push the linier scar to the side for a moment, because we all know that's a big con to FUT). I'm really hoping to hear more from Dr Bhatti on this. No disrespect at all, promise!
  19. Hi Spidey, I used to believe the sme thing, but if you go overseas, you generally stay in town for a couple of days post op and get the post op cleaning benefits. However, after a couple of days, there is really no type of complications that can occur that the HT surgeon can really do anything for you. I.e. If grafts fall out or get dislodged, the surgeon is not going to be able to re-implant them for you at so many days post-op. After 3-4 days, they can't be dislodged anyway. If you get an infection, all he can do is prescribe you more anti-biotics which he can do from 8 hours away. Seeing you are going for FUE, you don't have to worry about the suture removal. So, there is really nothing I can think of that would require you to be close to the clinic.
  20. My questions not yet answered: 1) can the three forces of FUE mentioned by Dr Feller, have you actually succeeded in doing so? 2) Does FUT really provide a greater number of lifetime donor grafts compared with FUE? 3) Is the transection rate on FUE higher than that of FUT? 4) Does FUE damage the donor region more than FUT? 5) Is cherry picking for FUE really a myth as you still can't really identify singles from doubles?
  21. Honestly, although I appriciate this input, I feel Dr Bhatti has danced around the claims made by Dr Feller, and hasn't really refuted much of anything, specifically disproving the theory that besides the linier scar, FUT is a better procedure than FUE. Still awaiting Dr Bhatti's view on lifetime donar supply, yield, and cherry picking of grafts of FUE as compared to FUT. He also hasn't explicitly stated that he has successfully overcome the three forces. No disrespect to the doctor, but in my opinion he is dancing around the topic rather than addressing it head-on. Sort of like our dear politicians do.
  22. I actually also consulted with Zeiring Medical in New York, and knew I was in trouble when they mentioned that they have a technique where they are able to transplant fully grown hairs that won't shed, meaning you dont have to wait for grafts to grow. Something along those lines. I actually have the brochure somewhere at home describing that - LOL
  23. Just tried to search for them online, they only have 4 Yelp reviews and no website. I say run for the hills buddy. If you do insist on going with them, then you may as well consider Bosley as well. Sigh
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