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Everything posted by richter101

  1. Sounds like to me you got a bad procedure. I'm sorry to hear. Also, would recommend FUE moving forward.
  2. Hey Ramez! I was in the exact same boat. I ended up using something more irritating than toppik again probably only a month after, everything turned out great for me in the end! And since I switched to toppik it irritates my skin way less. I say you're good to go!
  3. Milo, I think Rev's example shows how a woman wouldn't want to have hair replaced in order to look like an Orange is The New Black character.. Perhaps, the pointing down (not up how our's is placed) helps retain more hair?
  4. Agreed ^ I had back hair too.. I got laser. You've got plenty of other options. ha
  5. For actual results there's only 2 ways to do this: 1. Finistaride/ Propecia. You'll start seeing results a little past a year from now. 2. Hair Surgery procedure (preferably FUE) Anything else in my experience has been... meh. But good news is I'm happy and full of hair now.
  6. Better safe than sorry! I don't even use gels anymore..Something tells me "Got2BeGlued" is part of the reason I got into this mess in the 1st place!! hahahaha I'd recommend a light blow dry and still comb it. Works great for me.
  7. I too have itchy scalp. but then again I also have seborrheic dermatitis :-/ With that in mind, I actually don't shower my head every day. Do it maybe once or twice a week now and have been like this for years. (Yes, I smell great don't worry.. haha I shower the rest of me and maintain short hair) So when I do use a head shower and apply my shampoo (nizoral) it gives a refreshing tingle and scalp begins to heal. Maybe it's because my heads not jaded? ha
  8. Totally a myth. But if you actually get a procedure then things like that and heavy sunlight are to be avoided for awhile.
  9. Wow!! This is so freaking cool. haha I'm happy with FUE but might consider a combo for those wet hair moments.
  10. You're a 3 Vertex or a 4. What are you trying to accomplish with this info? Shampoo?
  11. Hopefully my answer will serve as most simple & understandable: Rogaine= a topical you put on your head (primarily crown) and it sparks a bit of hair regrowth. TIL YOU STOP TAKING :-) Minoxidil in Rogaine. Makes it work! Usually in 1-5% amount. Finasteride = THE SAVIOR!!! It slows down hair loss. Available in pill. Will see results closer to a year after. Propecia = generic version of Finasteride.
  12. Hey! Guy with no bias opinion of Finistaride here. I've never had this side effect nor heard of it, but might not be in coincidence. Could be a reaction do to a specific chemical balance in your body and it's reaction.. But that's me trying to be smart. If you haven't already, I'd recommend checking with a few physicians.
  13. Couldn't give you the technical answer but from personal experience - Finistaride works amazing. I also had an A+ FUE procedure and therefore trust my Doctor's advice, he said taking Finistaride is fine.
  14. 1mg Finistaride has been working awesome for me! Saves the hassle. I get 90 supply from Costco for like $26. No insurance either.
  15. Finistaride. The only solution. And you won't start seeing results until a little over a year from now. Otherwise, get an FUE procedure. I did. Best decision of my life.
  16. Yea.. I wouldn't take the risk. It's like going to a post nuclear war landmark site.. Is being these fore a day going to give you a ton of radiation and lead to cancer? Probably not.. But the more you do it, the more those odds increase.. Stay shady.
  17. Looks great to me. Shock loss is extremely common around this time. If you're not seeing progressing stepping up in the next few months, I highly recommend heading back to your Doctor. Good luck and keep us posted.
  18. Hey!! 1 - Something similar happened to me. So yes, it's normal. 2 - Again same scenario, so yup! Feel free to wash gently. :-)
  19. Yea.. I would highly recommend you take your surgeons advice. I have the best relationship with mine and when it comes to post-op questions I'd only expect him when it comes to having all the answers. Hopefully you trust yours just as much
  20. I'm surprised no one mentioned my Doctor for FUE. Might be worth looking into for a final verdict. Extremely ethical/ honest as he is talented. My donor hair wan't too dense and was blown away with success of my procedure! Dr. Mohebi has wrote books on this, invented technology for it, and serves on the board. Good luck with whichever was you choose to go and don't lose hope!
  21. Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know about my stellar experience with this guy. I know there's a ton of people floating around the forums not sure what to do, so I thought I'd add my own experience and hopefully it helps. I started balding in my early 20's. I'm about to be 27 this Monday and feel greater than I did 4 years ago. Around 21 really started noticing a bald spot as well as the light receding from the front and it rapidly would grow worse on both ends. My combat techniques were originally rogaine and combovers.. both which ended up fizzling out. I gave up on monoxidil (rogaine) and finally grew a pair and took the finistaride haha 1st smart decision in my opinion. 2nd was taking the plunge and going for a surgery. I must have done a year of research. I first was convinced- NO SCAR. But at the same time, also realized. I need a legend for FUE because it seems to be a bit more complicated procedure. So I discovered Dr. Mohebi names on these forums and before I knew it, saw his name pop up a ton! Couldn't find an ounce of dirt on him either.. Came to find out he wrote books on FUE, invented technology for it, and serves on the board. So at this point I was pretty convinced and was willing to pay for a consultation. Was well worth it. Meeting him VS this other "rep" for a popular hair surgeon name I wont' mention.. Like night and day. I felt so at ease. And when I finally was put in a blessed position to get the surgery - it felt just as smooth. There was nothing scary about it. Pre- during- or Post. I'd say my biggest fear was being worried my donor hair wasn't gonna pan out, but closer to a year later I was finally happy with the results. I'm now planning one last visit for safe measure, but I'd say what was most impressive was how far the Doctor managed to make 2200 grafts go.. Definitely an artist. If you guys have any questions please fire away!
  22. So far so good man, please be sure you're also taking finistaride! That stuff is life to me. haha I gave up on monoxidyl. I'd probably recommend 1 more transplant in the future, I can tell even end result this won't be enough but it's a great start! In the mean time, look into a product that won't hurt your wallet such as Toppik.
  23. Ditto. To what everyone else said. You shouldn't try anything by yourself man. Those little dots with FUE.. they go away!! haha I had my procedure don't and had the same worries, and then BAM. No more! Please look into ANY other option though.
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