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Everything posted by richter101

  1. If you want to take a trip to Los Angeles, come see the surgeon I went with- Dr. Mohebi! He wrote books on FUE, invented technology for it, and serves on the board. I literally did over a year of research on the guy before coming to a conclusion of wanting to even do a consultation. Obv, worked out great!
  2. I don't feel right not being vocal about my experience. I think FUE is superior if you go with the right Surgeon. The Doctor I picked for my (extremely successful) procedure wrote books on FUE, invented technology for it, and serves on the board. FUE certainly requires a more skilled individual, but the outcome is more exciting. NO SCAR. I'm sorry but I can't handle the thought of Frankenstein. It's almost 2017 and we did it! We invented technology that doesn't require taking a large strip of skin of you. :-) The only downside is less grafts to grab in 1 sitting, therefore more costly too. But to me it was 1000% worth is because just like not wanting to be bald, I'm keen on no other head blemishes on me for as long as possible too.
  3. I think closer to 2500 is a good number. I highly recommend FUE though because they can get close to that many grafts, and that way you don't have a Frankenstein scar on the back of your head ;-) Just please... do a lot of research on the Doctor you're considering. In the meantime, using a product like toppik is awesome too!
  4. I normally won't outright promote my Doctor either, but if you're gonna ask I feel obligated to tell. Dr. Mohebi changed my life. I can never be grateful enough. As someone who started losing his hair since early 20s (and living in Los Angeles) I truly get it how crucial looks are. I did way too much due diligence, but happy I did. I'd just say feel free to research him yourself as well as the other Doctors mentioned, but warning** if you end up doing a consultation with him you'll end up choosing him. lol When you meet him you just get the feeling you can trust the guy with your life. haha
  5. I haven't done full due diligence into everyone's responses, but I'd consider agreeing. I have a condition called seborrheic dermatitis. Basically causes a condition similar to eczema. And my scalp is quite prone to being enflamed and irritated. It appears during those times it's when I experience the most hair loss. I also researched many articles speaking of how hair loss could be correlated seborrheic dermatitis. So the inflammation could be that linking thread.
  6. I use a product like topik for my back of head still. I swear by that stuff. And it is possible to do in front, but you have to be very patient and have a little bit of skill. But honestly when I went back to the work place I owned up to it. It's nothing to feel embarrassed about. Because everyone realizes nature got the best of you, and now you look cool / rich (lol) because you did something about it! I would definitely embrace it. Could be a great conversation starter. When people ask where've you been just tell the truth so they don't go talking behind you back wondering what happened. But obviously depends on confidence. Honestly, given that you hair looks crazy with the cut. I would just buzz the rest. Maybe having a small scar is less noticeable than the current haircut.
  7. Judging from what I can see, I'm guessing you had a very distinct front hair line, now it's not as distinct. To be honest, it still looks natural and like you were born that way.. but I get it. You can notice, and if it really bothers you than go for a touch up. I'd say 500-600 but I'd research a trusted surgeon in your area. Of course you want to get FUE.
  8. Nice! I mean, my mind was set of FUE so.. what truly gave me the confidence in him was the fact that he serves on the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery, wrote books on it, and even invented small tools to help innovate the surgery. But after having a year and a half pass since I've had the procedure l can tell you what I realized is most impressive.. The way he utilized the grafts. Even with finistaride, I'm still slowly balding and can painfully see when my hair's wet (so going for my another surgery too) but what's truly impressive is how they positioned & utilized all 2200 follicles, to create this illusion of hair fullness. I don't think any other Doctor could've placed nearly as well, nor successfully transferred so many follicles in 1 surgery. Richter101 is a former patient of Dr. Parsa Mohebi Born Oct ’89 Began Seeing Gradual Hair Loss Oct ’09 Began Seeing Gradual Hair Gain June ’15 My regimen includes: HT #1 2200 (ARTAS- FUE) grafts at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration in Los Angeles in 2016 Finasteride daily, since 2014 Rogaine experimenter from 2012- ’13 RIP Planning HT #2 By End of This Year
  9. richter101


    Come to USA haha I got FUE done by Dr. Mohebi, who's helped revolutionize the field. And got 2200 grafts done! If you have any questions about the procedure don't be afraid to ask. #NoStripLife ;-) Cheers! Richter101 is a former patient of Dr. Parsa Mohebi Born Oct ’89 Began Seeing Gradual Hair Loss Oct ’09 Began Seeing Gradual Hair Gain June ’15 My regimen includes: HT #1 2200 (ARTAS- FUE) grafts at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration in Los Angeles in 2016 Finasteride daily, since 2014 Rogaine experimenter from 2012- ’13 RIP Planning HT #2 By End of This Year
  10. Hey FK, So I use Nioxin. It's also a matter of sensitive skin for me, but it gives a nice tingle feeling like it works and obviously reviews are great. Hard to truly know if anything works but with this and finistaride it certainly feels like my hair loss is slowing down. Another tip is don't wash your hair too often! It's not necessary (hint: females don't do every day or they'd go crazy! haha) I've heard it not good for you. I do just twice a week and don't feel gross, but I have shorter hair too. Richter101 is a former patient of Dr. Parsa Mohebi Born Oct ’89 Began Seeing Gradual Hair Loss Oct ’09 Began Seeing Gradual Hair Gain June ’15 My regimen includes: HT #1 2200 (ARTAS- FUE) grafts at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration in Los Angeles in 2016 Finasteride daily, since 2014 Rogaine experimenter from 2012- ’13 RIP Planning HT #2 By End of This Year
  11. Voxman, That's a good question, but I'm not an actor. All I can say is I feel more confident pitching myself as an artist still in music instead of a songwriter!
  12. Hey bro! I saw light growth, but I was in a similar position as you.. Not as much as I expected.. But this next few months after it just started coming in out of no where. I'm able to poof up my hair again and it doesn't look totally stupid. :-)
  13. Hi Everyone, Thank you for your positive words and support. I'd love to share with you my experience, and as of now I think it'd be more personal if I were to answer and questions you might have about what I've went through. Fire away!!
  14. Hi Everyone, I am the winner of the competition, Marc. I just went through all 7 pages of this thread and read every comment. I want you to know that I'm very appreciative of the support you've given for myself & all of the fellow contestants. They all seem like nice, deserving people. And I was able to relate to many of their stories. Btw, Voxman.. your Toto performance is KILLER. =) I want you all to know that although I'm just the lucky patient, I take my new role as Brand Ambassador very seriously and will be going above & beyond to contribute to this project. I'll be utilizing this thread to update you on what's going on, unless instructed to create a new thread. And then we'll provide you with the new link. In the meantime, feel free to say hi. And if you have any questions about how I feel, what I've psychologically gone through, etc... Don't hesitate to ask!! Sincerely, Marc Richter
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