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Everything posted by grincher

  1. Thats a ridiculous price. Think of the now not 10-years. Many places come and go
  2. These guys have been good for me over the years especially when I got started https://www.ukhairsystems.com/
  3. Several times over a few years. Pleasantly surprised by the quality. Usually they turnaround 8-12 weeks for me apart from 2020 when the whole industry was shut, but they eventually got my order to me. They don't always answer immediately, so suggest you wait until Monday
  4. There will be a change in your appearance regardless of how minimal or expansive. There may be a reaction - not necessarily with words. Either you brush it off or not. Just be prepared. In my experience, it was minimal. One person thought I had had a transplant - that was a few years after I started wearing and at the time of first wearing, a flatmate - women seems to be more observant - noticed a change, but could never quite work it out. I said, a new hairstyle and exercise. Everybody else either didnt notice or didnt care.
  5. Wearing over 10 years - best decision I've made, but its not for everyone. The first hurdle is mentally being prepared to wear and the possible reaction from others. If you are not too worried about reactions and open to the potential for great hair you cant lose trying
  6. good start. the density and colour are areas to focus on next time
  7. My current piece keeps going strong so I have decided to let a spare unit go to anyone in urgent need. Main details: Size 20cm (L) x 13.5cm (W) Poly perimeter #1B but you can re-colour 6" Hair Light density Freestyle Straight - no wave
  8. Jake, it sounds like you have made a success of it. Well done
  9. Hair system - front partial strip could help and would be immediate
  10. I made the move about 10 years ago. My biggest regret is not doing it sooner. Best 10 years of my life. Definitely recommend it regardless of what others think. Try and see how you feel.
  11. He's in the right industry to be in the now on hair systems
  12. Quite a few famous and "ordinary" people combine their own hairline and a system if the messages I have received and posts I have read over the years are a indicator
  13. Its called a partial but the smaller the less hold it will have
  14. Have to agree with ssimpson7511 - there are pros and cons depending on the individual
  15. If you can grow it long enough and have sufficient hair then I don't see why you cant be your own donor. The length you need will depend on what the final style will be, but as a working minimum I would think 3 inches. which would be knotted to create two strands of 1.5 inch hair
  16. I paid £300 for my current piece and had it cut in in October 2019 - even with lock down its over a year daily wear. No shedding and looks as fresh as paint Honestly, these clubs sound a right rip off of the vulnerable
  17. Never heard of it. All pieces come from a small part of china and can vary in quality widely.
  18. $370 seems reasonable for a first piece and attachment. $120 every few weeks is where she will make the money. Its like a cheap printer and expensive cartridges. Is it a contract? Ideally, you would DIY after 1 or 2 visits and save yourself a fair chunk apart from a cut in. No reason why you cant do the rest yourself if you so choose
  19. Hair styles that hide the hair line can help. I found this when I moved from a quiff to crop
  20. london hair clinic and m2hgo.com if you want to have the full service. £600-850 ish DIY apart from the cut in then www.ukhairsystems.com -£300 ish
  21. I did exercise at the gym 4 to 6 times a week including cardio. I would sweat like a pig - no problems. Once the world is back to normal, I will return. A lace system is what I have.
  22. For last few years online www.ukhairsystems.com info@ukhairsystems.com I get them shipped even if Im outside the UK working. Reasonable price and good quality
  23. 1) $400 for good quality - depends where you are in the world 2) 2 to 3-weeks 3) yes 4) yes 5) depends 6) yes - I did 7) yes 😎 its a personal matter - but Im very happy and regret not doing it sooner 9) It shouldn't if done correctly. 10) Depends - not unless in long relationship 11) No-risks to a HT
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