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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. If you're young and balding having multiple surgeries is just something you'll have to accept if you get surgery, MPB is progressive and as such you'll have to get subsequent transplants to maintain the result, stabilizing your hair loss is important, minoxidil and finasteride, nizoral, dermaroller, laser therapy, all these things should be an adjunct to surgery, if you can't tolerate finasteride at least stay with everything else it's better than nothing. One and done is just not a reality when you're young and balding, something to think about before committing to surgery.
  2. Paleo, please please stop shaving the grafts, I know you think it looks better than letting them grow, but trust me it doesn't, however this pans out, I wish you the best, I think there is difinitely a correlation between bills article and this thread whether he agrees or not. However, I do think it's important to stay respectful, at the end of the day, bill did not force you to get the procedure with Dr. D, I know you're frustrated and angry at your situation, but its best not to dwell on misfortune best to dwell on a solution, you're moving in the right direction, as for Dr. D being recommended, if he stays I would say take any recommendation on this site with a grain of salt, do your own research before blindly following a sites recommendation, these type of threads provide the most insight to other members and the community as a whole.
  3. Well I got my first FUE at 29 best decision I ever made in my life, I was an advanced Norwood normally most people would recommend FUT for high norwoods, but I think if you like to wear your hair short or may ever want to shave your head in the future go FUE, take a look at Seth's scars, they're not noticeable at all, light hair light skin best combo for FUE, my scars show a little more but not bad I wear my hair at a 1 guard no one can tell a thing. There is more risk involved with FUE, so choose your surgeon wisely, as long as you do you'll be good, I've had two FUE's totaling close to 4,000 grafts, and honestly I don't think my result would've been any better had I gone FUT, biggest difference would've been I wouldn't be able to wear my hair short. Nothing against FUT it's a great procedure it's whatever best fits you.
  4. You're not gonna get anymore blonde than this guy, his hair is so blonde it's almost white, I hope this helps, in my opinion the color contrast makes up for the thin hair, dark hair dark skin and light hair light skin always win. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/181508-dr-bhatti-2728-fue-grafts-try-find-fue-scars.html
  5. Thanks guys, looking forward to the next 7 months, even if it doesn't get any better, I haven't had a hairline like this since I was 23, chestnut I cut my own hair
  6. Wow this what I would like to do Dr. Bhatti in your expert opinion what do you think is better SMP to the donor area or body hair? Have you ever transplanted body hair to the donor? My only reluctance in not doing this is I want to completely exhaust all donor hair before attempting this, what do you think?
  7. It would be great for paleo to be repaired, and I do think he's a candidate, however, I don't think he's in a place mentally to go through with it, I think and this is just my opinion he should try and conserve the hair he has now which is still a lot, and just move on for the time being, maybe in a few years once he's in his 30's maybe at that point he could look in to restoration, fully educated and knowing his hairloss pattern and what to expect. I don't think it would be fair right now for paleo or the surgeon to attempt a repair at this time.
  8. It does not look good for 6 months, what concerns me the most is not the lack growth but the angles and placement looks off, and your skin is most definitely scarred, probably from the folliculitis, even the temples although there's growth it looks to rugged and harsh looking for temples, I'm not sure if they used single hair grafts to create softness, it looks they used very thick hair to create the temples, they should've used the softest most delicate single hair grafts to create the temples, overall it shows a clear lack of understanding, this is most likely due to the fact that techs with no education on hair angle and no artistry created the recipient sites with the choi pen implanter. So sorry bro, it does not look good, I would let the hair grow cause shaving it makes it look worse, at least grow the top long and wear your hair down to disguise the grafts, in my opinion you shouldn't get anymore surgeries, I think removing the grafts and fixing the scars will be ideal for you.
  9. Hey guys, its only been two weeks since my last update, but there's been alot of growth in those two weeks, here are couple of pics I snapped, I hadn't previously posted in side views, I did some side views and also took one picture standing under a light, im currently one week shy of 5 months.
  10. I had the same pain in my donor it was the worst on day 6 and 7, by three weeks it was completely gone, nothing to worry about, just the nerve endings growing back.
  11. We've all been there Seth, 6 weeks is literally the stage in where you look like utter garbage, my top pic of my profile was me my 2nd HT at 6 weeks, I had massive shock loss and looked like a steaming pile, but it'll grow back and then some, happy growing mate:)
  12. Youre at the cusp 1.5 month was my worst look, give it a couple more months and you'll be like a chia pet happy growing.
  13. Honestly, I'm happy with results thus far, but my experience wasn't very good, there's no doubt he's a talented surgeon, but the overall care and bedside manner was lacking, but if results are all you care about he's good.
  14. Dr. Mohebi, Dr. Umar, Dr. Behnam, Dr. Rassman, Dr. Diep did my hairline he's in the Bay Area. You shouldn't let location be the sole factor in your decision, do your research there's plenty of quality doctors outside of California.
  15. Thanks Johnny, yea the top picture in my profile was me at 1.5 months post op, I had suffered major shock loss and I looked terrible, the bottom picture was taken this Saturday at 4.5 months, I started seeing the shock loss grow back at 3 months, then from there the shock loss and the transplanted hair has been growing in synch also my hair length helps definitely provide more coverage.
  16. I will add, that there are some recommended physicians who engage in this type of behavior, I think as a community, we shouldn't recommend any physician who is not willing to create 100% of the recipient sites, as this requires in depth knowledge of follicular anatomy that technicians are not educated on angle, direction, placement, these are vital and key parts of the transplantation process that should be done by the surgeon.
  17. Still got time techie, let your hair grow out at this point, I think you're a slow grower, fast growers like me are at this point usually by month 4, so nothing to be worried about as shera said hairs are just in the beginning stages of growth.
  18. Hey Malcolm, if the pimples persist after the antibiotic course return to a doctor for sure, but redness is normal and not necessarily infection, what you could do is apply emu oil to help with redness or simply grow your hair out and cover it.I think redness is common with fair skinned individuals it can take months to subside. About the hair grafts not shedding and not growing, at this point I don't think it will have any impact on your result, because the hair shaft has been dead for quite a while, the live follicle underneath the skin should be in the telogen (resting) phase before going in to the anagen (growth) phase. Just wait it out you should start seeing hairs sprout out by 4 months, if absolutely zero growth occurs by six months than you should be concerned, but even then you could be a late grower, if by 10 months there's nothing, then be very concerned, I hope you get good growth bro still got plenty of time.
  19. If you're really considering Dr. Doganay take a look at this thread, have you considered Dr. Erdogan? http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/181266-warning-if-considering-dr-hakan-doganay-read-first.html I've seen really impressive results from Dr. Bhatti, members sethticles and shera are two with good results.
  20. There is pain, my last surgery I had pain in the donor area for over a week, pain meds will be necessary for the first 2-3 days after that you could tough it out depending on your pain tolerance, but FUE is not a painless procedure or scarless as its many times advertised.
  21. Amileen I do believe that a better pre-op assessment should've been done, I also believe better planning should've been done, from what you described growth may have not been poor, let me explain why, have you ever heard the expression "a little bit of everything means a little of nothing" same applies in hair restoration, it sounds to me he placed the grafts in a diffuse pattern some in the hairline, some in the midscalp and crown, this means that density is not created in one specific area, it's better to concentrate on one particular area to ensure adequate density. 2,000 grafts in one concentrated area should create cosmetically appealing density, however 2,000 grafts scattered across the whole scalp will be less visually significant. I don't know if this is the case, we would have to see post op photos to show where the grafts were placed, we would also need to know the hair count, obviously the planning in my opinion was poor and pre-op assessment was not very good either, the doctor should have informed you of the dangers of proceeding with hair restoration without hairloss stabilization. I'm sure there was probably something you signed, but it should've been explained in detail especially since diffuse thinners are at greater risk for permanent shock loss.
  22. I'm all for support and helping those in need David, but this gentlemen is in need of psychological help, he lashed out at me because I didn't want to research a doctor for him that's ridiculous. If he's interested in the physician he should do the research himself. His behavior has been childish and his homophobic slurs shouldn't be tolerated. I'm here to provide support and give advice I'm not here to be insulted or to do anyone's research for them. Just take a look at his post history and it's quite alarming, I'm not sure if this is a troll account but I'm fairly certain it is.
  23. Show me a picture of a guy that's completely bald with 3,900 grafts with better density then, I'm at 4 months pot op in my avatar lmao the results not fully matured. By your childish behavior maybe you should go cry in the corner you broken record. Seriously David, this guy is a nuisance and has already insulted several members,
  24. Looking great man, I'm 4 months post op from Dr. Diep, I have seen awesome growth this past month, you should really grow the top out man.
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