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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. Simple questions, disregarding professor who's long gone, are patients informed of who will perform their procedure? and what roles do either physicians play in the procedure? This is a fair inquiry, forgetting past issues let's assume these questions are moving forward.
  2. Thank you for the kind words, yea the hair line was one pass, I'm going to do the crown sometime this year, and maybe do a second pass for the midscalp.
  3. 9,000 grafts via FUE is unheard of, the donor area looks good for 9,000 grafts at 10 days, I'd love to see some updates.
  4. Sam look at my profile, take a look at my before picture in my first procedure, I am a high Norwood too, I basically had nothing on top, everything I have now is nearly all transplanted hair, I've seen your donor area and it still has grafts you can take out, I don't see your hairline being too perfect, there is an arch but a slight one, I would imagine you have a round face, that's probably why it's not arched back more, a round face and an arched hairline does not look good, you're assuming that you have zero donor hair left and this is all you have is the hairline, have you gone and consulted with a Doctor that could measure your donor density to tell you or many more grafts you have? I've had 4,000 and I was able to reach up until the crown, I'm going to have another procedure to address my crown, although I will limit the grafts used in the crown in case I ever want additional density to the hairline or midscalp. You're not in a dilemma, you're not a repair patient, the only thing you were is ill informed, typically for Norwood 6 you'll need 3-4 surgeries to address the whole scalp, you will have to settle that the crown may look thin, but you can achieve descent density in the hairline and midscalp, this will give the look of someone who's beginning to lose hair in the crown, additionally concealer could be used in the crown which would completely conceal the crown. There are worst situations to be in than yours believe me.
  5. Simple solution is to shave your head and SMP the scars, smp is temporary, you have to continue getting touch ups, this way if you're not happy with the smp it'll fade. Regardless, I don't think your result is bad at all, additionally your hairline looks appropriate to me, there is no doctor that will ethically give you what you think looks better, which is to add hair first to the crown and put a hairline in the middle of your head. Single most important factor of hair restoration is establishing the hairline that frames the face, what you've described many times simply will not look aesthetically pleasing, for one the crown requires twice as many grafts as the hairline to look dense, secondly a hairline that starts in the middle of your head will not frame your face in a way that looks pleasing, for this reason doctors first frame the face with a conservative hairline whilst maintaing proper proportions, from the eyebrow to the hairline it should be a third of the length of the face, if the hairline is more than a 1/3rd your facial proportions will be thrown off and it will not look good. Typically for narrow faces the hairline is arched like mine, the rounder the face the straighter the hairline should be, any doctor with a good eye for symmetry and aesthetics will tell you this, it's these little things that people don't think about, but when you place two people side by side and you see someone with a slight change in facial proportion, it's obvious and the first thing that the eye will catch. I guarantee you more people would notice a forehead that is a 6head more than they would notice a bald crown, the reason why it's called a forehead is because the hairline and the eyebrows should fit your four fingers sideways, if it fits more than four fingers your look will be off and your head will appear long, not a good look.
  6. Sam quit asking the community, do what makes you happy, you obviously will be more happy bald, so then why not do it? if you're asking for my opinion, I think your result look good, from where you started you look 100X better, that's my opinion and obviously you have to live with your hair day to day not me, so regardless of what anyone says, if you're not happy its time to do something about it, I wasn't happy being bald so then I did something about it, if you're not happy having this hairline do something about it, that way you can move past this part og your life and move on and focus on other facets of life. I wish you happiness Sam in 2016, whatever you decide make sure its what's going to make you happy, end this doubt once and for all.
  7. I think the wrong questions are being asked, whether Professor was legit or not that's not the issue at hand, he's been banned so we'll never know what prompted him to delete everything without providing an explanation. What we do need to know is Dr. Feller and Dr. Bloxham notifying their patients of who will be performing their surgery? how much involvement will either Dr have in the procedure? and what will each of them be doing? For example will Dr. Feller focus solely on drawing hairlines? will Dr. Bloxham perform the recipient incisions? We all know that technicians play a vital role in Hair Restoration today, but every patient should know what role their physician will play in the surgery prior to agreeing to have the surgery. I think these are fair questions to ask.
  8. Read the rules, make a video and submit it sanjar, we're all behind you bro you got my vote.
  9. Let's hope Sanjar logs on and sees this golden opportunity, Sanjar make a video and submit it to Dr. Mohebi, you got my vote.
  10. He's got my vote, it's even better that Dr. Mohebi is in LA, I think after everything he's been through he deserves a break.
  11. I use emu oil sometimes, it makes the hair feel really nice, and it's totally natural, it also helps in the absorption of minoxidil, most ketocanzole shampoos like regenepure and big 3 have it listed as an ingredient. 3 months is the hardest months, don't worry growth will start soon, im another 3 months you'll look back at these times like a distant memory.
  12. I use redken work wax, it's gentle on the hair and doesn't flake, Pete and Pedro putty is pretty good too.
  13. What's next they start calling you lefty gopher lol.
  14. I like how this thread has now shifted to leftygolfer having sex with farm animals lmao.
  15. It's going to be difficult to gauge his result since he shaves the recipient area, even if the result would look good, it's hard to tell if it's shaved. Hopefully he allows the result to grow out to be able to really see it.
  16. Yea a lot of people thought it was a hair system, but there are some imperfections, I watch soccer regularly and I saw the imperfections on live tv when he coached juve, im guessing he did a mega session with Dr. Hasson, probably over 4,000 grafts, his donor density looks spectacular, he has favorable hair characteristics too, it's straight but good thickness in diameter.
  17. 4 months is just the beginning of growth, the hairs right now are barely sprouting, at 6 months you should see a significant difference.
  18. I'm sure Lorenzo can't say but it's either hasson or Wong, my educated guess would be dr. Hasson, yes his result is amazing, he looks 1000x better with hair, even his suits look better.
  19. Holy crap, I didn't even notice until you said that, he looks so different with a shaved head, his results are pretty amazing, Man U have gone down, they're not the big club they used to be, he was great with juve, now it's time to convince Gabriel Paletta to follow conte's foot steps, he has similar hairloss patten.
  20. In light of the recent events I think it would be appropriate for them to create a thread to clear the air and answer some questions, I'm sure potential patients would like to here from them and get some reassurance.
  21. Looks good, start letting your hair grow out at this point, the longer your hair the better the coverage and density, just wait till you get to 6 months, I'll be at 6 months next week, and I got some pimples on my right side which is lagging, after pimples comes growth from my experience. Things should start progressing quickly for you now:D
  22. I vote for Sanjar, I feel terrible for this guy, take a look at his thread, he lives in Los Angeles as well. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/181277-warning-if-considering-dr-james-boland-colorado-surgical-center-read.html
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