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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. Take a look at who is giving you advice, one is a person who's never even had a hair transplant and can't tell the difference between buzzing and shaving. The second person is a doctor who is promoting his own business by employing scare tactics in regards to FUE. The fact remains that if you plan to shave your head down the line, you'll look ok, the scarring can be concealed with smp. When you shave down to skin, the hair distribution pattern is not visible. However if you buzz it, it'll be visible, nevertheless I don't think it looks bad even buzzing it, the only people that would even pay attention are other bald men that's the truth. You're stressing yourself on hypotheticals that may never even happen, just enjoy your hair, and you'll cross that bridge when you get there :cool:
  2. There is a difference between buzzing your head and shaving your head, originally the question was what does ones head look like after FUE shaved to the bone, when he shaved his head with a razor his transplant was not visible the distribution of hair is not visible, also I think his result was quite impressive considering he had less than 4,000 grafts, and he still has good density I reckon he could get another 2,000.In hair restoration, FUE and FUT are bound by imitations, whether FUT doctors want to admit it or not, the majority of men who are Norwood 6 simply do not have enough grafts to cover the entire balding area and get good density. This video illustrates that even if you shaved your head with a razor after FUE it does not look bad, the scarring could be entirely concealed with smp. Placement of grafts and the softness of a hairline has everything to do with the surgeon and not the procedure.
  3. Nice way to avoid my question, so you've never had a hair transplant then right? If you're going to respond at least answer my question. In addition, there is a difference between buzzing your head and shaving your head with a razor, OP's initial question was what would your head look like shaved down to the bone. If we're talking high norwoods then we know there is a finite amount of grafts that could be used with either procedure, even if he would've gotten FUT the hairloss may be so severe that his coverage would still be thin, what then? He shaves his head to reveal a huge scar from ear to ear, it would look terrible. It's easy to give advice when you haven't even had the procedure yourself. Once you've had the procedure and have a scar from ear to ear I'd like to see you shave your head with a razor and we'll compare
  4. Why are you paying attention to a guy who's never even had a procedure? If you shave your head completely with a razor like he did you don't see a hairline, you're overthinking it, you can always have the procedure reversed and remove the grafts if that's what you're worried about. But I doubt it will have to come to that.
  5. What are you talking about? He shaved his head completely with a razor, did you even watch the video? I doubt it. In my opinion he looks normal with a shaved head, 10000x more normal than he would with a scar ear to ear. Placement of grafts has nothing to do with the procedure that's more to do with the surgeon, plenty of FUT patients who have harsh hairlines. Have you even had a hair transplant? Serious question
  6. You can get a hair transplant but you absolutely need to stabilize your hairloss. From 20 to 29 I went from Norwood 0 to Norwood 6, that doesn't mean you will bald that much, but it's imperative your hair is stabilized, shock loss is a huge part of hair restoration, you don't want to get a transplant and end up looking worse.
  7. I'm not going to comb through 150 pages, I remember you said the forces could not be completely overcome only reduced, you said this when you answered my question as to how you specifically overcame the three forces. You presented an FUE case in which you did FUE in to the strip scar do you remember?
  8. That's awesome man, glad you have good density, all things considered the 400 grafts shouldn't make that much of a difference considering you might do bears hair for the crown. Can you post some new pics I'd love to see what it looks like now.
  9. 10 years ago when I began researching hair restoration there was no argument, it was pretty much FUT= more grafts and more growth, now their is an argument, so I disagree with your first statement.In addition, you are one of the individuals who loves to present one case and attach a procedures worth to that individual case. I'm actually surprised you didn't try and use ezel's result to try and prove your point.
  10. Dr. Bloxham id say nearly half of Norwood 6 men I see have retrograde alopecia, their sides remain high that keeps them a Norwood 6. In addition, hair density in all people decreases with age, if you compare a man with AGA when he was 30 his donor density will not be the same when he's 70, how much the donor area will thin is really unknown, I think most low Norwood guys are pretty safe but for those Norwood 5 and above there's a good chance the donor area will thin significantly. This is what I see day to day, for example Danny Devito he's been a Norwood 6 since the 80's but now his donor area looks significantly thinner, if he would've gotten an FUT when he was younger, I'd venture to say his scar would be visible in most situations. It may be bad for your business but it's something men with severe hairloss need to consider.
  11. Stinger have you considered using body hair for those 400 grafts? For example beard hair? There is another poster on here who had beard hair over 1,000 grafts and his result was really good. This way you preserve those 400 scalp grafts for something down the line. Dr. Bisanga does do body hair transplants.
  12. First of all, the majority of FUE guys don't attack people for choosing FUT, the attacks are made when bias unsubstantiated claims are made like that of Dr. Feller, what facts has he presented? The only fact is that his claims have not been proven, so until scientifically proven his claims are considered theories. There lies the problem, that people take one case and attach a whole procedure to that specific case, I've had an FUE I've been completely happy with, I'd say growth was on par with FUT and I don't have a scar. Is it right for me to take my specific case and say FUE is superior to FUT for my following reason? No it's not, every surgeon has had a patient with low growth for what ever reason possibly beyond their control. To say the majority of FUE cases wind up with unhappy patients is unfounded and simply wrong, if the procedure was a failure, it would be declining in popularity, however the exact opposite has occurred, 5 years ago these FUE vs FUT conversations weren't even happening because the procedure was so far behind. Now FUE is becoming as popular as FUT and thus surgeons who primarily practice FUT are panicking thus resorting to fear tactics in an attempt to discredit the procedure.
  13. The hairline will only look odd if you don't address the rest of the scalp, most cases you'll have to do additional surgeries to address the mid scalp or even the crown, but for high norwoods the chance of you having a descent was of hair for the rest of your life is not really the case, let's say you have 6,000 grafts lifetime, that's not a lot for a large surface area, coverage will be thin.
  14. Sam, unfortunately the donor area does thin overtime, and yes most of us who get hair transplants at a young age will continue to bald, there are things you can do to slow it down like propecia and minoxidil, however these medications will not stop hair loss. That's why I personally chose FUE, because I don't want to be old and have a huge scar in the back of my head become visible. Lifetime grafts are a bunch of bologne, now not every man will have a thin donor area, we are all different guys with very little hairloss will probably have a dense donor area, but those of us Norwood 5 and higher will more than likely have a thin donor area this is why I don't advocate FUT for guys with severe balding.
  15. Stinger you have my sympathies, im also a high Norwood myself so I feel for you, but in all honesty all of the pics you have provided have been with very short hair, hypothetically speaking let's say you had 95% growth, 3,228 grafts on a large surface area is going to look thin, even with 100% growth. My suggestion is to grow the top out a bit, try different hair styles, I prefer to comb it to the side or comb it back. I'm 2 months post op myself and experiencing some shock loss, I know where your coming from psychologically, but I honestly think that with a different hairstyle and length and maybe some hair product you'll feel different. Keep us updated bro and I hope things work out for you.
  16. Damn that's a huge difference, the beard donor area isn't even noticeable at all, I'd venture to say even less noticeable than the scalp. Did he use beard hair on the hairline?
  17. It's been said before but I'll say it again this comment is a bunch of bull.
  18. It's hard to tell to be honest, it looks like the hairs around the scar were lost due to shock, but it is very plausible that your scar did in fact stretch, do you have a lot of body hair? At this point I don't think many grafts can be taken from the donor area as it doesn't look dense enough, maybe 500 grafts max. You should consult with Dr. Bhatti, he's very affordable his office is in India and he does body hair, I think at this point your option is to go FUE body hair, hopefully you can get maximum amount of grafts, maybe 6,000. Dr. Umar is a body hair specialist he has an extensive portfolio of repair patients like yourself, he is very expensive, but I think in your case the results is what matters.
  19. You have my deepest sympathies, I think at this point you should go FUE with a good top notch surgeon, like Dr. Erdogan, or Dr. Lorenzo, or Dr. Doganay, two failed FUT surgeries I would not advise getting a third because your scar will have a high probability of stretching. I would suggest doing body hair in to the scar as well. I know Dr. Doganay and Dr. Bisanga both do body hair I suggest consulting with them. The good thing is that I think you can still get a decent result, stay optimistic and good luck.
  20. Hey bud, Dr. Diep should have included post op instructions, grafts falling out is normal and tends to happen up to 6 weeks post op. The grafts falling out have nothing to do with the final result, the follicles are dead, but the actual follicle underneath is alive and will grow around month 3. The recipient area may be red for a few months but it will subside.
  21. FUT for the amount of hairloss you have is not worth it, you can get great results with FUE and you still be able to wear your hair short in the sides.
  22. What are you talking about, his hairline was lowered, so there was essentially zero hair where he has hair now, I think his result are fantastic considering his hairloss, by Dr. Fellers own admission he stated 3,000 grafts FUT would be appropriate for OP who's hairloss is less than this guys. His before and after is impressive as hell.
  23. Page 11 only one picture was taken with flash, the rest look like they were taken under bathroom light. Op correct me if I'm wrong.
  24. Obviously this is the 80% yield Dr. Feller was talking about end sarcasm.
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