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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. I still fail to see how this thread would give guys a "bum steer" the second post is video evidence that FUE causes scars, if somebody reads this thread watches the video than goes to a physicians website and believes something written by a doctor over video evidence how is that our fault? Additionally, what's wrong with what Dr. Bhatti says, he is admitting that scarring occurs, with a 1 guard he's right most people with an untrained eye wouldn't notice. how is he lying? He admits even the smallest prick from a needle causes scarring. No one on this thread has said FUE is scarless. Here's a 1 guard FUE scarring, it's there but most people wouldn't catch it.
  2. I dont see what the difference is, a hair transplant is a hair transplant, shaving your head is shaving your head, its not like he's doing some cutting edge procedure thats only available to celebrities.
  3. Nah I don't think so, Joe Rogan got three Hair Transplants in the 90's he shaves his head to skin now and you can't tell. Shaved to skin hair transplant grown out
  4. I'm sorry this didn't meet your expectations, it's always hard for us to have such high hopes and it not be what you expected, I truly am sorry for that, but in looking at your previous pictures it does not appear to be getting thinner, I'd say there was a slight improvement, I also don't know what your expectation is, but it's going to take more than 400 grafts to create density at a 2 guard haircut, I'd say another 1,000 for it to look dense at that length, I'd hate to see you go through this again, I know it sucks I'm 2 moths post op second surgery and got some shock loss look balder than I did before surgery, so I know it sucks. Stay positive, you have dynamite donor density, you could definitely get the result you want
  5. I don't see how that's relevant to this thread, nobody here has posted this or said this besides you, Blake has repeated himself three times, even though I posted a video showing the scarring, nobody has denied that scarring exist, that's why I posted the video.
  6. This is not before his hair transplant, he got his HT in the 90's this picture is recent. He had three hair transplants, do you see his scalp discolored? Do you see his scalp looks weird? I don't think so, like I said it's not visible shaven to the bone. Here's a video of him discussing it see his head is shaved
  7. Can you take a picture overview? It's hard to say cause at number 2 it looks thin, but I'd like to see how much coverage you got, if the doctor went back considerably far, it may be actually good.
  8. Sam here's a picture of joe rogan he had I believe two FUT surgeries, he shaves to the bone, his hairline is not noticeable to me.
  9. Blake, no one here has a misconception, I haven't read one single post stating FUE is scarless, as a matter of fact that's why I posted that video, to show what the scars look like when it's shaved with a razor, I disagree that an average joe would pick it up the way a surgeon would, the average person doesn't pay attention to minute details like a surgeon or fellow hair restoaration patient would, I'm speaking as someone who has also shaved their sides to a zero, my friends who knew I got the surgery couldn't even tell until I pointed it out to them. I've only had one barber notice and coincidentally he had a strip done. My friend who got a strip, barbers ask him all the time what happened, I'm not bashing on strip scars either, but this is my first hand experience. Additionally, to really see the scars you have to be close up to the scalp, how many people day to day are going to be that close to your scalp and really pay attention? Unfortunately, for strip scars and I'm not bashing, the immediate thought that will cross in to the average persons mind is an injury or surgery of some kind, not necessarily a hair transplant but definitely something. For example it's like your car, my car if you look at the paint closely it has thousands of tiny dots where the paint is chipping, at a distance you can't tell and even if you get close, it's not until you get at a nose distance that you can see, but a car with pristine paint that has a long scratch on it is going to be way more noticeable 7 days out of the week and twice on Sunday, it's the way our eyes work.
  10. ^you do realize there is a difference between "shaven to the bone" and a buzz cut right. Sparse coverage is not visible shaven to the bone, and no I don't think it is noticeable to the untrained eye.
  11. The hairline graft placement and distribution does not differentiate between FUE or FUT, the only difference in both procedures is the method of extraction, try not to pay attention to guys stating "FUE physicians use ___grafts" this is nonsense a good surgeon is always going to choose single hair follicular units for the hairline to create softness, the further back you go to the scalp the more 2 and 3 hair follicular units will be used for density. There shouldn't be any discoloration in the hairline unless you use some sort of smp with the transplant. The density in which follicular units are implanted has to do with the patients specific goals, if the patient is a Norwood 6 and is trying to get maximum coverage with minimal density, the follicular units will be spread out, doesn't matter if it's FUT or FUE, the notion that only FUE doctors do this is again nonsense. Listening to advice from someone who hasn't even gotten a procedure themselves is ill advised. What I would suggest is to speak with your surgeon have them examine you donor density and the balding area, the surgeon will then tell you how many grafts you have according to your donor density and you can plan accordingly. Unfortunately, both procedures are bound to limitations, a Norwood 6 will never have full density it doesn't matter if you get FUT or FUE this is reality so critical planning is necessary.
  12. Thanks gillenator my point exactly, I've been with my gf and I'll look at a guy's head and see his hair transplant, often times it's not even a bad one, it's just that I look at so many hair transplants every day I know what to look for, my gf never sees it, she doesn't even pay attention, I can even spot when young guys are beginning to thin, the slightest change in density is obvious to me, I'll tell my gf that guys gonna go bald, and she's like what he has a lot of hair, the most critical people are other bald men that's the truth.
  13. FUT H&W, rahal, konoir, Scott Alexander FUE Dr. Lorenzo, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Doganay Both procedures I pick Dr. Diep Body hair Dr. Umar But just because a particular physician isn't as known doesn't necessarily mean you'll get a bad result, important things to consider is before and after videos, does the physician do only hair restoration or does he have a plastic surgery practice, it's best to stick with physicians that focus on hair and are doing hair transplants daily.
  14. I prefer lipogaine, they're both basically minoxidil, but lipogaine contains additional DHT blockers like retinol, azetinol, saw palmetto, ketocanzole, emu oil. How much of a difference these ingredients make is debatable, but it definitely won't hurt.
  15. Blake, his initial question was not how he would look buzzed, it was how he would look completely shaven, there is a difference between the both, as it's been stated and restated and shown in video, it's obvious that the donor area has scarring. However, the severity of the scarring and appearance to the general public is not significant, you've examined hundreds of scalps and YOU can see the scarring. What you fail to realize is that YOU have a trained eye, the average person will not pick up on it as quickly as you would. Additionally, the small scars can be easily concealed with smp. You and KO are not comprehending his initial question, it's not that he is getting a hair transplant to buzz his head, he just wanted to know what his head would look like if he were ever to shave it down to skin, hair grouping, distribution etc. does not really matter if you shave down to the skin. Let's stay on track with the original question and topic of this thread.
  16. Id give that person my sympathies but poor growth can occur in either procedure, not every single FUT is a stunning success, the choice of surgeon is important, by Dr. Fellers own admission his first FUT had poor growth, does poor growth occur in FUE yea of course, but poor growth also occurs with FUT, however the insult to injury with FUT is a scar from ear to ear.
  17. The scars are there but not very noticeable, normal scarring perhaps a little better than normal. Has anyone even noticed? It's very hard to detect if you don't know what to look for.
  18. The title is not wrong, finasteride could cause birth defects if taken by a woman, however the tablets are coated so there wouldn't be an issue unless a pregnant woman touched crushed pills, many guys cut tablets which potentially could pose a risk if handled by a pregnant woman. But in most scenarios this wouldn't occur, however it's not wrong to warm guys about such things, because many men take things without knowing the risks associated, what if a guy had cut up pills and his wife happens to touch them, there is risk involved in that, why would this not be shared to the public?
  19. I'd consult with a doctor massive hairloss like that could be another condition, typically mpb is a process you see year to year, severe hairloss in one month may be something else so it's best to consult with a physician.
  20. I try not to get in to gotcha matches with Dr. Feller, no doubt he is a good debater, and if he would've chosen law school instead of med school I'm sure he would've been a great lawyer. I'm not a surgeon, I'm just a hairloss sufferer like feller himself, Ive researched hair restoration for roughly 10 years, I've had dozens of consultations, I've tried every hairloss medication around, so when I speak I'm speaking from my experiences. I don't intend to state things are facts, the only fact that i state is that FUE is increasing in popularity which is true and there is statistical evidence to back this. I dislike smear campaigns, so to state the majority of FUE patients wind up unhappy, I don't think makes any sense logically speaking, do you think a restaurant that serves bad food would increase in popularity every year? I feel that in the right circumstances with the right surgeon the yield is comparable. We know that hairloss does not become visible until 50% of hair has been lost. Now let's say FUE gives you 5% less yield overall, do you think that 5% is going to be visible, I don't think it will make a significant cosmetic impact, I personally think the difference in yield can be even less like 3% with the right surgeon. This is my opinion though I'd never say that is a fact, but I dislike when Dr. Feller gives his opinions and passes them off as facts, even though he is a practicing surgeon, he simply does not have the necessary evidence to state it's a fact.
  21. I'm thoroughly impressed with your results, especially since half of the grafts were beard hair, this definitely gives some of us some hope in body hair transplantation. Are you happy so far with your results? How would you rate Dr. Dogsnay, he's at the top of my list of doctors I'm gonna go with.
  22. Someone with common sense, the argument of graft placement and sparse distribution has nothing to do with the procedure itself. Yes I agree, a short military style buzz cut is possible with FUE with FUT it will not look good.
  23. Very well I have removed the posting as you have just stated the forces could be overcome. I disagree that no physician has been able to overcome them. But that's neither here nor there. I'm actually glad you're trying to improve FUE as I believe the procedure provides the best overall aesthetic result (as long as growth is good).
  24. Now I asked you how you overcame the three detrimental forces by your own admission you said you did not overcome them only slightly dominished them, so let me ask you can the three detrimental forces be overcome? If you say yes I'll remove my post I'm not going to get in a words game with you, things need to be taken in to context.
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