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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. He's had plenty of disagreements with other physicians, and this board, but that doesn't mean he's not reputable, even Dr. Feller with all of the disagreements we've had id still say he's a highly reputable physician. He's an IAHRS physician which counts for something, just like being a recommended physician on here. I know how you feel about spencer etc. I don't agree same could be said about Bill.
  2. The point I'm trying to make is that concerns regarding FUT have been proven, the "three detrimental factors" have not been proven, but even if they have Dr. Feller himself just posted an FUE case he did back in 2003 that showed an absolute fantastic result, so obviously he was able to overcome the "threes detrimental factors" my question to him is how? Yes you are correct the physician I'm talking about does practice out of Atlanta and he's a well known and a highly reputable physician as well, the points he's brought up although they may be rare they still exist and should be brought up to laymans as a rare possibility prior to opting for FUT. I think we can all agree that the strip scar widening is unpredictable and happens often, the solution of implanting hairs to the scar actually lowers the amount of hair transplanted to the top, another valid point made by the Dr out of Atlanta.
  3. I haven't attacked anybody personally which is more than I could say about Matt, but that's besides the point, I'm really interested to know how you overcame the "three detrimental factors" when performing FUE in the scar, it obviously worked from the result you presented, that was great work.
  4. How can you tell if a patient will scar like this? This brings me to the second point made from the physician that could not be mentioned here, implanting hairs to the scar wastes valuable hairs that could've been transplanted to the top. Furthermore, wouldn't the " three detrimental factors" still exist when transplanting hairs to the scar? hair growth is even lower when transplanted in to a scar, so wouldn't you be wasting even more grafts than normal?
  5. I have to agree with this, prior to Dr. Fellers claims I had never hear of his "3 detrimental factors" when one physician responded to the claims stating these factors hold no bearing on results he attacks the physician and his work, to me that shows a lack of mutual respect between colleagues, he has spoken to members harshly, but I can understand that we are not physicians so our responses may seem elentary to him, but to speak to you the way he has is uncalled for, the video you posted, was that recent? id love to see the results. What really gets me is that the three issues brought up from the physician that can not be mentioned on here got zero responses as if they do not exist, there was actual video evidence that showed the hair growing in different directions, but the three detrimental factors can not be supported with out evidence which has not been presented in any way.
  6. Dead on magnum, the videos I posted were from a dr who had performed thousands of strip surgeries, he said that scar could happen on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th strip procedure, it was impossible to tell how someone would scar, thus he stated he'd have to waste grafts to the scar rather than the head. But this gets swept aside because hey who cares right at least you got hair on your head. Dr. Feller I saw dr. Bhattis video, I for one do not advocate FUE mega sessions, but I saw FUE being performed fast. But I did not see the finished result, I will wait to make my judgement once I see the finished result. Apparently any issues brought up about FUT is a mere "distraction" Here's what it boils down to failed FUE = no growth Failed FUT= no growth and a hideous scar
  7. I've never been a patient of Dr. Bhatti the physician who I was speaking about can not be mentioned on here, you have plenty of posters on here defend you when they feel something is not right, some posters have even personally attacked my results, do I care?? No this is a public forum, I have the right to voice my opinion, I think it's logical to answer concerns regarding strip surgery if you are comparing both procedures. What I think and actually see going on, is concerns have been raised about FUE, however any concern raised about FUT is swept aside no answers, so how is this an equal debate? Bill had kept this thread open as a way to interact with physicians and hopefully hear the pros and cons on BOTH procedures not just one. So far it hasn't been that way at all, it's been allegations against one procedure without answering any valid concerns from the procedure you're advocating, as a patient this is concerning.
  8. You refuse to acknowledge Dr. Bhattis last comment hmm wonder why, did you see the video links I posted on page 77 before they were removed? A lot of valid points were brought up, unfortunately this site can not discuss this physician. The biggest point raised is the hair growing in unnatural direction where the scar is at, the unpredictability of the scar widening, the fact that when you have a distorted strip scar you have to waste Grafts on the scar that could've gone to the top of the head, this is a waste of grafts what are your thoughts, he also stated that many physicians like yourself preach FUT because they have not taken the time to master the skill. Basically, he feels FUE gives the best aesthetic result when performed correctly, there is no strip scar, no chance of the scar widening, and the yield he states is just as good, he stated he conducted a small study and found that out of 100 grafts 96 of them grew, this is by far better than the 75% mentioned. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this, from a physician who started off FUT he switched to only FUE.
  9. :eek: wow that was quite a post, Dr. Bhatti, did you see the videos I posted on the previous page from a fellow FUE specialist I'd love to hear your thoughts on the issues brought up.
  10. This are very interesting videos from a surgeon who's been in practice for over 20 years, he is on the opposite spectrum of the FUT vs FUE debate, I encourage everyone to watch both videos, they're very informative and although your own research is necessary, it gives you a completely different picture than what has been painted by doctors on this site. The last one raises a lot of good questions regarding multiple strip surgeries. (Links removed - sorry, we no longer host any discussions that reference this surgeon)
  11. Depends really, even if you thin out your donor area, you can transplant body hair to donor region to create some density. It's called donor recharging.
  12. FUE 2014 how about making a poll on whether or not the members on this site have been satisfied with their FUE procedures, there's been a lot of talk from certain physicians who state the majority of guys here are unhappy with their results.
  13. Make you look older YES but look sick I don't think so, the only time you look sick in my opinion, Is when you shave your head and face slick bald, makes you look like you have cancer, but thinning hair doesn't make you look unhealthy in my opinion just older which sucks
  14. Another thing, creating graphs and diagrams based off of opinion is ludicrous, I have to say what's right is right, there is a physician who practiced FUE in Atlanta he has been in practice longer than Dr. Feller and he has the exact opposite to say about FUT, should I start creating graphs based off what he says without proving actual credible evidence?
  15. First of all I made no claims in regards to yield, I said opinions are opinions and facts are facts, you can't state what Dr.Feller is claiming as a scientific fact with out providing actual studies. Now what I said was in order to compare yields from a top FUE surgeon to top FUT is to grab 10 results from each graft size category and compare them, now you have to choose similar Norwood scale and similar hair characteristics in order for this to work, but it would be a lot more credible than percentages made up of one physicians experience. I'd say the same thing if it were Dr. Bhatti giving these figures.
  16. Please ask Dr.feller where he came up with those percentages, was it a controlled study? If so where was the study published? If it's just opinion your assumed percentages is worth absolutely zero. Take Dr. Lorenzo's results graft wise and compare it to Dr. Fellers, tell me that Dr. Lorenzo is only getting 75% compared to 90% of Dr. Feller, assumed percentages is absolutely useless, using actual results is the only way one can base a solid opinion other than a controlled study. So what we should do is gather results from both physicians utilizing 2,500 grafts, 3,500 grafts and 4,500 grafts, let's compare 10 results from each category, then we can see if there is an exceptional visible difference in yield.
  17. What are you talking about, most of the guys who got FUE are happy with the results, how many guys who got strip procedures are unhappy about the strip scar expanding and looking grotesque? Let's place a poll for everyone who's gotten an FUE procedure to click if they're happy or unhappy with the result. Bill could you install the poll on this thread, let's stop the opinions and get the facts.
  18. Way to avoid the question Dr. Feller, instead of answering the question you've ever so cleverly tapped around it like a world class lawyer, in regards to the crown stretching you said Dr. Bhatti was disingenuous in his remarks, you said you've never had a patient who's crown stretched, you never answered whether or not this could happen. Very clever Dr. Feller, I'm seriously impressed with how crafty you are, I really mean it when I say you'd make a good lawyer, instead of answering the question outright like you've so vehemently have demanded Dr. Bhatti do, you've then again shifted focus on his presentation of the question i.e the diagram at an attempt to shift the readers focus away from your answer which wasn't an answer at all. I look forward to Dr. Bhatti engaging with you more. For those who've changed their opinions on FUE I seriously hope they do their own research before jumping to conclusions based on one doctors opinion.
  19. Wow Dr. Bhatti what a fantastic response and spot on I might add, earlier in the thread I said that no studies have been conducted comparing the efficacy between FUT vs FUE, so the percentages that physicians give is based off of their own experience handling both procedures, but to state the claims Dr. Feller is stating as a scientific fact is absolutely wrong, because as you stated no studies have been conducted to approve or disprove those statements. The question is not do these three forces exist in FUE the question is have physician overcome these negative aspects and have they done so consistently. Also, Dr. Feller seems to be avoiding the concern regarding the crown expansion. It's become clear he is cherry picking the concerns he will address and ignoring the rest. He is quite crafty at alluding a question and throwing clinical jargon at an attempt to confuse laymans, im surprised he chose medical school over law school he'd make a fantastic lawyer.
  20. I saw another vid he posted looks like his hairloss has progressed and he's continued to cut his hair short, some of the comments on the video even told him he shouldn't have cut his hair short he looked better before, when you're in the beginning stages of minitiaurization like him, you should keep your hair at a length that can conceal, you should get on hair loss medications, and you should use hair thickening products, the last and I mean LAST thing you should ever do is cut your hair short, once you do there is no going back, you will see how bad your hair loss really is and everyone will see it too, so forget about concealing it anymore. It really does upset me when clueless people give advice to young guys like that guy, the first thing they say is cut your hair short, basically they're saying show everyone how bald you've gotten.
  21. Yea I agree about the sweet spot, just long enough to style and conceal, I think the guy in the video had a decent length that disguised his hairloss quite well, but then he must've been told by someone non balding more than likely to cut his hair short. As you an see when your hair is short you will look balder, even when you have a hair transplant, in order for the transplant to look good you have to grow it out, otherwise the illusion of density is lost and you'll see that you still look thin, even the best hair transplants are like this.
  22. Bro try RU58841 it's topical, it's not supposed to give you systemstic side effects like fin, but even if it does the side effects stop once you stop, there's no permenant damage like fin. You definitely have to stabilize it, I went from Norwood 2 to Norwood 6 from 24 to 29. Don't want to scare you, but this is how bad things could get if you don't stop it in the beginning. Catching hair loss when the hairs are starting to miniaturize will allow it to reverse, but once it's too late there's little that could be done.
  23. This is a perfect example of what I'm talking about, with longer hair you couldn't tell he was bald, once he cut it to about a 3 all around you could see he is significantly thinning, this is the worst thing you could do, either buzz it shave it or keep it long.
  24. The only reason transplanted hair would ever fall out be it FUE or FUT is if it was taken outside of the donor zone, now Dr. Fellers argument is that many times FUE is taken outside of the "universal safe zone" thus the potential of the grafts falling out due to progressive balding increases. However just to debunkt this train of thought, there is no such thing as "universal safe zone" in Norwood 7 extreme cases even the donor area is severely depleted, therefore if you were to do a strip surgery on someone destined to be Norwood 7 with a completely depletes donor area not only would the transplanted hair thin and fall out, but the hideous scar would become muchorr apparent. Now let's discuss the flip side not every man who balds becomes a Norwood 6 or 7 there are plenty of men who live their lives maintaining a Norwood 3 or 4, so technically these men if you were to extract grafts out of the "universal safe zone" the grafts would survive through out their whole lives. The notion that one particular area is safe for everybody is absolutely flawed, some men their whole heads is a safe zone other men end their life with no hair on the sides of their head and only an inch thick of hair on the back of the head. Patients need to be assessed on a case by case basis their individual hair loss and family history must be examined, this idea of a one size fits all is extremely disturbing and will inevitably lead to a lot of unhappy men, if you have never worn your hair long on the sides why would you start? It makes no sense to get a cosmetic surgery and not be able to wear a hairstyle you enjoy that's a waste of money.
  25. I just wanted to dispel this myth that seems to never die out, the myth is that you should cut your hair short when your hair is thinning, this is absolutely ridiculous and wrong, first of all their is a difference between short and shaving, most men cut their hair maybe a 2 guard all around doing this will make you look balder. If you're going to cut your hair short you better buzz it no guard or shave it with a razor no imbetween. You're way better off growing your hair out and leaving the sides short, this will allow your hair to layer on top of each other and cover the scalp (illusion of density) keeping the hair short on the sides will keep the contrast between the thinning hair and the sides at a minimum.
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