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Everything posted by delancey

  1. Dr. Lindsey, What FUE yield on average can one expect at your clinic? Thank you in advance for your answer Dr. Lindsey.
  2. Hi haircharity, Congratulations on your procedure. Above you mention that 4800 grafts in total were extracted but in the title it says you had 5599 grafts implanted. Why is there a discrepancy?
  3. hsrp, Sounds like a good choice to me.
  4. Hi Janna! This is an interesting topic. Could wearing a hair system affect growth from a HT? Let's assume that one wears a wig and then stops wearing entirely for at least 12 months and has a HT, could the glues have an impact on growth?
  5. I cannot see the pictures, so I cannot comment on the case. Although I see that it's a higher Norwood case which is always welcome. Does Dr. Lupanzula believe that wearing a hair system may negatively affect growth of a future hair transplant? More specifically, if someone is wearing, and then stops wearing, could the extended period of time with glue on the scalp, for instance, negatively affect a hair transplant?
  6. I can only think of one rep who I've never seen push his very own Doctor (on this forum). Ironically, this Doctor is also considered by many to be the very best out there. The best at FUE in the U.S.? This is very subjective and as this thread has indicated, the waters are shark infested by paid representatives. No offense intended. ;p I like the following Doctors a lot: Dr. Konior Dr. Gabel Dr. Ron Shapiro Cheers.
  7. And another important point to bring up is that I see some results coming out from some of the so-called budget clinics looking unnatural. I saw one case recently where an Indian FUE Doctor had worked on someone's temple points, and the result did not look natural (to me). You cannot put a price on stepping out of your house knowing that the result looks natural. Everything needs to be perfect. You don't want to be that guy who has beard hair sticking out at a slightly incorrect angle. That will create unwanted stares.
  8. I have been researching different Doctors for 3 years now. If you cannot afford the best, you shouldn't even entertain the idea of modifying your appearance. This is my perspective and I know some will disagree with me here. You aren't purchasing a television set or a brand new car here. This is something that you'll have to live with for the rest of your life. At the end of the day, once you've understood exactly what you can expect from a hair transplant, anything less is a failure (that perhaps cannot be fixed depending on your situation). This is why you need to get it right the first time around. If you are a person who worries a lot about the outcome (remember that it can take 12-15 months to see the full result from a hair transplant), it is certainly worth it to pay a few thousand euros more to have the "right" surgeon himself perform more of the vital steps of the surgery. There are of course many brilliant technicians who can run circles around many "recommended" surgeons. Again, my opinion. Which surgeon or clinic you choose is key. Take into consideration that you'd only pay a few thousand euros more by going to someone who is considered the very best. Buy clothes at H&M for a year and skip your annual vacation, and that should compensate for the difference. But you already know this. With that said, I actually happen to think that Dr. Erdogan is an excellent FUE practitioner. Dr. Lorenzo, who is highly regarded within the hair transplant community, works closely with Dr. Erdogan. I know of at least one reputable North American strip outfit who sent technicians to train under Dr. Erdogan's supervision and guidance in Turkey. This clinic also happens to charge an arm and a leg for the very same FUE (ironically with little Doctor involvement). Personally I believe in smaller sessions. 2000-2500 grafts per surgery. That way should something go wrong, you can always go back and add more (with a nice amount of grafts remaining in your follicular bank account). Some men only have 4000-5000 grafts available via FUE, so using up 3000-4000 in one surgery is very risky. Take it slow, and be damn sure about your decision. Dr. Lorenzo Dr Bisanga Dr. Lupanzula I really like some North American Doctors, but their FUE pricing is just too high for me. Also, my very first consultation was with Dr. Bisanga. He is a very honest and ethical Doctor. Why not visit him for a free consultation? Good luck to you. Cheers.
  9. The only way to achieve the hairline (that you are proposing) without using up a significant number of grafts is by wearing a partial hair system. Check out northwest lace. I see a lot of young guys who are wearing on there with extremely low hair lines. Successfully. The average layman would never guess a thing. A bad decision at a young age is destined to have grave consequences later on in life should you continue to lose your hair.
  10. Dr. Lorenzo charges 6 euros for the first 1000 grafts. 4 euros for the next 1000 grafts 2.5 euros per graft above 2000 grafts (this is also the price per graft in all subsequent procedures). I cannot think of anyone better than Dr. Lorenzo at FUE. I've met him and he is as passionate as can be. And his pricing structure is lower than most North American FUE practitioners (at least the ones on here). As far as I know, Dr. Bisanga charges less (per graft) than Dr. Lorenzo. You could always inquire about his pricing structure. FUE prices are insane in the U.S.. especially considering how the very best are located in Europe (my opinion).
  11. @Vainism, There are plenty of outstanding FUE Doctors in Europe who perform some of the very best FUE in the world at reasonable prices. There is no need to pay 8 dollars for FUE in the U.S.. Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Feriduni, Dr. Lupanzula, Dr. Lorenzo to name a few.
  12. Below average: <50 microns Average: 50 - 60 microns Above average: >60 microns
  13. Did you receive any form of compensation, including a discount, to post this very detailed experience online?
  14. Ouch! You really haven't done enough research if you are booked in with Dr. Doganay. I would cancel and continue doing more research. Have a look at these docs below: Dr. Lorenzo Dr. Lupanzula Dr Bisanga Dr. Konior Dr. Ron Shapiro Dr. Gabel Be patient and choose the very best clinic, not the one that is running a monthly promotion. You have to live with this decision for the rest of your life. I cannot stress this enough.
  15. My opinion is that you should really continue doing more research.
  16. I agree. Another option to consider may be a hair system for those who have higher expectations. I'm a big fan of some of the results over at NWL.
  17. Hi Stash: If you ever wish to wear a shorter hairstyle again, I would think long and hard before undergoing a strip surgery. By and large, FUE will allow for a wider range of hairstyles without any tell-tale signs being visible in the donor area. Read Mickey's informative FUE threads available on here too. How old are you? I would hate for you to have a scar preventing you from wearing a buzzcut later on in life should your hair loss progress. Have you considered consulting with a few more doctors from the World FUE Institute (in person)? Here you'll find many of the world's best FUE doctors, including Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Feriduni, Dr. Lorenzo, Dr. Rahal, Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Lupanzula, among others. Finally, have you considered simply sporting a buzzcut or wearing a hair system instead of undergoing surgery? Remember that there is always a risk with having surgery. Once you're cut, you're cut. Having a hair transplant should be a last resort only considered after all other options have been exhausted. Good luck.
  18. You make the claim that the patient's FUE surgery was performed by an" FUE specialist." As a layman, the use of the words "FUE specialist" indicate that the surgeon must have been someone who is really at the top of his/her game. Do you mind sharing who this FUE specialist was? Just to clarify, I have a hard time believing that this work was done by any top FUE surgeon. I am of course open to stand corrected. In addition, the definition of the word specialist is: A person highly skilled in a specific and restricted area. The work does not look like it was done by an "FUE specialist." I also asked you in a previous thread what FUE yield one can expect at Jerry Cooley's clinic. Perhaps you could share this important information with the community to better help the 1000s of hair loss suffers make a better informed decision. Thank you.
  19. Looking good Voxman. What a great feeling this must be for ya! Congrats.
  20. I'm very sorry that you had to go through such a terrible experience. Have you since had a repair surgery?
  21. Are you referring to the same Dr. True as the one recommended on here today?
  22. Dense packing may be associated with lower yield. I think it is a wise and conservative approach to mitigate the risk by having an additional surgery or two. No one wants to be that guy who had a mega-session procedure with poor growth. I favor this approach, especially for those with a higher NW pattern. One can always go back and add additional density. This is something we have seen time and again from Dr. Lorenzo. Nice result Adonix.
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