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Everything posted by SADbutTRUE

  1. welcome to the forums, hang in there, without pics its hard for any one to give advice on how to procede further, get on meds, not sure if your still on them, and theres always fue, beard hair, and temp smp, with these and concelars you can improve your situation, try to stay positive ,maybe you can get 2000 grafts with fue and 500 beard hair, its a thought, that's close to 3000 grafts that the docs are recommending, add concelaear and you have something to work with,, good luck in your research,
  2. from the 1st surgery , I hit send before I finished sorry
  3. don't dwell on the graft numbers , your session is enough to provide a solid result, if you go for round 2 , to hit the crown , you can touch up the front, but once it grows in your going to be one happy camper.
  4. welcome to the forums, SMG is a top clinic, your in good hands with them, im planning on having my HT with them,
  5. dr feller are you a fan of the movie ,ron burgundy ? ive heard Harrison ford is going to play a anchor man in the next installement
  6. looking good its early in the growth stages , enjoy your new hair, your on your way to a good result.
  7. your hair looks great, happy for ya, it seems like yesterday you posted your procedure, and now its 7 months, how time flies, enjoy life and your new hair.
  8. WOW.WOW.WOW .a great result doc, truly impressed ,almost 10,000 grafts from fue, and its just head hair, this has to be one of the top fue cases out there,
  9. WOW,WOW,WOW , that is a amazing transformation for a high norword, and under 6000 grafts, GREAT JOB DOC,
  10. welcome to the forums, heal well and good growth to you,
  11. shampoo AMAZING RESULT, I just saw pic,
  12. all top docs being mentioned , there is also dr,gabel , he does very good work as well
  13. great result, I have to agree with the other posters , it seems that dr.lorenzo is a top fue surgen, he will make a fine addition to the other top docs that contribute on this site,
  14. don't want to get off topic but when spanker said , stay classy san diego , makes me wish ron burgundy 2 came out tomorrow,lol, classic movie,
  15. very nice result doc, is patient going to hit the crown or is he happy where hes at, also is he on any meds?
  16. that's great nick heal well and great growth to you, how many grafts did you get.
  17. I think its a good result , he went from nothing on top to a nice head of hair, he covered most of the area with less then 4000 grafts, that's AWSOME, and hes happy, if he wanted a second procedure to lower the hairline or hit the crown he has that option, bottom line it looks natural and that's what its all about, he also has the option to style his hair now, I forgot how that feels,lol. is patient on meds and how did the scar turn out.
  18. your very lucky to have the doc in your backyard, hes one of the top surgens in the game,im planning to have my surgery with smg
  19. my heart goes out to his family and friends at this diffuclt time, so sad .
  20. half way there and it looks great, another 6 months to go, enjoy the ride,
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