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Everything posted by SADbutTRUE

  1. amazing result joe, truly happy for him, great job by doc and staff, his hair looks so thick ,he went from a nw5 to a great head of hair, i have hair envy,lol
  2. very nice result, great job by doc and staff i would be happy to , with that result,
  3. great result , happy for him, big change for a small amount of grafts great job but doc and staff
  4. maybe trying to comb the hair straight .in a cearear style with some concelear can make the front look fuller. as a high nw .that many grafts is not going to give complete coverage, but for the area worked on , i think there should be more hair, im pullin for ya , and i hope you get the result your looking for in the future.
  5. very nice indeed, happy for him, great job by doc and staff. he has great growth by 6 months,
  6. i went to get my refill at the pharmacy and they gave me the generic version, it looks very similiar ,the pills are a little smaller then propecia pills, this is my second month taking the pills and im actually have some growth in my crown, nothing cosmetic yet ,but i can feel them,ive been on the foam since end of sept,
  7. welcome to the forums, you have chosen a great clinic , heal well and good growth to you,
  8. i love the result, great job by doc and staff, i think its a home run, the face is framed , look how short his hair is in back, great growth with a small amount of grafts and great scar. happy for him,
  9. great result, isnt this a patient on the hassonandwong website? thats an incredible graft count for a nw6, amazing transformation. great job by doc and clinic,
  10. thnks doc , for taking time out of ur busy schedule to answer our questions, this is the first time ive ever heard of this post op spray that contains liposomal atp, how many patients have used it,and out of these how many had early growth, to think that the ugly duckling phase can be reduced from 3 months to 3 weeks would be incredible. any other clincs going to use this or is it to early to tell
  11. thats awsome , wish it could happen in every case, it would be a huge breakthrough in hts.
  12. nice result, doc , are you saying in laymen terms that this patient had no sheddding phase from implanted grafts,they just grew, is so thats amazing.
  13. awsome result, you must be very happy. dr.path does some really good work
  14. also maybe a repair section, so guys can look for ways to improve thier situation, its great to talk to other hairloss suffers because you can relate and learn about options, a repair section can help those in need of repair and be a type of support system.
  15. this forum is one of the best out there, i have a idea, how about once a month have a doc answer any questions that any1 has to ask live in an hour type format, about hair transplants , and everything thats involved and even future treatmeants, its a way to get to know the docs a little better, just a thought.
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