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Everything posted by SADbutTRUE

  1. orlhair1 good luck with round two, your result from the 1st one was amazing , round 2 is icing on the cake, i see hair greed has set in, looking forward to seeing the pictures, is dr ron or dr paul doing your procedure?
  2. great result, happy for him, good job by doc and staff, he does have great donor, i have a blue shirt just like the one hes wearing,lol, he can be a hair model with that head of hair,
  3. im suprised that at under 4000 grafts ur taped out, maybe its the tighness of the scalp is the reason for the low graft count, because you dont want a streched scar, you deserve a good result, and i hope you get it,
  4. im pulin for you, i wish you great growth and a great scar, stress can do a number on your body, going through a divorce is very rough. ,it could be a reason for some hair falling out, last summer my dad took ill ,and i was very stressed out, lost 50 pounds ,, and hair was shedding like crazy for three months , and i my hairloss was very stable for 4 years. dads fine now, and hair stop shedding around sept, the amount of grafts you got should give you some decent coverage in the front half, and you always have concelar to aid if needed,your donor looks good im suprised you diddnt hit the 2000 mark, 1800 grafts is close though, maybe its the fact your donor is tight thats why the mark wasnt hit, was vitrase used , ive read that they use it at times to increase the laxity of the skin and that enables more grafts to be taken out, you still have donor avalible, hopefully you wouldnt need it, thanks for sharing , once again im pullin for ya.
  5. welcome to the forums you picked a great surgen, heal well and good growth to you, keep us updated.
  6. msm is suppose to make your hair grow faster , but it wont grow new hair, its good to use with , rogaine, propecia, and after hairtransplant,
  7. very nice result for such a small amount of grafts, hats off to the doc and im always wearing a hat,lol
  8. londonhtseeker thnks for responding to my question. how short can you cut your hair to hide scar, what guard on the clipper? , what has dr feller say about your scar, like ways to improve it,
  9. londonhtseeker sorry things diddnt work out as you liked , what happened, how many grafts in total, atwhat length can you conceal scar.
  10. mickey85 what hapened in your case, you mentioned your streched scar, how many grafts did you get, what surgen, sorry to hear your scar streched.
  11. welcome to the forums, great growth by 5 months , you have alot of improvement ahead, who was your doc, looks good and it will get better. thanks for sharing
  12. jfables what areas where worked on , just the crown or hairline ,midscalp?
  13. jfables good luck in restoring your hair, thats alot of grafts 5000 fue, im sorry the yield wasnt good, what was the docs response if you ask them what happened ? from the pics you seem to have great donor and can achieve the 4000 graft mark, im pullin for ya, keep us posted, as far as strip scar, patients physiology does play a part. but i thought tension on scar line was the main reason for a scar to strech,
  14. can you share pics how you normally wear your hair ,it looks very natural. thanks for sharing,
  15. welcome to the forums, happy for ya, you look great, i was going to say heal well and good growth to ya, but your already past 10 months and have great growth.lol
  16. there is a difference,will the new hairs surive the hairtransplant, the combo of the transplantred hairs and growth from propecia should give a very nice result in 8 to 12 months time. two questions for you, 1, in your exeperiece at smg does patients on propecia before surgery have less donor shock loss from surgery ? 2, if a patient has one area worked on , say hairline, will he or she expect shockloss in midscsaalp or crown ,if on propecia.? thnks for reading.
  17. AMAZING RESULT . thats 1 thick head of hair, great job by doc and staff, what a transformatiom. wow,
  18. thanks for the replies thinking of everything i can to help the process, in healing and having good growth .
  19. hello all. is there any evidence out there is someone has been on propecia for at least 1 year,and goes for a HT, does he or she have a better chance to not get schockloss from either frontal area or donor area, theory being propecia strengthens hairs so maybe the hairs dont get shocked n fall out. any info helpful thanks for reading.
  20. heal well and good growth to you, what areas of the scalp did you have worked on, hairline , midscalp, or everything,
  21. welcome to the forums, very nice result and under 3000 graftsv were used, how did the scar turn out?
  22. sup i think its dave the repair patient, not 100 percent sure, hes on jotronics site
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