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Everything posted by SADbutTRUE

  1. very nice indeed, great result by doc and staff. i love seeing the results , cant get enough of them,lol,wish you guys could post a new patient every day, i know that's not possible but just wishfull thinking, lol
  2. hang in there bro, in a few months those hairs will start to grow, and you will be in a better place, after they grow in you will be able to reassess and see how ur new hairline will look. im pullin for you , now comes the hard part , WAITING, do you have any post op pics to show what your referring to? janna is great answering emails ,call her or send her a email about your concerns .
  3. awesome result ,great job by doc and staff, jotronic what mountain are you on in that picture, it looks like your really high up in the mountains,
  4. hang in there things are improving, you have amazing growth, try not to stress over the schockloss in donor,
  5. ive been on the pill for 5 months and hairloss has stoped or slowed down a lot, and I have a lot of tiny hairs growing, don't know if they will become terminal , sorry spanker if you just wanted guys who were on pill for over a year, just wanted to contribute,
  6. dr gabel is a top doc, your in good hands, good luck on your surgery and welcome to the forums
  7. you recieved a great result from 1st surgery, heal well and heres to great growth for your 2nd one
  8. wow, great result and its only 6months, happy for him, is he on meds? .he went from a nw5 to a nw 1 in 6 months, amazing .if you think about it, I hope my result turns out this good, truly life changing.
  9. hang in there you made it through the hardest part, the next few months you will see a big change in growth.keep saying to yourself each day is one day closer to more hair, im pulling for you, thanks for sharing and keep us posted,
  10. after looking at the before pic, your after pic looks like 3months post op instead of 8 months, was the surgery a strip or FUE?
  11. welcome to forums, try to stay positive , you still have time to see some growth but you should of seen a lot more growth by now. are you on meds, ? , im pullin for ya,
  12. thanks for responding doc, pulpedfiction good luck with your second procedure with the doc, , from looking at your pre op photos big improvement,
  13. I just saw your pics and your back looks good ,its the sides that look weak, overall I think its something that can be improved on, try combing your hair forward in a ceaser style and add some concelear, it will improve how your hair looks right now, the short hair looks good on you and you have a nice shape head. get some consults with some top fue surgens and see what they have to say, good luck and stay positive,
  14. im also surprised that your graft total is under is under 3000 grafts, 1700 with 1st surgery and the possible 500 grafts from dr wong, together that's 2200 grafts, I never seen a case with some one with that low of donor .the only thing I can think of is that maybe your 1st surgery the tension was to tight , resulting in perment schockloss in donor,maybe the patient reps can have a better explation for this, but that's the only thing I can think of, pictures will help , meds can slow down hairloss and a fue session may be the ticket to get you where you need to be.good luck , stay positive and never give up.
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