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Everything posted by SADbutTRUE

  1. love the result, great job by doc and staff,is patient on any meds,i like the fact he didn't have to shave his midscsalp, having some hair left on top will help cover the area until the grafts grow in,
  2. great result , I like it, not a huge amount of grafts and the patient has good coverage,good job by doc and staff
  3. good luck on your procedure, your in great hands ,lookin forward to follow your progress
  4. its 5 degrees over here in jersey, way to cold. heres to some warmer weather !!!
  5. stay on both meds and reassess after a year on propecia, with continued use of rogaine foam, ive been on both ,and im closing in on one year with propecia and a year and a half with rogaine foam,my hairloss has stop , or its slowed down to a crawl and my hair overall is in better shape plus I have a lot of new hairs throughout my scalf, I don't know if these new hairs will turn into terminal hairs ,only time will tell, im planning on surgery this year.good luck in your journey in keeping your hair.
  6. great result and your only at 6 months, happy for you bro, what a difference, how did the scar turn out ? great job by doc and staff, santa has given you HAIR for Christmas, what a wonderful gift, now go out and enjoy your new locks!!!!!
  7. I just saw the new website from dr,konior, and I must say it looks good ,a lot of pics and a lot of info, huge improvement from old website,
  8. welcome to the forums, heal well and heres to great growth .
  9. very nice set of fue results, I was missing the updates from smg, good to see new cases, can never get enough, good job by doc and staff
  10. awesome result for only 5 months, its only going to get better, good job doc and staff
  11. your hair looks great at 6 months, happy for ya , great job by doc and staff,
  12. welcome to the forums, good luck in your journey to regain some hair, are you suffering from mpb, or are you trying to lower hairline .? the reason why I ask is because the rest of your hair looks amazing ,no signs of hair loss,i see work was done in the corners of your hairline, do you have any preop pics to compare? 2000 grafts is a lot for such a small area, its nice of the doc to offer a free touch up, but I would look to go to some one else, to add more grafts, research the forums , theres a lot of info here to learn ,once you have three new docs ,have consults with each of them , and take it from there,you have a limited supply of hair to use , keep us updated, im pulin for ya. good luck
  13. simply awesome my brother, very happy for ya. its early in the growth time line and your hair already looks great, your mom means well so don't let it get to ya, great job by doc and staff, enjoy your new hair !
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