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Everything posted by SADbutTRUE

  1. master wong strikes again, awesome result
  2. welcome to the forums, heal well and heres to great growth, that's a nice amount of grafts. you didn't have to shave down the reciepent area? the doc planted them between hairs, that's impressive , most docs you have to shave for larger graft counts. call the doc and ask him whats best to conceal scar , good luck
  3. im sorry your not happy with the growth of your HT, hang in there, and thank you for sharing your story, try to stay positive and know things can be fixed and you can have the result your looking for, dr gabel is a top doc and is in your corner to help you get to where you need to be.what percentage of the grafts do you think grew? I agree with the poster who said grow your hair longer and see how It looks. this may buy you some time until your ready for round two.
  4. new year equals new hair for you guys, hang in there, the waiting has to be the hardest part of the HT process.but when those hairs start to grow ,the fun begins.
  5. welcome to the forums and congrats on your recent surgery, you went to a top doc , heres to great growth.
  6. things are right on tract, hand in there ,the next few months will be the toughest, until you see those hairs starting to sprout, then the fun begins, good luck,
  7. what has your family and friends say about your new look or decision on having a HT. looking right on track at 18 days, now comes the hard part, WAIT, until the grafts start to grow, hang in there, im pullin for ya.
  8. I love how clean everything looks post op, at 10 days the hair looks like it was buzzed cut, question for you doc, if the grafts grow before they shed ,does that mean that they took and will regrow after they shed,
  9. looks great at 4 months , nice job by doc and staff'
  10. The key is what is the main issue with your hair that needs to be fixed, so you can move past this and improve your quality of life, the mini and mico hairs need to be removed so you can style your hair the way you want to or is it fixing the hairline? a good FUE \strip surgen can fufill this request, stay positive and foscus on the task at hand , take a week or two off the forums to clear your head, good luck in your research in finding a solution to this situation.
  11. welcome to the forums and congrats on your recent surgery with SMG, heal well and heres to great growth, keep us posted, it will be nice to follow two solid cases from SMG,
  12. welcome to the forums , congrats on your recent surgery, heal well and heres to great growth. im pullinn for ya, your in great hands with SMG.keep us posted.
  13. thanks for sharing your story, im sorry your not happy with your results , and Im pulling for you to get a good result, the hairline can be fixed, and the minimicro graftscan be removed and used as follicular units. first removed mini micro grafts and maybe use these grafts as follicular units to fix the hairline, once every thing grows in you will be able to style your hair, and you can have another procedure if you want to increase density, just thinking outloud , stay positive ,their are countless repair patients that receive good results.i hope youfind peace in this matter.
  14. great result, under 3,000 grafts and he has great coverage, one operation for the crown and hes done. great job doc.
  15. looks good any post op pics available ?. great coverage for around 3500 grafts,
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