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Everything posted by 1978matt

  1. The problem I see it is that those folds are partly outside the safe donor zone. I'm not sure it would be of any benefit trying to remove them. I think you may be better off getting a normal strip HT and using it to improve your hairline and do some work on the crown with any left over grafts. I'm no expert but I reckon you should send you photos to Drs Konior, Gabel and Lindsey. They are all facial plastic & HT surgeons
  2. A picture of your hair grown out would help to establish what sort of donor you have. Body hair is very much the last resort so I wouldn't bank on getting many grafts from it. FUE may not be scar free and could be noticeable when shaved down.
  3. ukfinasteride dot info if in the UK All Day Chemist Pharmacy Direct GB
  4. 1) To my surprise, the packaging says it will work only on the vertex area. Is it true? It was clinically tested on the crown/vertex area and so they can only state it as working in this area. The realty is that some people can get some benefit on the hairline. It certainly helped mine to some extent, although the area was too far gone. 2) Assuming it works and the transplanted hair gets thicker, will it start thinning again should I stop using rogaine? Only the native, DHT affected follicles would thin again. After prolonged use it is usually stated that after 6 months of discontinuation you will have lost all the benefits. I'm not sure it would have much help on DHT resistant hair, other than to make it grow quicker, possibly.
  5. I read somewhere ages ago that he had a good reaction to propecia....and the rest is down to concealers.
  6. Some people get lucky. Have a look on the Belgravia centre website. They have lots of propecia before and afters.
  7. I rinse out fibres and allow hair to dry naturally for around 15 mins, then apply the foam about 20minutes before bed. I only use it at night as it would be too much hassle in the morning.
  8. I don't see why he wouldn't, but beware if you never had a V-shape before you lost hair. It could look daft! Always best to do what nature had intended.
  9. I think at your level of loss and age you would be chasing it big time in a few years. You probably need to try maintaining what you have got for at least a year. I'm 34 and have a similar amount of loss but the difference is that I have virtually nothing in the frontal third. This means I could have a conservative hairline HT that would not look too bad if recession continues beyond it. In your case you appear to have more at the front which could eventually need replacing. If you can regrow some hairs and consider concealers it may tide you over for 4 or 5 years, then re-evaluate.
  10. Could be 'Seasonal Shedding' http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/136742-%22seasonal-shedding%22-aware.html
  11. Maybe improve the density of the hairline and even up the temples, without filling them in too much, But who knows. In 5 years time other areas may need improving. I wish a had a crystal ball!!
  12. Tough one, but as your hair doesn't look abnormal I would say wait it out a few more years. Which Dr did the first HT? How many grafts? Did they say if you had good donor, lots in the bank? Are you on meds? Family hair loss history?
  13. Like Chrisdav says, price should be the last concern. If you need more than 5k it is better to save and wait. FUE in Belgium I would say Feriduni, Mwamba, Devroye, Bisanga and De Reys. I don't know much about the guys in Turkey. All the best guys have waiting lists of 3 months+.
  14. I'd never buy anything that keeps the master of disaster Dr LS in business!
  15. Hard to tell but it looks average density to me. Try to get some close up pics and send them to H&W. If they can't do a big session then no one can!
  16. I had a look at your photos. Your sides look a bit thin which makes me think you may not have many grafts in the bank, and you also have an agressive hairloss pattern. Have you tried finasteride and minoxidil to reverse/stop your loss? I don't think with 3000 grafts you should move the hairline much. Just concentrate on beefing up the middle section. I don't know much about the Dr but in all my time on here I've not heard anything negative.
  17. You're about a NW5 and to lose a Norwood number takes about 1250 grafts. So with 1700 I think the best result you could expect is NW3.5. I think FUE could be the way to go for a more significant result.
  18. Brilliant work as always. I like the way the hairline wasnt lowered - this could be the blueprint for my own hair. Hopefully any further loss can be limited by meds. Any immediate post op pics?
  19. Good luck with it. Rooney had his done at the Harley St Hair Clinic. However, as most people say there is not much post operative evidence out there showing consistent results from the clinic. Farjo prefers strip method. I can't recall ever seeing a large FUE session result. Bisanga - currently being considered for recommendation, has numerous quality examples. Feriduni - recommended by many. De Reys - used to run the Pro Hair clinic in Belgium and now runs a small FUE practice. Devroye - I don't know much about him except he trained with some great clinics. Hair Restoration Blackrock - they did James Nesbit's hair. Very expensive at 10Euros a graft.
  20. Interesting as you have quite similar hair to mine and about equal loss. Same age too
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