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Everything posted by 1978matt

  1. I'm probably using 2.5 capfulls as a fair bit gets caught in my hair. I just try to get a good amount on the scalp, then let it dry. It makes too much of a mess in the morning which is why i do once a day rather than the recommended two.
  2. Hello mate, That picture of the donor region, with flash, concerns me as it seems there is some loss deep into that area. It may just be the flash reflecting off that area which makes it look thin. Others may beg to differ. I think you need to try propecia and with good results, my opinion would be to get a few thousand FUE to rebuild the hairline. Anyway, lets see what other posters think..
  3. Greetings. First thing you need to do is establish whether it is male pattern baldness (genetic), or some other condition (stress related? allergic to certain shampoos? Who knows..) Either go see your GP or one of the recommended docs on here.
  4. I can think of a few recommended HT surgeons on here who have world class Plastic Surgery backgrounds, so you really don't know what you're talking about. Just because they enjoy the satisfaction of improving peoples lives through HTs it doesn't mean they are a failure at something else.
  5. A jack of all trades and a master of none?! Performing a HT is probably 80% artistry and 20% surgical skill. Personally I would not go to a part time HT surgeon. Part timers have their place, for example, repairing people who have car accidents and small patches of missing hair. But for MPB, I'll look for guys doing it day in day out thank you very much.
  6. I'm going to try 0.5mg weekly! Not a lot I know but I want to see if it causes the sides I got the previous time I took it.
  7. Fair enough. I could have put it better. Although the rising population of the UK is an issue, regardless of nationality. The same goes for our saturated transport system
  8. Yeah, the National Health Service generally sucks because of a huge influx of immigrants. They system can't cope with demand and you will wait hours in A&E unless it's life or death! Fortunately a good friend of mine is a 5+ year qualified surgeon so he will be taking my sutures/staples out!!
  9. Your hairline is perfectly placed. Don't lower it! Many guys have done that and really lived to regret it. I can see your temples have recessed a little and filling in those is the only thing you might consider. But seriously, your hair is still in really good shape! Just keep up the meds and set some money aside and re-evalute when you hit 30. It may be worth going to see a reputable surgeon to have a look for areas that might be thinning.
  10. We're much the same as any country when it comes to the buzzed look. I think it is just a Royal thing. Look at William's uncle, Prince Edward. He clearly has the same hairloss gene but never buzzes the sides. I would think it does bother him given his routine use of concealers. I think Harry's hair could recede in a similar pattern to Prince Charles.
  11. $20,000 and 15hrs with Dr Wong and this would be the result:
  12. Nothing 7,500 grafts over 3 strip surgeries wouldn't solve!
  13. Thanks for the info. I thought that might be the case. Even if not the thickest result, I'm sure it will turn out well and look natural
  14. There's something about beckham's hairline that just doesnt add up. I often wonder if he had some FUE to add a little density. He was hanging around with Gordon Ramsay when the latter got his HT by Dr A.A. Maybe he was the surgeon!
  15. Nice write up. Dr Charles is a real pro.. Just curious as to what your 'game plan' is as my hair loss is quite similar to yours (I maybe still have a bit more hair). Did you go for 1700 grafts to keep a bit in reserve for future ops?
  16. Probably best to give them a call, although of course this may cost you a few $
  17. I'd say about 2000 grafts. A good job your credit card failed! Your hair isn't too bad at the moment. At 25 you've got to weigh up: a)Future loss happening despite the fin and b)Your finances, as not many 25 year olds can afford to chase a hairline with multiple HTs.
  18. Watching a Prince Harry interview about his Apache helicopter flying, he needs to watch his crown as you can see some early signs of loss, and possibly a bit of loss at the front.
  19. I tried to mention the clinic but it was blocked by the moderators. Not sure why the BBC are using Nevin as a pundit! He must have had a strip procedure. I looked up Fletcher and couldn't see a difference. Maybe finasteride/minox and a bit of concealer?
  20. I can't blame roger johnson. He had a strange pattern of loss that must have been annoying to him. I see he is promoting a certain clinic I can't mention on here. All that money and they still don't go to the best!
  21. Agree. It looked like he was 3 or 4 weeks out and waiting for the grafts to shed. Good on him for getting it done.
  22. I think his grandma would not allow it. He could really do with it though unless he decides to shave it all off
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