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Everything posted by aaron1234

  1. For docs who give a shit, yes. Here's a video of the great Dr. Ron Shapiro making hairline incisions, around the 1:45 mark.
  2. I'd take C-section scars for a NW 0 any day of the week. Show off! 😜 FUE in a scar is not a sure thing because of the scar tissue, but you're only talking 300 grafts so there's not that much at stake here. I'd go the FUE route for sure.
  3. No. I signed a waiver, they took my temperature and we were ready to roll.
  4. Alright, imagine how you look now, but with a sparse crop of hair on top. Ain't gonna be worth the trouble, $$$, dashed hopes, and you just might end up looking worse. I'd shave it off and maybe look into getting the moles removed so you can rock a clean scalp.
  5. Looking real good for two weeks, both donor and recipient regions.
  6. The conclusion of this study makes complete sense to me. The difference will be that some patients get more out of FUT than FUE, or vice versa, depending on their scalp elasticity and donor density.
  7. What are your expectations? Then do not get a hair transplant. Shave it and embrace it.
  8. If your 2nd procedure was just last week then take a deep breath. You won't know for several months what kind of result you'll get, so be patient. In the meantime, are you on fin? Not getting on fin when you already have a good head of hair might be a worse mistake than going to Turkey for a HT.
  9. Yeah, this was a fantastic Q & A. If there was a through line it was there is no one size fits all approach to hair transplantation. "You don't go to a shoe store that only sells size 9's." 👏
  10. I dig Aveda’s products. I’ve been using their Pure Abundance line for years, which claims to add volume. Also, I use Neutrogena T-gel and Nizoral 1% about twice a month to stave off psoriasis.
  11. Is there a reason you tried dutasteride but not fin? It appears that your lateral humps have receded since the HT.
  12. Based on this youthful pic I'm gonna say its natural. Very similar growth pattern to recent pics, no signs of early loss here, and he probably wouldn't have been wearing a wig right after returning home from the Vietnam War. .
  13. Rock star results! I appreciated the high resolution pics at the bottom of your post which helps see the hairline in detail. Congrats!
  14. Great use of a limited number of grafts in a large area! The graft distribution plan was very clear in the immediate post-op pic. I assume this was an FUT (?), and that this patient might want another procedure down the road.
  15. I can't believe that donor is only 3 days post-op. It's immaculate!
  16. Amazing you got in with Dr. K so soon, count your lucky stars! The recipient region looks like what we all have come to expect from him on a regular basis. Eager to see the donor area as well!
  17. Could we see some pre-op and immediate post-op pics? The angling of the grafts in the hairline seems a bit off to me.
  18. "I don't even want to think about hair. I want to appear NW2 for life." Welcome to the club! 😂 I have good news for you. I've been on fin for 14 years and I'm still lean, have youthful skin, and still have a zest for life! Get on fin and you just might accomplish your life goal as being a NW2, but unfortunately you'll still be thinking about hair. 🤷‍♂️
  19. If you've been fine with shaving then keep on shaving, as you have a normal head shape and a cool beard. Focus on your physical fitness instead. Hair shouldn't be your first priority in self-improvement as there is just not enough there to work with. Bald men can look good!
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