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Everything posted by aaron1234

  1. Awesome close up shots. This is filling in nicely for 5 months and the scar looks impeccable. Are you thinking about letting your hair grow longer? This length doesn't really give you the boost from the layering effect.
  2. FWIW, I had some pitting from my first procedure but the skin eventually settled down, or at least was hidden by subsequent procedures.
  3. Same. My dad, my grandpas, and my brothers have more hair than I do. God's a jerk.
  4. Depends completely on your level of loss and donor density. Do you have any pics so we can give you a ballpark number?
  5. All of my HT's grew in at roughly the same rate. Though I've heard that subsequent procedures make take longer to fill in that wasn't really the case for me.
  6. It's all critical! Extraction and graft implantation are both equally important. Can't have a good HT without either...
  7. Rock star head of hair! @longhairkindacare The most important thing you can do is to keep it that way by getting on finasteride (1mg) asap. Schedule a consult with a reputable hair doctor to get a miniaturization analysis and get a prescription. I get generic proscar (5mg) from Costco and cut it into 4th's. It costs me about $15 for a three month supply. I've been on it for 14 years and it has been huge for me. Where are you located? We can suggest a few elite docs to consult with. Be very careful, there are a lot of charlatans out there in this field.... but I think it's been getting better the last few years.
  8. It's coming! Be patient, good times just around the corner!
  9. This is also true for me. I will actually have an itchy scalp if I miss one day of washing, so I shampoo daily.
  10. That's some pretty advanced balding for your age. Still, I think Fin would be worth a shot. I wouldn't start with the fin/min combo because you won't know which one is working.
  11. @RMancini Welcome to the forum and the work looks great! We've been waiting for a Cuoto patient post for awhile now so we're happy to have you. Spread the word to rest of your friends over at Recuperarelpelo, we'd love to hear from them as well. It's encouraging that Cuoto has a reputation for being an ethical doctor.
  12. Yes it can! Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
  13. MPB and an itchy scalp are not necessarily related. Try to find some products that will keep the inflammation at bay. I wash my hair with the tar based T-Gel about once a week. I also lather aloe vera onto my scalp every other day. If things start to get itchy then I love to use scalpicin (1% liquid hydrocortisone) and that really helps quite a bit. My scalp used to be psoriasis prone but now I seem to have it under control with these products.
  14. The good news is that the sides (I assume you mean the lateral humps?) don't need very many grafts because they angle down. The bad news is that if you need to transplant the lateral humps you have probably lost more ground in other areas as well (e.g. the crown). Then it becomes a supply and demand situation. Stay on fin and hopefully it won't come to that.
  15. Smart to get on Fin before getting a HT, but I would consult with more surgeons before committing to someone.
  16. If this is your expectation then I would caution against getting a transplant for now as you'd be setting yourself up for disappointment. You're 24 with a great head of hair, and you're taking fin/min. You're doing all of the right things so don't rush into getting a surgery just yet. In the meantime research, consult with elite surgeons, meet HT patients in person if possible. Be patient and think longterm.
  17. Also, minoxidil won't help solve itchiness. In fact, for a lot of guys it is the cause of it.
  18. I'm loving this Scalpicin stuff... it's a liquid hydrocortisone 1% treatment that really helped keep inflammation at bay after my HT. I still use it once in awhile to keep things in check.
  19. Yes, FUE has similar yield and transection rates as FUT. Thank goodness, because 10 years ago this wasn't the case. Still, depending on your level of loss, you might want the maximum amount of lifetime grafts. So then you should get as many strip procedures as you can without risking a stretched scar and then go FUE. I did six strip surgeries (including one scar revision) over the span of a decade before getting FUE and now it looks like I might be able obtain 10K lifetime grafts if need be - and I could very well need it.
  20. @arniekanderSomeone with your level of loss should anticipate multiple procedures regardless whether you transplant the crown in round one. Why not look into Hasson & Wong who specialize in larger sessions?
  21. If you still have the sutures/staples in then you should be using an antibiotic ointment. The width of the scar will be what it is, but perhaps you can hasten the healing of the redness with Mederma. If you wear your hair long enough in the back then it really doesn't matter.
  22. I drove 15 hours for my last HT because I thought he was the best doctor. Convenience should never be a factor.
  23. It might be pencil thin, but even if it is it will be noticeable with your hair at that length.
  24. So good! I appreciate the different lighting/angles. Shows that the HT holds up in various environments. Congrats!
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