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HT with Dr Radha ( 2700 Grafts )

Hi ALL, I am an 27 year male and was facing hairfall since the age of 22. I had never taken any medication After a long deliberation and research I went ahead with my HT with Dr. Radha on 3th April. Based on the breifing on 3rd evening, it was decided to target 3200 grafts and with that cover up my frontal head leaving the crown untoched for 2nd HT. The HT started around 9 am in the morning and Dr. radha told me they were able to get around 2700 grafts only, but the god things was most of



Don't worry, you don't look that silly

Well if waking up like elephant man yesterday wasn’t bad enough, today I had swelling around the eyes that made me look like I had lost in the first round to Mike Tyson. This was especially annoying as I had religiously woke up on two occasions overnight, taken the prescribed painkillers and applied a cold pack for a good 15-minutes. I high-tailed it to Dr Pong’s to be there at 8:30am to try and get some answers, but as I arrived I saw another guy in the waiting room who was so swollen he look



Well all done at last

Have finally done it and worth all the trouble so far. Just a pity I am in Bangkok and having to go round with a bandana on all day and holed up in my room for long periods, but small price to pay. I asked Dr Vong about a second op in the future and he said that I should wait a year as he thinks I will be more than pleased with the result. Nice to hear as it shows he is not just trying to make extra money for the sake of it. Having quite fine and light coloured hair I am certainly not ever going



Keep on the headband

It’s been three full days since my HT and apart from the expected pain from the donor site and the constant feeling that your skin no longer fits your head, everything had been going well. That was until last night (third night since op). I woke at least every two hours with significant pain from the donor site. I had used up nearly all the painkillers Dr Pong had given me and even popped a few Ibuprofen to try and numb the pain. It felt as though the swelling was getting to the point where the



HT with Dr Pong in Chiang Mai

I had a smaller HT carried by Dr Knudsen in Sydney about six years ago. At that time I had a little over 1600 grafts to increase my hairline. I was quite happy with the results, but as expected the hair behind this area continued to disappear and I knew that I would have to either shave the lot off, or get a second HT to ‘fill’ in behind. The original procedure cost almost AU$10,000, and as I am now married with a young son I couldn’t justify spending this kind of money for such a small number o



My experience with Dr. Alba Reyes, MD

Dear hair thinners, I’m related to the hair restoration field for more than 10 years; first as the administrator in the hair transplant clinic of Dr. Alba Reyes and 2nd as a hair transplant patient. I have much respect to this forum and in more specific to Mr. Bill Seemiller, the Forum’s editor. I will be happy to respond to any question about my hair transplant experience with Dr. Alba Reyes and I may also respond to some people that are posting poison information about her (those blackma



Derma Roller update

Well it's been a couple of months now since I started using the derma roller on my receding hairline and so far.......I'm really impressed! There is definate new growth happening and every day I seem to be finding new hairs and they are getting quite long and thicker by the day, and this is just with derma roller 0.5mm, no creams or minox or anything like that. Make no mistake though, it's slow...slow and drawn out but the progress is there and noticable. The hairs are still quite thin and i




hi im looking for help i hade an fue op 2 years ago from doctor rhagu reddy and should of been 2000 hairs but have found out only 1000 was done in the op and the company he worked for has vanished after tracking him down and questioning him i was typically fobbed off and am now seeking advice on what to do next as have seen a couple of other clinics and am confused now to what u would call a good company or doctor to use to finish off the job pending on what a solicitor finds wwether or not i



Not long now

Well just over a week to D-Day. I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to put their thoughts and concerns on here. It certainly has given me encouragement as well as a good insight of what to expect. I have quite fine hair and am at least a Norwood V so am not expecting amazing results but just something half decent on the front part would be good. I have booked FUT with Dr Viroj Vong in Bangkok. I couldn't get an appointment for next week with Dr Path and have met Viroj Vong las



Dr. Giannotto hair transplant

Hello all, I had two transplants done by Dr. Giannotto in Tysons Corner, Va. The first one was in 2005 and the second was in 2008. I wish I had researched before I went to him. I am very disatisfied with my results. My pictures don't always show what I really look like up close and in person. My hair is very hard to manage, because it sticks up. I also have an 8mm scar in the back of my head. My thinning hair on top of my head is very visible underneath the hair that sticks up. I often have to



decided to go for transplant

I have decided to go for a hair transplant. I am schedulled with Dr Alexander in April. After a fair amount of researching he seems like a solid choice. My only concern is what happens to the back of the head after thay take the donor graft out? I am a NW 5A and I expect to have another surgery at a later time to increase density. Where does the second graft come from?



I have a full head of hair

I'll start by apologising as I'm in the UK. I run a new company and our new hair system is groundbreaking and offers a solution to hair loss sufferers. I have typical male pattern baldness. But right now as I sit and write I have a full head of hair that is impossible to detect. I'm looking for some honest and genuine hair salons in the USA to use and offer our systems to its clients. I'm not going to mention our system or company name unless the moderators here say I can. But I'm appalled at so



Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP)

Hi friends, i have come across the below artcile when i was checking ISHRS webiste. http://www.ishrs.org/article/platelet-rich-plasma-in-hair-transplantation.html Please check this and advice if anyone of the doctors are using this technique to accelerate the recovery from HT procedure. Also i think i am hinted about the process improoving the quality of the hair overall, both PRESENT and transplanted. Experts please advise. I am planning to get my HT done in month of May in India. Just



Int'l flight next day post FUE surgery - OK?

Hi Everyone,   I am just planning to have FUE surgery and have to take int'l flight next day of surgery. So let's say, if the FUE surgery ends Sunday 5pm and I have to take flight at 10pm Monday (next day), would I be able to do so? Will I need to take rest for a couple of days after FUE or next day it becomes normal? Let's say the FUE would not be more than 1000 grafts (so not very large session). The flight duration would be around 13 hours. Any help/response would be appreciated.  



March 18th...1 day away!!!

Hi All, So its about 5pm on Sunday March 18th and I just arrived in Ottawa at the Days Inn by the airport. I am supposed to meet Dr. Rahal at his office tomorrow morning at 7:30pm for my 2000 FUE graft. Once I get all the photos I will make sure to post them. I'll keep you all updated with my progress.



scabs arounf donor site 2 weeks post op

I am 2 weeks post op from fut procedure. I had sutures out day 14, but still have a lot of scabs around suture line. Is this normal? My doctor didn't say anything so I'm assuming this is ok, but I've read that this can lead to longer healing and bigger scar (train tracks). i didn't clean the donor area as diligently as I should have after surgery so, maybe this is why scabs remain. Any advice is aprecciated.



HELP ME PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay , I am 17 , will be turning 18 this September. I am Suffering from Hairloss, Thinning Hair (Maybe). I dont have Dense And Thick hair on my scalp. According to A Doctor I am Currently using Minoxidil 5%, its been a Month now. Please Help me fight this and tell me means by which I can regrow my hair. I want my hair to be dense and thick like others. But as of now I want to stop this hairloss and regrow hair. By the way , I may have Genetic Baldness. But please Help Me. Please. I will be forev




Has anyone out there gone to DR PONG in Thailand???? I no i shouldnt take costs into concideration but sadly all i have is 7500 euro and for 3000 or so grafts that wont get me a HT in the USA with the likes of FELLER



Bosley - Dr. Nancy Shannon - 1100 grafts - Unhappy

I had 1,100 grafts done by Dr. Nancy J. Shannon from Bosley in December of 2011. After 14 months I'm not happy with the results. I still have a bald spot and still wear hats all the time.Some of the hair grew in aorund the edges but the center of the spot is still very thin and bald looking. I spent around $7,000 on about 1,100 grafts. I complained to Bosley and they said they would give me 50% of the grafts free. What was interesting is the doctor suggested I now get 1,400 grafts. Which is w



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