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Choosing the Best Hair Restoration and Hair Transplant Doctor

Choosing the Best Hair Restoration and Hair Transplant Doctor First and foremost there are basic requirements when selecting a physician for any type of medical treatment. Doctors take an oath to “Do No Harm.” It is reasonable to have some basic expectations. The following are to help you choose the best hair restoration doctor for your hair transplant procedure. The doctor: is caring and compassionate. takes an interest in you as an individual. takes the time to l



My Restoration Journey - Spex & Dr Feller

I have always had fairly thin hair (from my mother's side) and a high hair line (from my father's side) but until 6 years ago the fact that I had started to recede further was never mentioned by people I know; in fact, even I didn't notice it as it was receding so gradually! However, around 5 years ago, people started commenting on my hair line more frequently, therefore I also become more aware of the situation. This was when I was 27 (I'm now 32). I have always been extremely confident i



New Recruit to HT

I'm living in the UK and I'm seriously considering a HT. I've done quite a bit of research and thankfully I found this forum. So first of all guys, I'm happy to be here and to learn from you all. I had a consultation with a Ziering group representative who encouraged me to go to Spain for my surgery at a significant saving when compared to UK prices. I then made an appointment to see Dr Collins in Blackrock, only to discover that the consultation was €250. Thankfully, I cancelled the appointm



Hair blog





Hi Folks Just wondered whether anybody has experience of this Clinic? their website looks impressive, however ive never read any posts from patients of their surgeons Theo Vernikos or Mabroor Bhatty, are these people any good? I remember a few months ago they were using Wayne Rooneys picture on their website, suggesting that he was a patient of theirs, is this true? Regards Jezza  



Surgery 4 - October 2010

Ten Years and 9460 Grafts Later   After so many surgeries and so much hair moved around I can cut my hair to a #3 guard on the sides and in the back. My hair is not perfect but considering where I've come from and what I've been through I think my transformation has been really fulfilling. No one thinks I'm bald and certainly no one thinks I've had a hair transplant. That is a huge change from ten years ago when every one could not help but focus on my old pluggy hairline.



Surgery 3 November 2003

Icing on the cake with 2425 grafts. Once the result grew in I decided to start playing with my hair and experiemented with different styles and I even added highlights for a while. It worked really well and I learned that the highlights gave my hair a fullness and appearance of density that was fantastic.



Surgery 1 - March 18, 2002

First Sx with Dr. Wong. I had 2406 grafts AND both donor scars were removed. I don't have pictures of the donor scars because at the time it wasn't considered important to document in detail. All I have are three before pics.



In the Beginning

I started to truly notice I was loosing my hair at the young age of 17. It was pointed out to me by someone in my high school. Isn?t high school great? As if I didn?t have enough to worry about!! It wasn?t much to speak of. There was only a little bit of thinning in the crown. Fast forward six years. I was 23 years old and I decided to go to a hair transplant doctor to see what my options were. ?You need to stay ahead of your hair loss?, he said. ?Three procedures and a scalp reduction with me a



Week 2 - Sutures removed

Sutures were removed on Tuesday of June 12th.   Was very glad to have them out. Marked a milestone for me in the process of the hair transplant. Surprisingly, I still had 40% of the grafts remaining and they have been growing. I do however, expect them to shed as time goes on.   The recipient area looks good, and Stuart and Dr. Panine said that the Donor area healed great, and that in 2 months the scar will be feint and difficult to notice.   I'l update on Tuesday the 19th again for



The First Few Days After Hair Transplant

Post Hair Transplant Surgery You have made the decision to improve your self esteem and undergo hair restoration surgery for your male pattern baldness [MPB.] It’s an important step in having a positive self image. Understanding what comes next is very important. After discussions of hair transplant surgery; Parsa Mohebi, MD reviewed with us the common expectations that a person may experience after their hair restoration procedure. It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with these to ha




I hope that the moderators let this ride... First I would like to let everyone know that I am not in sales nor do I represent any company that manufactures MSM or any oher supplement. I have been reading several of the posts over the past several months and have noticed that some of the people here are takeing MSM to for the purpose of keeping their hair in the growth phase longer. I have never been a big user of supplements because there has been limited if any research done to prove the clai



Extensive, Intensive Hairloss surgery (5400 grafts) With HDC

Just got back from Cyprus where I had a 3 day procedure to correct my extensive hairloss; front, top and crown in one go (approx 2000 FUE and 3400 Strip). Now, two weeks after surgery, the petty discomforts have subsided and I feel great. Of course like anyone I was concerned at the costs involved and the temporary physical effects of pain and scarring but I can say now that this is some of the best money I've spent in years and that I would do it all again in a heartbeat. You may see some of



Dr. James Vogel

Does anyone out there recommend Dr. Vogel from Baltimore as a hair transplant surgeon? He does other cosmetic procedures as well. My concern is that he doesn't have the same expertise in hair restoration as a Dr. that does hair restorations only. I've had two botched hair transplants already, and I want one of the very best out there to do a third and hopefully final hair transplant. Can someone who has dealt with him give me some advice? Thanks Widescar



In search of a very good hair transplant surgeon

Hello, I'm 51 and had two transplants done by a very bad surgeon. The hair was not inserted on a forward angle as I have been told it should have been. I also look a little thin on top and the hairline makes me look like I had a transplant. This surgeon also did a very bad job sewing up the doner area and left me with an 8mm scar. I have heard that Dr. Hasson from Vancouver is one of the best. I live in the Washington, D.C. area and I'm wondering if there are other surgeons closer to me who mi



Non- Surgical Hair Ideas?

Hey looking to see if anyone has any advice on non-surgical hair ideas? I have tried just about everything out there, currently using Miracle Hair which are the fibers. I have used allk the other fibers and this kind is the cheapest and looks the most real. would appreciate any other advice



Hair Transplant Awareness

The Hair Loss Stigma If you're like most men, you probably put some time and effort into your hair. Whether washing or drying it, combing or brushing it, cutting or styling it, your hair is an integral part of your identity and appearance. As the years pass, your hair style consumes more of your attention. Worries over hair loss can began in their teens for some men. When they first start to notice a deficit of follicles and a shift in their hairline a quiet brooding panic can often set in.



Name That Hair Problem!

What hair problem is this? A. Alopecia Areata B. Male Pattern Baldness C. Androgenetic Alopecia D.Telogen Effluvium E. Pattern Baldness F. Other? G. All of the above H. None of the above



receding hairline from hell!

I'm 23 and within 2 years my hairline has thinned out so much you can see my scalp and it makes me look twice my age. i dont know what to do anymore. I'm sure stress played a part in my hairloss but now im twice as stressed out because i have no hair! its a never ending cycle. my dermatologist told me to use %5 minoxidil, today i used my first application. i guess i just have to play the waiting game now. any feedback on minoxidil for rededing hairlines???



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