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I have a full head of hair



I'll start by apologising as I'm in the UK. I run a new company and our new hair system is groundbreaking and offers a solution to hair loss sufferers. I have typical male pattern baldness. But right now as I sit and write I have a full head of hair that is impossible to detect. I'm looking for some honest and genuine hair salons in the USA to use and offer our systems to its clients. I'm not going to mention our system or company name unless the moderators here say I can. But I'm appalled at some of the stories I've read here and on similar sites in the UK. We think of ourselves as the honest company. We tell you what we do, how we do it and exactly how much it'll cost. We don't promise anything. We say try our system if you like. Then judge us. Good luck to all of you reading this.


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You are welcome to share the name of the company you work for and/or have a hair system with however, please do not post promotional links or contact information. You are also encouraged to share your story and in the "Hair Systems" forum on our popular hair loss forum.


Best wishes,



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Hi Bill. I'm actually the MD for Total Cover Plus in London England. But after encouragement from our clients decided to post on vital forums like this as they do hair loss sufferers a very great service. Sadly what we offer is not available in the US (I'm working on it) but I felt I have to comment where I see potential pitfalls for hair loss sufferers. Do remember lots of British sufferers read this forum and pick up great advice. Thanks for the opportunity.

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I appreciate what you're saying however, our community has a no promotions rule which includes providing outside links to promotional websites. Thus, if you are going to post here, I ask that you respect the rules in the terms of service you agreed to when you signed up.





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Thanks Bill. It's strange as when I lost my hair in my thirties I went to around 3 or 4 'top' clinics in London but I simply found them to be people trying to sell me anything. So I gave up. Personally all the toupees I saw were just terrible and very expensive at £4,000 upwards. And I couldn't bring myself to wear what was effectively a hat made of hair. After searching the various lotions and drug treatments they offered I realised they simply wouldn't give me any 'real' hair simply a light fluff at best (and of course that would simply drop out if I stopped using them). And surgery no matter how skilled the surgeon looks and is often very painful and again because of the drugs you have to take to prevent the hair falling out just compromised my life potential. So for 20 years I cut it very short and accepted I was a bald guy. I read these forums and I'm genuinely saddened by the stories I read (especially the young guys around 20). Hair loss creates more than just feelings of looking old. We're doing a survey with a leading London University psychology department and what we're finding surprised even us. I now use our product and I feel good about it. But to be honest I was okay without it - I'd accepted it and my wife always likes me whatever! One day we'll get to the US and I hope Bill I can show you what we do and how wonderful it is.

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