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What clinic to choose?

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High time, guys, high time.

Before we go any further, I would like to say that I live in Central Europe and, although there are a few hair transplant clinics in my country, I doubt that they are as credible as those in Western Europe or Turkey. Western Europe is too expensive for me (or rather, it seems so, but any recommendations here by a chance?), though, and this is mainly because my currency is weaker than the euro. That is why clinics in Turkey caught my eye (~5-6k euro).

Now, in terms of clinics in Turkey, I've contacted several including Dr Bicer's clinic, Dr Yaman's clinic, Dr Demisroy's clinic (Armamed) and Dr Turan's clinic (FueCapilar).

Regarding Dr Bicer's clinic:

  • she thought that I had agressive hair loss and said that this was not the right time to undergo the procedure...
  • ...and that's pretty much it, I haven't heard from her (and her assistant) by this time (although I did ask a few more questions)]
  • a pity because this clinic is recommended by this forum, but well, I guess I'll try my luck somewhere else

Regarding Dr Yaman's clinic:

  • quite a comprehensive reply, everything was included in the email
  • 3800 grafts; 2800 on the front and 1000 on the crown arena
  • received two photos visualising the areas on the head where hair would be transplanted, but it was noted that these were only drafts and the final hairline is to be determined after/during a live consultation
  • it was recommended that I started taking finasteride (in general and 2 weeks prior to the surgery)
  • either DHI or FUE, $3250 and $2350, respectively
  • the price of the entire procedure includes (here goes a quotation, because I don't want to summarise it all myself):
    • pre and post consultations with the doctor
    • blood analysis and PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma)
    • the surgery
    • post operative control and cure
    • post operative medicines
    • special shampoo and lotion for the first 10 washing
    • first washing by a specialist
    • 3 nights of accp,,pdatopm at a 5 stars hotel with breakfast (double room)
    • transfers (airport-hotel-clinic-airport)
  • pretty cool overall, plus the clinic is recommended by this forum and there are lots of pictures with good results

Regarding Dr Turan's clinic (FueCapilar):

  • a fairly comprehensive response, I was sent a six page PDF which contained all the relevant information according to the clinic
  • following the photo analysis, our alopecia level seems to be Norwood III progressing to IIIv according to the Norwood-Hamilton Scale of Male Pattern Baldness
  • from 2500 to 2750 grafts; (mostly) on the front and mid-scalp
  • the crown arena is to be assessed during a live consultation
  • also received two photos visualising the areas on the head where hair would be transplanted
  • it was recommended that I started taking finasteride (in general) and minoxidil
  • DHI only; 3000€
  • the PDF states that Dr Turan previously did FUSS (FUT?) for 6 years, then FUE for 7 years and now has been doing DHI for 8 years
  • the price of the entire procedure includes (a quotation again):
    • 3 nights of accommodation at a 4 stars Hotel with breakfast (single or double room)
    • all transfers (airport - hotel - hospital - hotel - airport)
    • English translator
    • blood analysis, Needle-free preanaesthetic, Local anaesthetic and PRP Treatment
    • Postoperative care and first wash
    • Medications, shampoo and lotion for the postoperative care
    • Travel pillow to be used during the first nights after the operation
    • 12 months postoperative follow-up
  • pretty cool as well

Finally, regarding Dr Demirsoy's clinic (Armamed):

  • a short reply, everything was included in the email
  • to tell you the truth, their English wasn't the freshest, so I'll probably have to ask a few more things just to be sure what they meant
  • from 3000 to 3500 grafts; on the front and mid-scalp
  • the doctor advised not to lower the hairline too much and said he'd start at the frontal arena and then continue backwards as much as possible 
  • it was recommended that I started taking finasteride (in general) and minoxidil
  • FUE only; 1.25€ per graft (and with the start of the new year - 1.5€ per graft)
  • the first and second step of the surgery (extraction and open the incisions) will be done by Dr .Demirsoy himself; the last step to place the grafts inside the channels will be done by our nurses
  • the PDF states that Dr Turan previously did FUSS (FUT?) for 6 years, then FUE for 7 years and now has been doing DHI for 8 years
  • the price of the entire procedure includes (a quotation...):
    • the operation price includes medication (antibiotics and painkillers) and a special shampoo
    • the transfers and accommodation we can organize according to the wish of our patients
    • 2 nights accommodation in a 4 star hotel (breakfast included, single room)
    • all transfers between airport - hotel and clinic costs 200 euro (if the flights will be to saw sabiha gokcen airport
    • you need to stay 2-3 days in istanbul
  • also cool, admittedly there wasn't a lot of information, but basically, given what I already knew, I didn't need more information

So that's it, looking forward to see what you think.

Edited by gottobestrong
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Dr. Bicer is very ethical, so the fact she's telling you not to do surgery, when she can easily take your money is something you should think about. Can you share your pictures?

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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I'll try to upload some pics tomorrow, but what Dr Bicer most likely meant was that my hair on top looked thin and that it would be best to take finasteride to improve its condition.

This doesn't surprise me to be honest, but a similar answer was also given to @harefolliculez (wasn't it?), so I'm not really sure what to think of it. Either way, I’ve been on finasteride for 3 months now after a break of about 2 years, so it'll definitely get better in a while.

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43 minutes ago, gottobestrong said:

I'll try to upload some pics tomorrow, but what Dr Bicer most likely meant was that my hair on top looked thin and that it would be best to take finasteride to improve its condition.

This doesn't surprise me to be honest, but a similar answer was also given to @harefolliculez (wasn't it?), so I'm not really sure what to think of it. Either way, I;ve been on finasteride for 3 months after a break of about 2 years, so it'll definitely get better in a while.

Yup she told me the same thing. The thing was that I have been on fin and had to stop. Also she couldn't see my donor from the pics because my hair was buzzed but I'm waiting for it to grow so I can send some updated pics to see what she says.

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I think the point is that surgery isn't always the best option. I think medication should be the first line of defense, and if you've only been on meds three months, I would definitely give it more time to improve. There will be tons of clinics telling you to get surgery ASAP, but the clinics that tell you to hold off and not telling you what you want to hear are the clinics you should listen too.

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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40 minutes ago, harefolliculez said:

Yup she told me the same thing. The thing was that I have been on fin and had to stop. Also she couldn't see my donor from the pics because my hair was buzzed but I'm waiting for it to grow so I can send some updated pics to see what she says.

Sometimes really by photos is not easy check donor-recipient areas... As happened you send people photos and looks too bad on photos, but they see same thing in reality, opinion is totally different.

Best way is, if you are in Europe, when it's easier to visit Istanbul, than for guys from USA, AUS-NZ etc. , to visit dr. Bicer personally, and then she can check your donor area by microscope and other tools she has for cheking donor area, and tell you opinion based on real checkings, it happened some guys at dr. Pekiner, HLC, that they  get opinion by photos is ok candidate for HT, but when they arrived at date of surgery, was info that they are not ok candidate, and surgery was cancelled.

But if for you not easy task to visit dr. Bicer or cause of adittional costs, then maybe let allow your hair grow up more, and then send here new photos. I know that you get informations based on her opinion, and assistant mrs. Ozen, just send you opinion of doctor, they are not unserious as some other clinics who allow their consultants to tell you consultant's opinion as valid for you :) .

So, if they told you not maybe best time now for your HT, maybe is better wait little bit and follow their advices, as some clinics tell you is possible HT, even your donor area not well, just cause some clinics like more money than telling you true, and then is late for reaction, as there is no undo, but repairing is long and expensive process, so think twice about it, ask for reviews few EU clinics, even you'll not perform there HT, like dr. Feriduni, Bisanga, Mwamba, Hasson, Freitas, Ferreira, Lorenzzo, just to compare opinion of few doctors, but as i said, best way is personal consultations for real review, and most of EU clinics request before potential surgery, personal consultations.

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4 minutes ago, blackislback said:

Sometimes really by photos is not easy check donor-recipient areas... As happened you send people photos and looks too bad on photos, but they see same thing in reality, opinion is totally different.

Best way is, if you are in Europe, when it's easier to visit Istanbul, than for guys from USA, AUS-NZ etc. , to visit dr. Bicer personally, and then she can check your donor area by microscope and other tools she has for cheking donor area, and tell you opinion based on real checkings, it happened some guys at dr. Pekiner, HLC, that they  get opinion by photos is ok candidate for HT, but when they arrived at date of surgery, was info that they are not ok candidate, and surgery was cancelled.

But if for you not easy task to visit dr. Bicer or cause of adittional costs, then maybe let allow your hair grow up more, and then send here new photos. I know that you get informations based on her opinion, and assistant mrs. Ozen, just send you opinion of doctor, they are not unserious as some other clinics who allow their consultants to tell you consultant's opinion as valid for you :) .

So, if they told you not maybe best time now for your HT, maybe is better wait little bit and follow their advices, as some clinics tell you is possible HT, even your donor area not well, just cause some clinics like more money than telling you true, and then is late for reaction, as there is no undo, but repairing is long and expensive process, so think twice about it, ask for reviews few EU clinics, even you'll not perform there HT, like dr. Feriduni, Bisanga, Mwamba, Hasson, Freitas, Ferreira, Lorenzzo, just to compare opinion of few doctors, but as i said, best way is personal consultations for real review, and most of EU clinics request before potential surgery, personal consultations.

Yeah I'm letting it grow right now. Will send new pics next week if my hair is long enough.

Maybe you should do the same and see if the answer changes.


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5 hours ago, harefolliculez said:

Yeah I'm letting it grow right now. Will send new pics next week if my hair is long enough.

Maybe you should do the same and see if the answer changes.


You dont need to go to Dr Bicer in person, but you can consult with a dermatologist close to where you live, who will go through and assess your hair situation and how its looking for the future. 

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On 11/12/2021 at 3:59 AM, Gokuhairline said:

how or why is yaman charging different pricing for DHI/ FUE ? they are the same thing no ? DHI is a variation of FUE ...? 

I am not sure. They are always using the Yaman Implanter, I choose Sapphire FUE and they did use the implanter. They are always doing pre made slits, even with DHI.

They might do implantation in faster steps with "DHI", so first extraction of say 1000 grafts then implant them. Then another round and so forth. I know I have seen some people who said Yaman does it this way, but for me it was ALL EXTRACTIONS then ALL IMPLANTATIONS.

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@Melvin- Moderator

OK, sorry it took this long but I kept procrastinating because I wanted to ask someone to take better pictures than I could myself, but I ended up taking them myself anyway (and that's why they're not the best quality either). The photo of the crown from 2 months ago. Anyways, here they go. My hair has never been the thickest, but it certainly started thinning.

I realise that if I aboslutely do nothing about it, I'll most likely lose even more hair. That's why, among other things, I'm taking finasteride and washing my hair with ketoconazole shampoo and will most likely try minoxidil out (although from what I remember the effects are definitely not permanent).







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I can't imagine any doctor saying you're not a good candidate. You have textbook MPB and a strong donor, and good beard/neck hair as a backup. 

Bicer has done chest hair extractions (very poor option, imo), so her 'ethics' on your case doesn't make sense. 

Turan and Gur are doing really good work at that price. I've seen plenty of very good results from them, That is the best plan as I see it. 

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1 hour ago, gottobestrong said:

@Melvin- Moderator

OK, sorry it took this long but I kept procrastinating because I wanted to ask someone to take better pictures than I could myself, but I ended up taking them myself anyway (and that's why they're not the best quality either). The photo of the crown from 2 months ago. Anyways, here they go. My hair has never been the thickest, but it certainly started thinning.

I realise that if I aboslutely do nothing about it, I'll most likely lose even more hair. That's why, among other things, I'm taking finasteride and washing my hair with ketoconazole shampoo and will most likely try minoxidil out (although from what I remember the effects are definitely not permanent).







How old are you? And are these the photos you gave to surgeons?

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Just now, gottobestrong said:

I'm 25 and yes, these are the photos that I provided the surgeons with.

You really need to pull the hair back; I'd suggest using a comb on both sides of the hairline to reveal how receded it actually is. It's kind of hard to tell with these photos, you can get a good idea, but your pics are sort of hiding the true reality of the situation.

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Just came across your post. You do seem to have an early/intermediate degree of male patttern baldness. Your donor seems good. You will definitely need to be on good maintenance given your age. However, I do think that restoring the front is possible with around 2500 grafts. Do not lower the hairline too much and definitely no crown work at this stage. 

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Based on photos alone and without any other detail to go by, it appears that you would be a good candidate for hair transplantation.  That said, your short and long term hair restoration goals will firmly depend on your age, family history of hair loss, current miniaturization of your existing hairs (which is difficult to determine since your hair is longer and combed over), hair caliber/thickness and available donor hair.  If you are experiencing aggressive hair loss (which was suggested above), hair loss medication such as Propecia (finasteride) may help to slow down any existing hair loss.  If you are rapidly losing hair (even with medication or if you decide not to use it), you should proceed carefully as you will need to plan on your ultimate result relying on mostly the transplants without much of the existing hair that could or will miniaturize and disappear.  

AS for which physician to choose, this is a personal choice that should depend largely on quality research and proof that the physician / clinic you've selected has a stellar reputation for producing outstanding, natural looking results.

All the Best

- Rahal Hair Transplant

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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