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Everything posted by gottobestrong

  1. As soon as I get my hands on the measuring tape, I'll tell you. Sorry to hear that, I put a lot of effort into writing a reasonably concise and as informative report. On the other hand, I'm pretty happy with the result, so I don't see any reason to complain about the clinic.
  2. About a third of the whole length of my face, I just have a high forehead, you have a reference from when I was still a teenager in one of the photos.
  3. So the time has come for my report, although I have to admit that I took quite a long time to get around to it. Not because the results are poor, rather because I just didn't feel like going through all the details. On the other hand, I've often browsed opinions posted by various forums members, so it's probably only fair that I share my impressions. NOTE: I'm a Pole, and a very similar review has been posted on one of the Polish forums about hair transplants (cannot attach the link here, sorry), almost 1:1, except for the fact that it's written in English here, so the content had to be amended a bit. Introduction I am 28 years old. I've been losing my hair since I was 19, I think, and it literally happened all of a sudden, i.e. my hair started to recede (at the time it was something in between NW1 or NW2) and I started to notice more hair growing on other parts of my body (mainly my shoulders, back and arms). At first I wasn't too worried about it, I had other things on my mind (as teens/young adults tend to be at that age, gosh). However, as time went on, the receding hairline started to bother me (as well as body hair, but I could somehow ignore it, probably because body hair is unlikely to be seen unless it's by the pool or somewhere) and I decided that something needed to be done about it. First I went to a dermatologist who recommended that I start treatment with finasteride and minoxidil, which I didn't agree to at the time (~20 years old) because I was afraid of the side effects. In time, however, I eventually started the treatment, but after ~6 months, despite satisfactory results, I stopped the treatment because of the side effects that I happened to experience (in my case: mood disorder, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction). In addition, I was not very physically active at the time and did not pay much attention to my diet. And so it went on until the age of 23, when the receding hairline (now, inbetween NW2 and NW3) began to bother me to such an extent that I underwent a repeat treatment with finasteride in combination with minoxidil.This lasted for a year, but I stopped again because of the side effects (at the time I still had no secret knowledge of these subjects, I'll talk about it later in this post). I also started to doing regular excercises (broadly: HIIT, cycling, traditional strength trainings etc.), supplements (vitamins: D, A, E, K; EPA and DHA; probiotics and nootropic agents) and regular blood tests. I have to admit that this definitely helped to stabilise my hair loss, but it didn't stop it completely. My hair just got weaker year on year, even though I had relatively little DHT, i.e., as much as an adult man of my age should have. In general, I would like to give a rant here about doctors who prescribe finasteride and do not suggest ANYTHING related to actully taking it. Guess what, you CAN actually take a lower dose or apply it directly to the scalp, or both. In general, with the scalp application it's not as free of side effects as some write, but you can more easily manipulate the dose and go down to, say, .25 mg a day or even less. If I had been more interested in the subject in the past, this is how I would have started my finasteride treatment and therefore, probably stabilise my hair loss even faster. Eh. I went back to finasteride at the age of 26, in topical form and at a dose of .1 mg a day. It is great. I also use minoxidil, obviously. Origin of interest in hair transplant and consultation with clinics in Turkey I've been interested in this topic for a very long time (let's say since 2018), starting of course with YouTube videos, which mainly talked about the safety of this procedure. Then I got out of the loop related to the hair transplant business for a while because it was very expensive for me at the time and I didn't want to bother thinking about something that is simply a no-go for me. Then I came across a YouTube channel called Provokator TV (somewhere in the year 2020, where a man had a transplant at the Aestepool Clinic and his latest video was this one; actually, I've no idea if you've ever come across this clinic, it's probably more known there in Poland). Well, because of the affordability, I became quite interested in the topic of hair transplant in Turkey in general and especially in the aforementioned clinic. In the spring of 2021, I made an appointment for a consultation in this clinic, unfortunately online (clarification: we could have met in person, in Warsaw, but I couldn't go there at that time). I took a couple of photos of my hairline for the clinic to determine the amount of hair that could potentially be transplanted. I had the pleasure of talking to (I think) the only consultant from this clinic in Poland at that time - Damian. I was offered a transplant of between 3k and 3.5k grafts. Seemed cool, but I was discouraged by the average-looking PDF document sent back to my mailbax, which presented the offer of the clinic (especially, I've got turned off by the recipient area marked with a pencil tool from MS Paint, eh). Then I came across, among other things, this forum + a Polish forum called pokonajlysienie, where I had the pleasure of seeing many reports of both successful and unsuccessful hair transplants in Turkey, Poland and Western Europe. I learnt what a hair mill is and it generally put me off transplants outside Europe. To be fair, even in Poland it's hard to expose a doctor's incompetence if the contract is well structured. BUT it is easier to go to court in Poland, or Europe in general, than in Turkey, which is outside Europe. I eventually gave up on the transplant at the Aestepool Clinic for fear of a botched operation. Instead, I became interested in doctors like Resul Yaman and Dr Özlem Bicer. Both had documented good and bad results there and elsewhere on the Internet, and I consulted both online. Bicer refused to conduct a hair transplant procedure on me, saying I was too short on finasteride (it's still 2021, winter), while Yaman said he would do a transplant and estimated that 3.8k (!) grafts would need to be transplanted. I almost made up my mind, but after reviewing this topic (the result is good, but the temporal peaks done rather clanky), I gave up. Don't get me wrong, the clinic is fair, it's just that the result was not what I had seen in previous reports. Consultations in Poland and Klinika Przybylski So (somewhere in September 2021 and yes, this was before the consultation with the clinics in Turkey), I decided to give OT.CO Clinic a shot I made an appointment for a consultation, came to Warsaw. An assessment of my hair in the donor area as well as in the recipient area was made, using a microscope. Piotr Turkowski, the main physician, assessed (based on the photos from my childhood as well as the quality of both areas and, obviously, my appearance) that I would need ~2k grafts. The amount (I can't remember exactly!) for which I was offered a transplantation there was ~$8k. I even got a discount, as much as 5%, if I decide to have the transplant on the same day. A finger-licking offer. I decided not to go through with it, because the doctor, Piotr Turkowski, made a negative impression on me, i.e., he seemed like a person who wanted to, colloquially speaking, rip me off. By the way, he behaved like a boor In February 2022, having looked at results from other Polish clinics, I found that the NEW results of Andrzej Przybylski, MD (this topic and forth) looked cool and I contacted him, initially by email, later in person. The clinic itself (I mean the place) doesn't give the impression of awesomeness when you see it, it's rather inconspicuous (comparing with e.g. OT.CO Clinic, although maybe it's just a matter of it being Warsaw and not Kalisz). On site it was assessed, using the document-sleeve-and-millimetre-paper method (I like it, that's the way I'd probably do it myself), that ~2.1k grafts are needed. The clinic website lists the price for the graft + there is a discount for pokonajlysienie forum members. It should be noted that Przybylski still does things outside of hair transplants (although from what I understand this is due to change) and gave the impression of being busy as I consulted him. He wasn't unpleasant, but the consultation felt rushed. Nevertheless, he was much more meticulous in explaining to me what the whole transplant procedure was about and what to expect than, for example, Turkowski from OT.CO Clinic. I doubt that any hair transplant specialist wants to be friends with their patients, but in my opinion a good relationship with the patient is important and you have to keep an eye on it, it comes back to you later (e.g. when the patient does such a review as I am doing at the moment). I brought up finasteride, but we didn't discuss it at length. Unfortunately, it didn't come out of the conversation whether it was good or bad that I was taking finasteride. I decided to have the procedure at this clinic, although not immediately at the consultation. I gave myself about 3 days to think about it. The procedure was to take place at the beginning of August 2022. Hair transplant in Klinika Przybylski I arrived in Kalisz the day before with a buddy, he was the driver. You have to arrange a place to sleep (hotel or whatever) by yourself. On the day of the procedure I was to appear at the clinic at 7 o'clock, there I was greeted by the doctor. I was drawn a final line and it was assessed that, all in all, 2.3k grafts might have to be transplanted, but as I wasn't prepared to pay extra, well, we stayed at 2.1k grafts (there's nothing for free there, haha). At 8 o'clock with a piece (~10-20 minutes after) the procedure started. It involved Dr Przybylski, as the main physician + three assistants. It consisted of two parts (quite obviously): grafts extraction graft implantation In my case, the extraction took ~4 hours and the implantation, quite similarly, also took ~4 hours. Oh, and there as short break in between these two parts, you are oferred a lunch, a rather small treat, but whatever. The procedure lasted for a total of 8 hours. During the extraction, the doctor used equipment from Devroye Instruments (I have no idea if it was WAW DUO or something older), one assistant helped with the extraction and the other two took care of the grafts (I don't know how else to put it, but here I mean checking if a graft is definitely a single, or just taking care of those grafts so they don't go to waste). During implantation, it was the doctor who planted the grafts and the assistants who prepared them for him to plant (here I completely forget the name of the equipment they use; it was something pen-like). I don't know about others, but I happened to be awake during the entire procedure. The team talks about various topics and its members are unlikely to chat up the patient, but sometimes there is some interaction tehre. This is not a gigantic problem, I would not like to sit 8 hours in silence, as a patient obvioulsy. You can, and probably should, tell the team that the anaesthetic has worn off and that the doctor is going to apply it to the area where you feel pain. Sometimes I didn't need to tell them because it was obvious from my body movements that I was in pain, but other times I managed quite well even though I was in pain, so I politely informed the team. It should also be noted that with Przybylski's regime, the patient is not allowed to look at their stuff on their phone because it distracts them. No issues with taht, but if this is a concern for someone, well this is probably not the clinic for them And finally, Przybylski did some training just before he did the hair transplant on me. He met Ximena Vila - who worked very closely with Jose Lorenzo. As far as I can remember (from Przybylski's conversations with his team during my procedure), he happened to be involved in one or two transplants (probably as an observer). That's probably a good thing, especially considering some of the results before August 2022 (all available on pokonajlysienie forum). The hair transplant procedure went well with me, no extensive bleeding, no complications, all OK. Results Screenshot from WAW. Photos taken by Przybylski on the day of the hair transplant procedure. Photo of already shaved hair with a hairline drawn. Photos after the hair transplant procedure. Przybylski said that if I had a driver I didn't need to stay overnight in Kalisz as everything looked fine (assuming that you're unlikely to drive after such a procedure and anaesthetic, I'm not surprised; I suppose if I was bleeding heavily they would have suggested I stay in Kalisz for additional observation). I was given a bottle of water to spray on the grafts regularly for the first few (I can't remember how many) weeks, and instructions on how to treat the transplanted hair. I was also given something like a nappy for my head to prevent my pillowcases from getting dirty while I slept (I was supposed to sleep on a travel pillow, of course). I have no complaints, I felt pretty good after the transplant, we even went down to McDonald's with a mate to get something to eat. IMPORTANT: I didn't consequently and succintly take pictures after the transplant, so some are from the selfie camera, some were taken by someone else, the light is different, etc., etc. It's difficult, I didn't want to document everything. I think there are some interesting photos though. A photo from the day after the transplant. A photo from 3 days after the transplant. A photo from 10 days after the transplant. Bonus: me, aged 15, versus after the transplant. Photo from 15 days after the transplant. Photo from 1 month after transplant. Photos from 1 month and 3 weeks after transplant. Photos from 2 months and 1 week after transplant. Photos from 2 months and 3 weeks after transplant. Photos from 3 month and 2 weeks post-transplant (you can finally see something!). Photos from 3 month and 4 weeks after transplant. Photos from 4 months and 4 weeks after transplant. Photos from 5 months and 3 weeks after transplant. Photos from 5 month and 3 weeks after transplant, but vertical. Photos from 6 month and 1 week after transplant, vertical. Photos from 6 month and 1 week after transplant, donor, vertical. Summary Now it's month 7, I'll upload the photos in a separate post in a while. Or maybe not, we'll see, it might be worth waiting until the 12th month after transplant. So far, I like it, I feel much younger and more confident than before. Yeah, sorry, my writing is certainly not impeccable, but to be completetly fair with you, I didn't want to extensively review everything written above, it is what it is and hopefully, you'll enjoy it!
  4. I'm 25 and yes, these are the photos that I provided the surgeons with.
  5. @Melvin- Moderator OK, sorry it took this long but I kept procrastinating because I wanted to ask someone to take better pictures than I could myself, but I ended up taking them myself anyway (and that's why they're not the best quality either). The photo of the crown from 2 months ago. Anyways, here they go. My hair has never been the thickest, but it certainly started thinning. I realise that if I aboslutely do nothing about it, I'll most likely lose even more hair. That's why, among other things, I'm taking finasteride and washing my hair with ketoconazole shampoo and will most likely try minoxidil out (although from what I remember the effects are definitely not permanent).
  6. I'll try to upload some pics tomorrow, but what Dr Bicer most likely meant was that my hair on top looked thin and that it would be best to take finasteride to improve its condition. This doesn't surprise me to be honest, but a similar answer was also given to @harefolliculez (wasn't it?), so I'm not really sure what to think of it. Either way, I’ve been on finasteride for 3 months now after a break of about 2 years, so it'll definitely get better in a while.
  7. High time, guys, high time. Before we go any further, I would like to say that I live in Central Europe and, although there are a few hair transplant clinics in my country, I doubt that they are as credible as those in Western Europe or Turkey. Western Europe is too expensive for me (or rather, it seems so, but any recommendations here by a chance?), though, and this is mainly because my currency is weaker than the euro. That is why clinics in Turkey caught my eye (~5-6k euro). Now, in terms of clinics in Turkey, I've contacted several including Dr Bicer's clinic, Dr Yaman's clinic, Dr Demisroy's clinic (Armamed) and Dr Turan's clinic (FueCapilar). Regarding Dr Bicer's clinic: she thought that I had agressive hair loss and said that this was not the right time to undergo the procedure... ...and that's pretty much it, I haven't heard from her (and her assistant) by this time (although I did ask a few more questions)] a pity because this clinic is recommended by this forum, but well, I guess I'll try my luck somewhere else Regarding Dr Yaman's clinic: quite a comprehensive reply, everything was included in the email 3800 grafts; 2800 on the front and 1000 on the crown arena received two photos visualising the areas on the head where hair would be transplanted, but it was noted that these were only drafts and the final hairline is to be determined after/during a live consultation it was recommended that I started taking finasteride (in general and 2 weeks prior to the surgery) either DHI or FUE, $3250 and $2350, respectively the price of the entire procedure includes (here goes a quotation, because I don't want to summarise it all myself): pre and post consultations with the doctor blood analysis and PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) the surgery post operative control and cure post operative medicines special shampoo and lotion for the first 10 washing first washing by a specialist 3 nights of accp,,pdatopm at a 5 stars hotel with breakfast (double room) transfers (airport-hotel-clinic-airport) pretty cool overall, plus the clinic is recommended by this forum and there are lots of pictures with good results Regarding Dr Turan's clinic (FueCapilar): a fairly comprehensive response, I was sent a six page PDF which contained all the relevant information according to the clinic following the photo analysis, our alopecia level seems to be Norwood III progressing to IIIv according to the Norwood-Hamilton Scale of Male Pattern Baldness from 2500 to 2750 grafts; (mostly) on the front and mid-scalp the crown arena is to be assessed during a live consultation also received two photos visualising the areas on the head where hair would be transplanted it was recommended that I started taking finasteride (in general) and minoxidil DHI only; 3000€ the PDF states that Dr Turan previously did FUSS (FUT?) for 6 years, then FUE for 7 years and now has been doing DHI for 8 years the price of the entire procedure includes (a quotation again): 3 nights of accommodation at a 4 stars Hotel with breakfast (single or double room) all transfers (airport - hotel - hospital - hotel - airport) English translator blood analysis, Needle-free preanaesthetic, Local anaesthetic and PRP Treatment Postoperative care and first wash Medications, shampoo and lotion for the postoperative care Travel pillow to be used during the first nights after the operation 12 months postoperative follow-up pretty cool as well Finally, regarding Dr Demirsoy's clinic (Armamed): a short reply, everything was included in the email to tell you the truth, their English wasn't the freshest, so I'll probably have to ask a few more things just to be sure what they meant from 3000 to 3500 grafts; on the front and mid-scalp the doctor advised not to lower the hairline too much and said he'd start at the frontal arena and then continue backwards as much as possible it was recommended that I started taking finasteride (in general) and minoxidil FUE only; 1.25€ per graft (and with the start of the new year - 1.5€ per graft) the first and second step of the surgery (extraction and open the incisions) will be done by Dr .Demirsoy himself; the last step to place the grafts inside the channels will be done by our nurses the PDF states that Dr Turan previously did FUSS (FUT?) for 6 years, then FUE for 7 years and now has been doing DHI for 8 years the price of the entire procedure includes (a quotation...): the operation price includes medication (antibiotics and painkillers) and a special shampoo the transfers and accommodation we can organize according to the wish of our patients 2 nights accommodation in a 4 star hotel (breakfast included, single room) all transfers between airport - hotel and clinic costs 200 euro (if the flights will be to saw sabiha gokcen airport you need to stay 2-3 days in istanbul also cool, admittedly there wasn't a lot of information, but basically, given what I already knew, I didn't need more information So that's it, looking forward to see what you think.
  8. I wouldn't put my trust in things like reviews on Google because they are very easy to manipulate, unlike e.g. the content available on this forum as the forum is pretty well moderated.
  9. I thought that the doctor's involvement is when he is, well, by your side throughout the entire procedure and performs the most important (if not all) steps. However, if what you're saying already qualifies as the involvement, I apologise for causing confusion.
  10. Unfortunately I don't use WhatsApp, but what you wrote is in line with what I got to hear from the consultant at Dr Yaman's clinic.
  11. I'll try to contact a couple of other clinics and see what they tell me. I'll definitely share my experience, may help you a little bit in making up your mind.
  12. I'm therefore very pleased that you're still here and come to aid! I guess that if it weren't for you guys, I'd go to one of these hair mills without paying too much attention to the details that are the most crucial to the entire procedure.
  13. Oh, so we're on the same page here. Glad to hear too that because this looks like a reply sent to everyone who apparently Dr Bicer doesn't have time for in the near future.
  14. Even so, he seems credible mainly because of his previous work he's done over the years on patients from this forum. Hence the dilemma, as you would want to be in the best hands that there could possibly be. Someone might say that then you should go to Belgium for example, but 10,000 euros is quite a lot of money. Besides, it's not just that it's cheap in Turkey, it's also often good or even better than, say, western Europe (mainly through experience by which I mean the amount of cases they've gone through and also the amount of mistakes they've made, if that makes sense). It seems to me that at the end of the day you just have to decide on something and pray that it's right choice.
  15. I'd been taking finasteride for a year 2 years ago, then stopped for a few reasons. Recently came back to it, we'll see how it goes, but to be fair I expect the results to be good, as it previously was. I'm also going to experiment with RU58841 and some other specs, but also, we'll see what comes out of it. Thanks for the advice. Do you think I should try to get in to see Dr Bicer? I don't know if I want to ask her very much for a transplant, but I like the fact that she is there for the whole procedure.
  16. Sure, I could share some photos. Well I guess I've always had a pretty high forehead, but not as high as it is now, haha. EDIT: Oh and one more thing, my hair has no volume whatsoever because I wore a hat before taking the photos.
  17. I signed up to be able to discuss a bit about the clinics mentioned in this topic. I have a similar dilemma to you i.e. choosing between Dr Yaman's clinic and Dr Bicer's clinic. My experience as far as contacting Dr. Yaman's clinic is quite similar to yours i.e. I received quite an extensive return message with pricing and all the details included (2800 grafts on the front and 1000 on the crown). I assume these messages are probably templates suited for each individual (with regards to their problem if that makes sense), but that's OK as at least you get all the information you need. I was (and I guess I still am) satisfied with the response I received, seemed professional to me. It's been a different story with Dr. Bicer's clinic. To be fair, I wrote to them in the first instance, answered the questions the consultant asked me and sent photos for review (what's worth noting is that I wrote on Sunday and got my first response back on the same day, cool!). I waited probably 4 days for Dr. Bicer's evaluation until I finally decided to bug the consultant and the answer was quite immediate! It was a rather laconic response (2 or 3 sentences) where I was advised to contact a dermatologist and it was mentioned that I had aggressive hair loss (which isn't entirely true, because most of my hair that I've lost so far fell out when I was 19; at that time, I also grew hair all over my body, by the way). At first I was a little pissed off, so I just wrote something like "OK, thank you", but then I thought it was rather lame to be treated that way, so I wrote a second message trying to actually explain what it all looks like exactly, because it seemed to me that the information I could provide could be potentially useful (in fact, my case is very similar to @digi23, maybe a little worse ;>). I haven't got any response from the clinic to the last message. I think that's not fair, but I can't force them to do the procedure, although I'd love to. At the end of the day, I still don't know what to choose because I want a good specialist in Turkey (ad not the cheapest!) and one of the two recommended on the forum has already refused me. I think both Dr. Bicer and Dr. Yaman are doing a good job, it's just a shame that Dr. Yaman is not an one-patient-at-a-time guy anymore.
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