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Is Eugenix a good Clinic for FUE?

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Hello All,

I've been researching a lot about HT for past year and found Eugenix to be a good clinic, after an online consultation they found me to be a NW6 (see picture) and recommended 3000 grafts for front/mid and 2500 for crown but they also said I don't need to go for crown, medication alone can give a good re-growth, I've had palpitations from Minox (in control if I use slightly less than 1ml) and horrible side-effects from Fin.

I have a few questions like how much can 5500 grafts give a good cover for NW6?

Whats the max can one extract from donor area?

How long does crown area take to see growth after HT? I've read a few posts where people have started seeing shedding after a year in their crown area, is that true?

Anyone who has extracted >3k grafts from beard area and transplanted to crown?

is the clinic good for a NW6?

I'm not looking for expert advice, just concerned since I've always said no to hair transplant but looking at some good results changed my mind.

Cheers 😊




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Hi @cambro- Welcome!

I think you should check out the thread of @juanjs84who was a NW6 and had 5150 grafts with Eugenix over the entire head. You can see his 7 month progress.

His crown is lagging behind which is typical as it tends to take longer (up to 18 months). This might give you a better idea f what that number of grafts might do for a NW6. You have dark hair and dark skin which may be an advantage to giving the illusion of density since there is not a lot of contrast between hair and recipient color.

As I just now mentioned on another post, Eugenix tends to be good at doing more with less. 

16 hours ago, cambro said:

Whats the max can one extract from donor area?

Hard to say as everyone is different. I think average tends to be between 5-6k via FUE, however, many feel that you could extract ~20% more if you do FUT (preferably 1st) followed by FUE.

16 hours ago, cambro said:

How long does crown area take to see growth after HT? I've read a few posts where people have started seeing shedding after a year in their crown area, is that true?

Many say that crown can take up to 18 months. Shedding can be due to different things, but might be due to a phenomenon know as Anagen Desynchronization. Google this term along with 'Eugenix' and you will see how Dr. Arika made a video on this. Shedding might also be more likely if beard hairs are used since they run on a different hair cycle than scalp hairs.

16 hours ago, cambro said:

Anyone who has extracted >3k grafts from beard area and transplanted to crown?

I think beard hairs are mostly used combined with scalp grafts in the mid scalp and periphery of the crown (not central whorl). There is a Eugenix patient named Rahul who had only ~1k scalp grafts and close to 9k grafts form the beard (see video below)! His beard donor was exceptional!. Do also check out the thread of @harinand as he had many beard grafts used.


16 hours ago, cambro said:

is the clinic good for a NW6?

I would say a definite 'Yes'! Check out threads such as @Zoomster@paddyirishman@harin@juanjs84@BlackPanther. There are more, but these are the ones coming to mind. IMHO, Eugenix have performed near miracles on higher NWs.


Hope this helps!!!

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They are one of the best clinics hands down.

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For the higher Norwood levels then Eugenix are one of the best choices worldwide! We have seen so many excellent cases posted by both the patients themselves and the clinic also.

And the after care/service/support is amazing 🤩 add to that they also have a awesome rep @Abhinay Singh

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How old are you? I am not sure if transplant is a good option for you if your hairloss has not stabilised and you are already a NW6. And you say you got terrible side effects from Finasteride so obviously you aren't going to take it?

Please ask them to forecast how your hair will look over the next 10 years (or however long you care about).

Even if you take just 2k grafts from the head, that will be visible scarring if you ever choose to shave it down. That is the only risk really.

Do you have body hair? You can ask them to try a patch test with body hair. If the survival rate is good, then that would be promising and you could leave as much head donor untouched as possible.

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Hi Cambro

From the pics you posted you look to me to be NW7 bound . Which is a rare enough scenario...im saying this as your very lower crown is under attack also...would you consider micro dosing the finasteride ? Taking it only on monday wednesday and fridays at 1.25 mg each time ..this strategy has been shown to help alleviate possible side effects..

Having said that.. you do appear to be a good candidate for a minoxidil/ finasteride combo to help rejuvenate the diffused  crown .

5,500 / 6000 grafts with the meds on board too would be life changing for you ...and absolutely doable .

I had a very similar starting point to you..

Good luck 

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On 7/12/2021 at 9:54 AM, cambro said:

Hello All,

I've been researching a lot about HT for past year and found Eugenix to be a good clinic, after an online consultation they found me to be a NW6 (see picture) and recommended 3000 grafts for front/mid and 2500 for crown but they also said I don't need to go for crown, medication alone can give a good re-growth, I've had palpitations from Minox (in control if I use slightly less than 1ml) and horrible side-effects from Fin.

I have a few questions like how much can 5500 grafts give a good cover for NW6?

Whats the max can one extract from donor area?

How long does crown area take to see growth after HT? I've read a few posts where people have started seeing shedding after a year in their crown area, is that true?

Anyone who has extracted >3k grafts from beard area and transplanted to crown?

is the clinic good for a NW6?

I'm not looking for expert advice, just concerned since I've always said no to hair transplant but looking at some good results changed my mind.

Cheers 😊




These are all excellent questions and the replies are great advice. What I love about Eugenix is that you can always feel free to ask Dr Pradeep or Dr Arika these and any questions that you have. After all this is surgery that will change your appearance for life. And that is what I love about them. I realize you want answers from patients of course (who are the best source for feedback). But the number one factor that is the most important in surgery is patient follow up. You will be hard pressed to find surgeons and a clinic as committed to their patients both pre and post surgery to be there for you long after the grafts have healed.

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Thank you everyone for your replies, this helps a lot.

@Zoomster  Yes, when I use Minox/Fin It almost filled my head with 50% of hair like a NW4. but the side-effects like brain-fog was horrible. Low dosage I can try but after consulting. Will see how my initial consulting goes when I visit the clinic (planning around sept this year).

@bald-and-bearded I'm 31 and visited a different clinic here in states and seems my hair fall has stabilized a lot. scarring from FUT was the reason I was never interested in HT but FUE procedure changed my mind.

@SLA @Gatsby @Melvin- Moderator @JohnAC71 Thanks for your suggestions and replies, helps a lot in my research and clearing the doubts.

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14 hours ago, cambro said:

@bald-and-bearded I'm 31 and visited a different clinic here in states and seems my hair fall has stabilized a lot. scarring from FUT was the reason I was never interested in HT but FUE procedure changed my mind.

Baldness happens through hair miniaturisation, not "hair fall". You are NW6, so it's only natural you don't see that much hair fall now. Add to that you are keeping your hair short. I don't think anyone can predict if you will you lose more hair or not. I am inclined to thinking you will because you are only 31.

FUE also creates scars and they are not very appealing. In fact I think in some people FUT scar would look better (like an injury scar), whereas FUE scars might look like some kind of skin condition. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
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@cambroplease see this thread: 

Someone with more hair than you (but he is 29) was advised by many members and even reputed Dr Bisanga to not get a procedure done unless he gets on medication. You are NW6 at 31 and there is no guarantee that your hair loss has stabilised at this age. Hair always continues to miniaturise in men. You claim to have gotten side effects from Fin and even Minoxidil. I suppose you don't intend to take them then. I don't know why Eugenix is willing to do a procedure on you. If you take hair from the scalp you will be left with scars which means you might not be able to shave or buzz it off later.

Unless your plan is "I want to look my best for another 5-10 years and then I don't care", you should think this through.


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9 hours ago, cambro said:

@bald-and-bearded Thanks for that, I'm only using topical minoxidil, won't even that be enough to maintain the existing hair?

Overall minoxidil is the only thing that has helped me, Fin -- I'm planning to do a trial for low dose to see of I still have side effects.

enough? definitely not. :) it might only slow the progression a little.

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Minoxidil will only slow it down. I was only on minoxidil when I young, and still dealt with hair loss. It wasn't until I got on Finasteride and paired them together that my hairloss stopped completely. If you don't want the full 1mg daily dose, then cut the pill to micro dose, and also add topical finasteride daily as well.

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On 7/11/2021 at 7:54 PM, cambro said:

Anyone who has extracted >3k grafts from beard area and transplanted to crown?


3000 grafts is possible to get from the beard if you have a thick beard for it. Some people don't have much beard hair at all while others have enough beard hair to get more than 3000 grafts. It all depends on how your beard is.


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hey all,


I got my surgery done from Eugenix and had lot of surprises, my donor and receipient was assessed again by the doctor after reaching clinic and he said my hair fall has stabilised and I have good donor so they planned 2 step strategy, in the first step they extracted 3574 scalp grafts over a period of 2 days for front and mid scalp and they said I still have donor left for remaining, also I had a v-shaped hairline so doctor said that would further reduce the need of grafts. I’m currently on low dosage of fin 1mg every 2 days. It’s been 2 weeks since I got the procedure, will post the pictures soon. 

thanks guys for all your help.


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Congratulations, can’t wait to follow your journey.

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