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3500 Scheduled with Dr. Cinik 12/12


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Thanks hauntedhawk!


Fjavierm- no problem :) and I feel like a completely different person and my confidence is overwhelming :) just getting out of the pool/ocean or when the wind blows, I don't have any concerns how my hair looks!

12/2017 - 3500 Grafts- Dr. Emrah Cinik


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Yes Sir, definitely great results so far. I went to Cinik as well in March of this year and i’m very satisfied with my results so far. I will post some pictures soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi All! 

Sorry been crazy busy and I have been enjoying my new hair! 

I just got a haircut but took some photos prior to cut. All photos have no concealer in them, only hair promade for style.

As you can see there is an area that I am a little nervous about as it seems to be growing slower, but I spoke to Dr. Cinik, who told me to keep in touch with him, but we're only 7 months into the hair transplant and I should hold off worrying for a few months until we hit the 12 month mark. I'm extremely happy but would like a little more density (greed I know). Seeing as I am just over 7 1/2 months I am confident that more will come through over the next few months. 

With that said I can certainly see that there is more growth from the last month, so that is encouraging :)



8-3 Right.jpg

8-3 Top.jpg

8-3 Top 2.jpg

8-1 Top wet.jpg

8-1 Top Dry - no paste.jpg



Edited by lukeyb1687
Missing photo

12/2017 - 3500 Grafts- Dr. Emrah Cinik


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  • 2 weeks later...
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8 months! Still a lot more thickening and the transplanted hairs are becoming more manageable to style. No paste or toppik, just natural shots for the update :)


Meeting with Dr. Cinik in Sept/Oct when he comes out to LA for a convention. Will be able to sit down with him and get an idea of how much more I have to grow and talk about some of the sparse areas . Overall though I am through the roof with the results so far!!










12/2017 - 3500 Grafts- Dr. Emrah Cinik


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  • 2 weeks later...
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8 + 1/2 months!

Not much has changed really except for the length of hair haha! Still hoping that the area on the top of my head thickens up soon, if not at least I am able to style to cover it, not that it's a massive area but I'm a perfectionist sometimes haha! What I can say for sure though, is I am loving being able to walk in the wind, or get our of the pool/ocean and not worry about how I look. Confidence booster for sure! 



8-27 Back.jpg

8-27 Front.jpg

8-27 Left.jpg

8-27 Right.jpg

8-27 Top 2.jpg

8-27 Top.jpg

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12/2017 - 3500 Grafts- Dr. Emrah Cinik


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  • Valued Contributor

Luke, your hair looks so natural. SO natural. It’s really inspiring. TBH I’ve only seen a few other threads by people who got work done with Dr. Cinik but I never followed them to their full results. I see your concerns with that spot on top but I feel like if you get some more length up there it probably won’t even bother you. Give it the full 18 months and it may mature to the point where you won’t notice it at all, long or short. All that said, you’ve truly made a good decision in choosing your doctor. 

Best wishes.

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Hey Steeeve,


Thank you for the kind words, I'm super excited to hear that it looks natural too! That's always a concern of mine, as I can tell, because I know and stare at it all the time haha. Yeah I'll reseve my judgement until 18 months, but I'm super stoked on where I am in comparison to before!

12/2017 - 3500 Grafts- Dr. Emrah Cinik


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2 hours ago, lukeyb1687 said:

I'm using the back camera on my Samsung Note 8 and the more professional looking was a Fuji XE3. :)

Hey lukeyb

looks really good

can i ask, how often do you wash your hair with shampoo?

and do you experience oily scalp after you had your HT?

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Well we're at 9 months (or just shy of but will be travelling during the 9th month) 


Since my last update I grew out my hair and then decided to get a hair cut so that I can grow it our properly lol!

Only difference I can tell is that it's still thickening up and I'm loving that I don't have to worry about how it looks at the gym, or in the street if the wind blows. Now I'm a perfectionist and trying to get the best style for me haha :) 


Has anyone else noticed that if you change the direction of your hair style it doesn't look as good, it may just be an illusion but if I try to comb my hair the other side it seems a lot more sparse than it really is. I'm assuming it's to do with the graft angle placement, but curious if anyone else has experienced this. Maybe as they thicken and grow stronger things will change :)


I took the photos in two separate areas (harsh light bathroom and natural light bedroom) to show how lighting can really make a difference in appearance. 



Front light.jpg

Front No light.jpg

Left light.jpg

Left No Light.jpg

Right light.jpg

Right no light.jpg

Top 2 light.jpg

Top 2 no light.jpg

Top light.jpg

Top No light.jpg

12/2017 - 3500 Grafts- Dr. Emrah Cinik


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