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Dr. Hasson FUT - 3,898 grafts on 16/05/16


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Right side


Looking absolutely incredible! Great results so far!


I have to ask, and I'm surprised no one else has...


Can you give more details on the progesterone you use? you say you take a 30mg progesterone pill every other day? Can you please provide more details on this...


You could help a lot of guys if they could try this before having to resort to getting on finasteride and possibly getting nasty side effects.



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Thanks for the new update TJ. Looking real solid right now. I'm just curious as I couldn't find it in your original post, when did your hair shafts start to shed after surgery?


Thanks, Panda. You're like my one man cheerleading squad haha - thanks for the support. I started to shed from probably about 20 days in and by the end of the first month 98% of the hair was gone. There were a few lingering strands, but it was literally a few strands.


Looking absolutely incredible! Great results so far!


I have to ask, and I'm surprised no one else has...


Can you give more details on the progesterone you use? you say you take a 30mg progesterone pill every other day? Can you please provide more details on this...


You could help a lot of guys if they could try this before having to resort to getting on finasteride and possibly getting nasty side effects.




Fantastic results Tj287!


Regarding progesterone, you are still using 30mg (on skin?) every other day?


Hi Eric and Over-Rated - thank you both for your kind words of encouragement. It has been tough but the worst is now behind me, which is a nice feeing. Unfortunately I got the details wrong on my original post. I take 100mg progesterone, not 30, my mistake. I use Utrogestan 100mg and it is oral, not topical. I take it in the evening as the hormone has a very mild sedative effect and relaxes you, helping you to go to sleep. As such it should not be taken in the morning. I take it every other day as the half-life of progesterone is such that I do not need to dose daily in order to maintain an effective level of the hormone in my body - less is always better than more when it comes to these things IMO.


Eric - if you have a look at my post history you will see I was discussing progesterone with some other forum members, specifically the side-effects. A few members were of the opinion that the sides associated with fin are not cause by the fin itself, but rather by the process by which DHT itself is blocked, while others thought it was just finasteride that causes the sides. Obviously if they are an inherent part of the DHT-blocking process, the sides would be inevitable for some no matter which route you took. Unfortunately none of us were able to come up with an answer, so you'll have to make up your own mind. However, in my case, I have had no sides whatsoever and it really did help my hair.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I'm 3 days away from 5 months and wanted to upload a picture taken under the same conditions as my previous updates. I am getting my hair cut tomorrow and it will probably be too short to comb backwards and still sit down like the others, hence the update today. They are top to bottom: exactly 3, 4 and (nearly) 5 months.


BTW I realise I am making everything look better than it actually does by wetting my hair. This is just to maintain consistency with my previous posts. As I did last month, I'll post some pictures under normal lighting conditions after my haircut.


Feedback/questions always welcomed.


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Already looks incredible and only at 5 months. I don't think the wet hair makes it look better than it is per se. But it would be good to also post pics of it dry for comparison. Flash kit he other hand does make hair look denser.

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Hey Spidey! Thanks again for your support, it's much appreciated. I'll upload pics of everything dry in the next few days after my haircut. It's actually an odd feeling because I am really looking forward to getting my hair cut for the first time in as far back as I can remember - I used to absolutely dread them!


Oh and I didn't mention in my post, but all pics on the latest update are taken without flash in pretty strong lighting.

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As promised, please find my 5 month update with dry hair. Once again I have stacked the pictures with month 4 at the top and month 5 below it.


Density is improving steadily and I think most of the hair has popped by now. The right hand side is a tad behind the left, but it's still early days. That being said, the right side has improved greatly over the last month and I am hoping it's on the same course as the left, just a little bit behind. I am also noticing that the texture of my hair on the left hand side is starting to change and thicken up. Hopefully my right side is just a little slower and everything should equalise over the next few months. My new hairline is clearly visible and seems to improve all the time. I have to say that sometimes I can't believe that I'm looking at myself in the mirror and that this is really happening - it really is a fantastic feeling.


Any questions please let me know, otherwise I'll see you all next month.




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Amazing result already!!

3185 FUT with Dr. Rahal on 2/17/16



1204 FUT with Dr. Rahal on 3/27/17



---> total of 4389 grafts to my frontal third via FUT

---> 1mg finasteride daily since 1999:)

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Any questions please let me know, otherwise I'll see you all next month.


It's looking Awesome man.

Quick question. Your hair looks much darker than it used to. Do you have to dye it to match the new hairline? I do, or you can clearly see a contrast between my native hair and the new ones. My transplanted hair is darker than my natives behind them.


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Looks wonderful Tj, you must be so happy. Enjoy every minute of it and thanks for the updates.


Hi Bullet, thank you for your kind words.


It's looking Awesome man.

Quick question. Your hair looks much darker than it used to. Do you have to dye it to match the new hairline? I do, or you can clearly see a contrast between my native hair and the new ones. My transplanted hair is darker than my natives behind them.



Ndubya, I had a look at the pictures and I can see what you mean. It definitely appears darker than pre-op, but while the hair does appear darker, there is absolutely no discernible difference between the new and the native hair and I do not have to dye it.


I think that the lightness of my hair was exaggerated when it was thin (fewer, light coloured hairs giving a peek of a very white scalp) so it looked lighter at the front. This has obviously now reversed, giving the appearance of darker hair. My hair is not a completely uniform colour anyway, which helps I think.

Edited by Tj287
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Wow looking great at 5 months really happy for you. It is quite common especially for patient s with lighter coloured hair to notice the difference in colour.


Hair in the occipital zone is always the coarsest and therefore is darker the hair on the top of our head when it thins looses pigment as it gets thinner and then gets bleached by the sun easier.


Please keep us posted excited to see how this turns out.

Senior Patient Advisor for Dr Edward Ball of The Maitland Clinic.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Maitland Clinic.


Formerly Garageland of Hasson & Wong with 20 years of history in Hair Restoration.


Meet with myself for a free consultation and advice in London on June 21st 2018.

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What a difference just over 3 months can make! :)


Hair is definitely looking darker, but it blends perfectly and I really like it


How great is it to have hair again buddy? Last 3 months have been great for you!! Looking forward to your 6 month and 7 month update. Should be an even bigger difference, as hard as that may be to believe


Keep us updated ...

3185 FUT with Dr. Rahal on 2/17/16



1204 FUT with Dr. Rahal on 3/27/17



---> total of 4389 grafts to my frontal third via FUT

---> 1mg finasteride daily since 1999:)

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How great is it to have hair again buddy? Last 3 months have been great for you!! Looking forward to your 6 month and 7 month update. Should be an even bigger difference, as hard as that may be to believe


Keep us updated ...


Hey Ernie! Thanks for the support! I saw your update with your dyed hair and it looks GREAT! It's such a nice feeling - words don't really do it justice, I have to say. I'm looking forward to the next couple of months too and, as always, will keep everyone updated.


On another note I had my hair cut today and I wanted to see how low I could take it. I am at 5 months and 16 days exactly. I got a back and sides and ended up having a #3 guard all the way up to the crown and a #2 for everything below the scar. Pics from the same angles in the same room with the same lighting as previous updates. I've also attached a shot of the back of my head so you can see what everything looks like from the back.





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