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Everything posted by MrJobi

  1. Lets not forget there are still many people who have a lot of money .. Others who kept their jobs still get paid the same amount.
  2. Slater always had that sharp V so they just copied it as if he was older and receded a bit
  3. Sly wears a wig. No doubt Dr. True and Feller in NYC have done celebs.. They would never say anything though
  4. Be sure to do the scalp exercises and this will help big time with post op tightness and posibbly yield more grafts
  5. Very funny how the pound has slipped significantly/. Prior it was like 1.80 pounds to the dollar and now its like 1.3o or so .. Dollar is getting stronger but Euro is still doing quite well
  6. Density aside, there are cosmetic differences of the hair as it matures. Expect the hair to be a bit coarse at first. You can actually see it in pictures ( from my own expereince) as opposed to the final product of 1 months. Its a nice ride !
  7. Lawsuits & arguments aside the real point is if a doctor delivers a good product. So , if someone has any reservations, read the posts by the actuals patients. At the end of the day nobody has to go to any of the recommended doctors on here and seek their own facts elsewhere. Again, we see time and time again what has happened when people do that ( as they are generally ending up here seeking repairs, advice, and resolution) .. Advice is only good if someone takes it . I can only speak for myself and how happy I am with my 3 HT's from a doctor listed on this site in the coalition. A major personal issue is resolved with help from this site close to 5 years ago .. I could really careless how much doctors pay to have their name listed on here, what the amounts are and blah blah blah.. That is a form of honest advertising goods and services in a legit manner. So again, if someone disagrees with the opinion of posters on here including a doctor, they need to assess the quality of work they are delivering. This site is for patients to share experiences on the results. If a majority says that they are poor then let the truth be told by actual patients! I could really give a Sh!t about legal nonsense and the joke of the whole "legal" system today with the sue happy culture of america.. Let's call a spade a spade! Lets focus on Freedom of speech & the patients best interest. As we see time and time again, nobody else is looking out for their best interest. P.S. I am still wondering how this doctor supports their advertisments of "scar free" transplants. That is 100% impossible with any technology today FUE, FUT, or whatever..
  8. Dermatch is the best concealer hands down!!
  9. These companies are just another "person' trying to capitalize on a persons situation. they charge outragous amounts, make false claims, and advertise in a very fishy manner. At the end of the day, they don't look real!!
  10. I would never wear one and as an expert on hairloss I think it is just an expensive "band aid". they never look real and just hide your problem . Personally I always sought a long term solution. After 3 HT's I don't have to worry about hairloss anymore. No more payment, hiding, or sad feelings.. Of course i was not a N7 either so I had options but I think masking the problem in a VERY costly manner is just prolinging the problem
  11. I think we all need to do with what we have as there is no other option. Of course you can get a HT, nose job, etc. but at the end of the day your confidence comes from inside. I totally agree a HT can improve this as it has in my case no doubt.. However, this is not the solution to self confidence as it was only a "booster" in my mind.. People dont know what you don't show them so somtimes you need to have a bit of faith in yourself.
  12. The real question here is if you went to a credible surgeon. If you did I would not be too worried about it as it is normal to look a bit odd in the beginning. who was the doc?? It is also normal for the hair to grow in coarse and a bit hard looking. This softens up as time goes by ..
  13. Yup Male pattern baldness. There are many stressed out people with a full head of hair. unfortunately, it seems like it is in your genes . Of course stress can cause all sorts of issues but seldom hairloss and if it was a "stress related" problem I would think it wouldgrow back after the stress item subsided ( i.e. nutrition, etc.)
  14. Genes , genes , genes It would be the same reason for other characteristics found in people. Evolution is a tricky subject
  15. This is a good point and 1 reason why I think multiple sessions may be a better long term choice to address progressive loss. Once you use your donor hair , you cannot go back .. This is why we also suggest a person attempts to stabilize their loss with meds and/or wait until they are a little bit older to get a HT.. That is my philosophy
  16. As everyone is different I think it is impossible to generalize to 100%. with that being said it doesnt take a rocket scientist to realize that if you are thinning in your 30's the chances are it will continue to worsen as you age.. As far as med are concerned, I have been on propecia since its inception & I have seen no loss of effectiveness. If you are losing your hair the chances are very likely it is going to continue to progress as you age .. We see this over and over again..
  17. Some women find hairy men attractive too.. It is impossible to generalize on what all women want. It would also be foolish to get a HT just for women ( of course it was one of mine though).. All I know is I have been on both sides of the coin and I prefer to have hair.. it is very interesting to hear their comments about hair when you have it .. As far as 20% i would bet it is much higher than that especially with Women under 30
  18. Try Revita .. I have tried many of the other but no doubt this one is the best . It also has Ketoconazole which is one of the few active ingredients which have some science behind it ..
  19. I guess you could alternate them but again I don't think the impact will make a big difference in your hairloss.. FYI , Revita recently made the bottle smaller and didnt change the price.. Bastards!!!
  20. Try Revita , a bit pricey but it is good stuff and has Ketoconazole which has shown some marginal hairloss benefits ..Its a good shampoo in my opinion as well http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole
  21. It won't assist in regrowth or stopping hairloss. I would prefer to use Nizoral or Revita containing Ketoconazole which has show some marginal results for combating hairloss. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole
  22. Shampoos will have little or no effect on hairloss and regrowth .. there are some studies indicating that Nizoral or Revita can assist but it is marginal if any.. Stick to Minoxidil or Propecia
  23. Boots does have it but you can also do a search and buy it ( or Revita) online
  24. it doesnt work and any credible doctor will tell you so ..
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