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Everything posted by MrJobi

  1. Thank god you didnt go through with your HT. First I would get on propecia to stabilize your hairloss. Next, find a good doc an do some research regarding your options. 2 months is enough time to recover depending on if you have remaining hair to cover the scar on the side. Then you should have some hair on top to blend in the growth especially when it grows in coarse.
  2. You only get a handful of chances to utilize your donor hair correctly. Don't waste it on a doctor who is not proven to yield great results. This is your head we are talking about!
  3. What everyone needs to remember is at the 6 month mark you have "some" growth but the hairs are generally quite coarse as well which really doesn't give the result justice. After a year you will understand. Hang in there and hold all judgement.
  4. i'm in the same boat. I just need about 1000 or so just to fill in a little. I would not do another strip for only 1000 grafts. So FUE is the choice for me if i end up having another procedure. The 12 month recuperation period is a bit much for such a small yield in my opinion
  5. First of all , if you are considering FUE you will pay about double the price of strip especially if you plan on filling in the scar which will take a considerable amount. I don't think you could ever go down to guard #1 once you have had a strip unless you have a damn good doctor to fill in the scar. Who did your first surgery? a good strip with proper T closure could allow you to clip down to about 2 or 3 an would remove the old scar. Talk to a qualified doctor but Strip is always better value.
  6. At this point obviously, there are successful. H & W themselves have a very high number of megasessions in their portfolio. Just because everyone donesn't do them does not mean they are not a viable option for the rare few who have those characteristics who enable them to benefit.
  7. Oddly enough people sound like they do in the commericals " did you lose weight"? "You look different but I don't know why"? " I Like your haircut". They never suspected anything but some did comment on the fact i never wore my hair long before.
  8. Well, I think people get a bit confused when they see hair after none being there for a while. While nobody ever thought I had a rug, I did get a couple staredowns during my 3 years of HT's. This is one of the reasons i wanted a gradual solution with smaller sessions. I must say though, nooone ever figured it out or even implied I had anything done. what helped was the fact I always used concealer so my baldness was not evident.
  9. I had a girl who I was talking to ( I was wearing a hat) while I was in college totally diss me. We were having a great conversation and then she said "wait a minute". She took my hat off my head and then said "oh" and pretty much walked away.. Not good for a young man with thinning hair. I wasnt even bald yet but it was obvious I was losing my hair and she saw that.
  10. We have all experienced the pain and discomfort of hairloss and the comments that go with it. Even though I have a full head of hair now there isnt a day that goes by when i don't thank my lucky stars ( & Dr. True) for ridding me of that BIG problem. I really don't think a women leaves a man due to hairloss however, possibly due to the resulting low confidence / self esteem it can cause. The good news is there are things one can do to address hairloss!!!
  11. We have had many posts to the subject and in my opinion, we live in a vain world. Take a look at the shampoo, makeup, or hygene section of any drug store. Looking youthful & good is very important to people. I think as long as you don't get obsessed with it, this is a natural repsonse to society
  12. Wow Thats the way to do it if yo can get that many grafts! I have no problem with smaller sessions but to get 7k in one surgery really cuts your waiting time down!! You will be one happy camper soon enough!!
  13. The work looks great and your healing better! Now the waiting game which in my mind is always the hardest ( as Mr. Tom Petty put it )
  14. happy with my scar although I havent seen it in years
  15. Dermatch is the best. All conccealers will run a little on your pillow. Try brushing your hair well after you apply it then apply some hairspray. That should help a bit.
  16. As a 3 timer , it feels like I was another person back then. This is due to the following factors 1- I don't worry & think about my hair all the time 2- it doesnt take me over 45 minutes to do my hair with concealer etc. 3 - I get COMPLEMENTS on my hair 4 - I feel much more confident With this being said, i never forgor where I came from!!!
  17. If it seems too good to be true it usually is !!
  18. Patience 2 months is nothing my friend. give yourself at least 6 months before anything solid will show itself. try to relax and just focus on other things. Time is on your side!!! That is the beautiful thing I always loved about my HT post op time!
  19. No doubt he is in the wirey stage where the hair looks coarse and un natural. I have some photo's of me fromt hem and it tends to look very harsh .. However, this will soften!!
  20. Its basicallty a sign of "losing youth" in my mind .. society has this obssesion with it and whether it is wrinkles or hairloss ,aging is looked down.. We live in a superficial world , take a look at any commerical or ad
  21. If one does research, and goes to a qualified doctor the risks are minimal.. It's 2009 and the techniques are very refined.. I have had 3 HT's & nobody has ever questions or noticed it ...
  22. And take charge & be a man .. This was the area where I was clueless on 10-15 years ago.. I thought too much about what "she" wanted when in reality she wants to be led ... BIG turning point in my interactions with women .. I could always get em but then I would not manage it correctly , with or without hair
  23. i have had 3 and possibly would look to do a 4th although I realy don't need it .. Possibly some light FUE of 1000 or so .. It's cake at this point because you know what to expect
  24. Hey Bill Congrats my old friend!!! 2000 grafts should put the icing on the cake!!! You will be one happy man in a couple months.. Again , congrats you certainly deserve it more than anyone!!
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