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Everything posted by MrJobi

  1. I think this is a great subject to debate. First of all , we can never generalize to a 100% accuracy. There will always be an exception to the rules. With that being said, I can speak from first hand in this area as I am single, date often, and lost and "found" my hair.. 1- No doubt- women repsond better to me with hair 2- Women are attracted to confident men ( obviously having a head of hair breeds confidence) 3- Women generally prefer taller men 4- YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT A WOMEN WILL GO FOR At 40 plus, the one lesson I have learned is you never know what a women finds attractive.. Everyone is different and you may be surprised sometimes on the answers they give Now, that means the only way to find out is to approach her and find out???
  2. DHT causes hairloss not a lack of "stimulation". Lasers are a total joke but don't take my word for it. Talk to any CREDIBLE HT doctor and they will tell you .. Just add it to the hundred of scams out there taking advantage of people stressed out looking for hope.
  3. Lasers are a joke. If anyone wants to waste their money please buy one.
  4. Take your pick from the many Coalition surgeons on the list.. Many good ones out there!
  5. Indeed , fear is a strong emotion but in my opinion that is what being a man is . Being able to confront your fears and move forward. This compliments your notion about the post 30 era in our lives. No doubt we ( after 30) tend to be stronger as individuals and are able to deal with challenges more easily No risk, no reward!
  6. In my mind there are only 2 viable hairloss treatments: Propecia and Minoxidil ( some might add Nizoral or some shampoo like this but it is marginal at best) As far as when to get a HT, I truly believe you should stabilize you hairloss first or else you will lose additional native hair even if you do get a HT.. Those are my 2 cents
  7. haha We should all choose our wives carefully.. Half is half no matter which pie you slice!!
  8. Well lets face it, most guys are not style kings anyway.. Hairstyles have to do with a couple factors: 1- amount of hair 2- your sense of style ( or lack) 3- type of hair i.e. wavy, etc. At the end of the day, if you have a complete restoration which generally means at least 2 procedures if you are a N4 or so , you can probably do whatever you want with your new locks.. That doesnt mean you will have hair like Elvis but you will have many options as I do now.
  9. Dermatch worked the best for me !!
  10. Ive been taking Propecia since it's approval in the late 90's.. It stopped my loss and regrew a little.. No doubt it has been the foundation for my hairloss program including my 3 HT's.. No side effects except the stoppage of hairloss!
  11. Gentelmen please note the following 1- Scalp itchiness, pain and slight dandruff is totally normally in the early stages 2- It takes about 6-8 month for your donor area to heal and the nerves to repair themselves 3- With FUT , having a scar is normal although it should be slight if the doctor is using the mst recent closure technologies. 4- YOU CANNOT judge a result prior to a year post op , no exceptions!! 5- There are risks in everything you do including surgery. If you are not prepared to do the research,go through the recovery process, and take a low percentage risk ( with a qualified doctor) dont do it ... I had 3 procedures and it has been a long road no doubt. NOW , 4 years later I never think about my hairloss and it looks perfect.. I am estatic with my result and the decision I made.
  12. Not to be overly critical but the fact he can't remember the surgeons name tells me there was not a lot of research on his account.. Hair transplantation is a serious matter and all precautions must be taken to select the right doctor.. I would say there is a direct relationship to the amount of time spent researching and a successful result.. It pains me to see people learning the har way
  13. My doctor ( Dr. True) was not a big fan of them either so I didnt do them for the first 2 surgeries. However, I can tell you he was impressed with my improved laxity after the thrid procedure and yeilded a considerable amount of extra grafts. they work!!
  14. Without any knowledge I would surely say it has affected it.. As far as discounts, check the doctors websites
  15. The reason(s) for "bad" procedures these days are simple -Poor doctor -unrealistic expectations -Lack of information Hair transplantation is not rocket science and these days, it is a an extremely high percentage surgery.. BUT you need to do the groundwork to ensure you are making the right decisions. It is similar to any major event in your life: buying a car or home, marriage,etc.. In life you generally hear the bad more becuase that is what sells!
  16. I've been on this site for almost 4 years now ( and 3 HT's later) . Recently I stopped posting due to being busy at work.. Actually, you do hear the same questions over and over again .. This site has a TON of info to make the right choices... To be honest, I don't think about my hairloss anymore which was unthinkable 3 years ago.. Of course I still want to help others as well to beat their challenges too!! It can be done!!!
  17. Looks ok to me .. I had low graft prcedures as well for financial and cosmetic reasons as well.. Turned out fantastic but of course in a perfect world 1 or 2 procedures would have been better regarding time and waiting!!
  18. 80% If you arent going to take propecia or Minoxidil then it's hopeless. Trust me my friend ( and the many other experts on here), a HT or those two meds are the only ways to improve your situation The Niz shampoo won't hurt of course The other stuff just doesnt work
  19. If he is that active it will be even more challenging to benefit from a system.. The more you mess with it , the worse it gets .. If I was him I'd just shave my head like other tri athletes
  20. Its all the same stuff just worded differently.. Its a wig & will require all of the "service" the rest of them need
  21. Dermatch is really good for overall coverage and hair thickening!
  22. Everything has been 100% positive with my experience.. I went from Rags to riches and nobdy noticed .. A good doc and patience will get you far!
  23. Do them!! I think I started 2 months out or so My first 2 procedures I didnt do them and I had a bit of scalp tightness and a lower graft amount.. After, ( the third procedure) I had no scalp tightness and was able to yeild more grafts from the donor area. My doc agreed !
  24. I have had 3 procedures and 5 months is nothing.. The hair, if some has grown in is coarse, and unruly. Cosmetics look poor as it can be a bit spotty as well. As the end of the day , give yourself minimum of 12-14 months to judge..
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