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Everything posted by MrJobi

  1. No Stick to the proven methods if you want results.
  2. Extra job here & there.. 100 bucks a month after 12 month = 1200 . after 5 years thats 6000 bucks. Its a start
  3. I have been on propecia since it came out with no loss of effect.. Still taking it and benefitting from the treatment
  4. Simple, don't use it.. If your hair grows back it was some sort of allergic reaction, if not most likely male pattern baldness.
  5. There is good and bad in every industry and generally it is the people who get "taken" who have the negative things to say .. A HT is like an investment, you need to do research and be sure on the percentages prior to "investing". Like investing there are many quick fixes ( snake oils and doctors making unrealistic claims) which upon further review are untrue.. So, do the research, talk to people in the industry, and then make an educated decision based on your situation. Generally it is a long term project taking 1-4 years.. LASTLY if you are not willing to take the risk, don't invest
  6. Well I have had both closures and let me tell you I think the T closure is much better! Nothing is 100% but personally I noticed a big difference regarding how low I could clip my hair without seeing the scar At the end of the day , thats what it is all about!
  7. Get an adjustable one and keep in mind it needs to be much bigger in the beginning as your whole head will swell post op ..After about a week or so it will reduce.
  8. working out and Whey protein do not cause hairloss. It is nothing more than a person seeking "reasons" why they are losing their hair. Everyone losing their hair including myself goes through this period of excessive questioning and over analysis in the beginning Is it the vitamins ? the shampoo? Allergies? hats? What have I done differently... Seriously, with the exception of a couple RARE cases, its nothing more than male pattern balness and it doesnt matter if your dad or brother has a full head of hair
  9. At the end of the day we gernerally say 12 months is a healthy benchmark for the majority of the grafts i.e. general outcome .. That doesnt mean all the time or everyone as there will always be individual differences
  10. Just because you have millions it does not make you an expert in hair tranplantation. Remember, the good HT's you never notice .. Take a look at Chritian Slater, he had a very good one done! Then look at Nic cage, absolutely horrible.. Many other celebs like some of the ones you mentioned might not be able to acheive the results they want for example Elton john would never have hair like that with a HT..
  11. She will be married to one in 10 years!
  12. Looks better already .. You should get some nice coverage with that number!! Patience indeed!!
  13. See a doctor no doubt Hairloss can skip generations , etc.. My dad has hair his brother is a N6? If it is overly red or something similar hopefully it is temporary ..
  14. Not one single person other than my doctor know about mine ..
  15. Bro Cmon now, there are always challenges in life but to say if you are bald and short , you won't get any dates is rubbish.. You said "Their definition is bases solely on height and hair". C'mon,I think men are much more critical about looks than women.. That is not true in adulthood ( possibly in college). I am not tall and I was bald and I dated many hot women. In fact many of them said they prefer a man their height and some women like bald men .. Now, does it help to have hair and be tall, Yes, I agree but to assume that ALL women base a man's appeal on this .. No way. Take a look around .. Not all women are superfiscial and shallow ( but some are)
  16. Emergencies happen . I'm sure they will take care of you. They are top notch.
  17. I had 3 procedures with Dr. True and I can tell you the result is exceptional.. Do your reasearch, meet patients and doctors and see for yourself.
  18. No doubt most women do care about looks. Not just women, people do in general Jesus.. Heidi Klum is married to Seal , if that doesn't show us how clueless love can be what does. My point is , you never know what "good looks" are to her.. Take a look around there are plenty of nice looking women with VERY average ( or below ) looking men .. I might also add there is a bit more to attracting women than good looks.. I would imagine the percentages would favor tall , dark , and handsome but of course.. Take a look around
  19. Well, If or when you decide on doing it , I would ask for her feedback on it ( you may want to show her some info/pictures as many have negative ideas of results). if anything she should be happy as you will look better and wanting to improve your appearance. It's not shallow, you just want what you lost.
  20. My doc didnt even bring up hairstyles. I believe their strategy is coverage first and how can I make the greatest cosmetic difference. Obviously good doctors discuss this with the patient prior to the surgery ( goals of the patient, need fro future procedures, etc.)
  21. Tough call Only you can make that decision. If you do not get it done this time be sure it is not out of fear rather reason .. With that in mind i'm sure you shceduled it for a reason ? Personally, I think you should stabilize your loss first ( meds ) to make sure it is forward progress from that point on . Have you considered meds?
  22. I'll save everyone the drama. prior to hair transplantion ( 3 procedures) I tried every concealer there was. Yes, I expereinced it all 1- stained pillow cases 2- dirty collars 3- messy bathrooms 4- stained towels etc. etc. I liked Dermatch the best ! Good coverage,lasts a long time, and semi waterproof. It also, didn't stain my pillow as bad as the rest
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