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  1. I tried to produce a new product and was shocked at all the negative remarks. I didn't and still don't have the resources to keep it going and alas I am broken. Why all this negativity? I haven't been here in a while and it's still getting bashed. Just because I don't have the money to take "glamour" shots all frosted over and retouched and advertize on a million website does not make it a bad product. I should have went to Billy Mays before his untimely death and I'd probably be a millionaire. Sorry about this, but I just checked in after looking at my once bountiful bank account and was feeling a little frustrated.
  2. me in vegas, i cant believe i pulled it off. a damn mohawk!!! hahaha
  3. it's something i have been developing for a while and i guess i just needed some objective opinions. it's not dermatch. i'm not sure where the post is that says its dermatch dots.i never claimed that. it's just something for people that like to shave their hair short.
  4. It's a concealer but I can't really elaborate on it right now.
  5. if you shave your hair close enough you can use the stuff i do. doesnt come off on the sheets and feels like stiff hair that is realistic to short hair. can actually run fingers over it.
  6. this is not on ebay anymore, but what is your guys eval of the results?
  7. there are some alternatives, there is a buzzcut concealer. check out other posts. you'll find something good.
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