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Everything posted by MrJobi

  1. Although I do like their shampoo Revita one cannot expect regrowth from a shampoo.. Minoxidil & propecia ( avodart as well) are the only proven products which can stop and/or regrow hair..
  2. Who is the best is like saying which is the best artist.. there are many who are capable of amazing results!! Gernerally, my Doctor ( Dr. True) is seldome mentioned but I would but my HT up against anyone I have seen in my 4-5 years on here. Do your research, there are plenty of great doctors in the coalition !!
  3. Dermatch worked great for me in the recepiant area but I did have some existing hair to cover.. Worked like a charm all 3 times!
  4. 3 months is nothing my friend. Expect around the 6 month mark to see some costmetic differences.. It's really hard in the beginning but be patient!!
  5. Having a long term strategy is essential in my opinion .. You have a finite donor supply so this very relavent however, in 10-15 I would think they will have more treatments available as well. For me it was Stabilze lossm get a good amount of hair for my fourties, and then see what happens.. so far so good!
  6. I dont think Clooney or Matt Damon had a HT because generally you see a loss of hair and then a gradual improvement.. Let's rememeber, some people never lose it and obviously some are celebs.. Others like Nic Cage, Matt Mocoghnahey ( spelling), or Wayne Newton can be tracked as you see the decline and improvement of their hairlines ( some dont look that great either).
  7. Seldom does anyone with extensive hairloss get away with just one procedure.. Of course with megasessions it is possible but the vast majority of us will need more than one for a complete restoration There are many factors involved as well
  8. We understand. It is normal to envy persons who have something which you desire.. A good body, hair, or a nice car.. Especially something like hair where some have it and don't think twice about it.. It's always difficult to lose something you already had ..
  9. I dont know the history of the banning on the other site but I can comment on this site. In my 4 plus years on this site anyone who has been "banned" on here has been deserving due to the following reasons Rudeness / lacking respect insulting Being senseless Hairloss is a serious matter and although we joke often here which is a plus.. There is always a line where people should repsect.. At the end of the day the purpose is to educate and support people..
  10. I get a couple comments.. 1- I like you with your hair longer? 2- I like your new haircut ? 3- You look younger, did you lose weight?
  11. I get sooo many compliments on my new hairstyle ( and the previous one). Naturalness is not even a thought.. In my post op period I have never even had an implication of anyone suspecting anything.. I can say it never crosses my mind
  12. wait until 12 months and then you will see most of the growth.. Worrying earlier is not smart and just gives added stress
  13. Be patient The thing about HT's & meds is that it gets worse before it gets better Hang in there
  14. Yup Stick to the big 3 that Petchski mentioned The others just dont wok
  15. No doubt it has changed my life.. I am much more confident now and glad i don't have to worry about my hairloss.
  16. I must agree with the celeb .. A good confident attitude and looking attractive is a big part of it! Being charming, taking charge, and just being a man works very well .. You won't bag every woman but its funny when you see how many you can ..
  17. Hey everyone There is hope.. I was a N5 or so and 3 Ht's later I have a great head of hair. I get compliments all the time and one bald guy the other night told me I was lucky I had killer hair. Just shows what a good doctor and some patience can do .. If you do the research, and make the correct choices you can improve your hair considerably ( I also take propecia)!!
  18. Hi I think you will need much more that 3000.. In my opinion 4000 for a restoration .. You could get it done in one shot if you are an ideal candidate .. I would be careful in who you choose.. Do your research ,you only have 1 set of donor hairs
  19. Also the fact that most guys who look good bald are in shape or thin so they have a muscular type look .
  20. I didnt tell anyone about my procedures but if I was married I surely would
  21. Remember sometimes people won't lose hair until they are in their 40's so they are not out of the forest yet ..
  22. No doubt he had one .. It was a good one because you cannot tell and it is subtle and blends in with the natural pattern
  23. Guys , guys The science is proven , as the proper donor hair will last a lifetime. If someone takes the right strategy there is an extremely high percentage the hair will remain and aside form further balding( why I take propecia), it is a ling term approach .. Nothing is 100% in life & 4 years later I am veyr happy with my procedures
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