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Everything posted by Janna

  1. 3800 grafts?? Wow, that should provide a tremendous difference. Yea, you should change the title. In any case, you'll be happy soon sporting a beautiful head of hair.
  2. This patient is fully aware that future surgeries may be needed if his hairloss progresses.
  3. Did I miss your question? I replied to your comment/opinion but I didn't see a question.
  4. We appreciate you giving your opinion. When it comes to hair restoration, there are many opinions and there are different goals for each patient. This patient's goal was to achieve a solid hairline and wasn't bothered about his temple points. He's very happy to have met his goals. He generally wears his hair down - somewhat tosseled - not like in the pictures with the hair combed back and wet. We did that just for the pictures so that people can see the hairline. Thanks everyone for your feedback.
  5. He works with the preexisting hairs. All our doctors wear high powered loupes when they're making incisions to see between the existing hairs. Then all our techs who plant wear the same high powered loupes for planting.
  6. You have really nice hair characteristics that will give you lots of styling options now that you have a good head of hair! Happy for you!
  7. You're through the worst stages and it's all downhill from here. 2000 grafts should make a nice difference. Best wishes!
  8. There's a future in Hair Restoration for you. If you can do it on yourself then you can do it on anyone.
  9. Hi Joe, I don't have the same experience with flash because our backgrounds and skin tones are not all the same when flash is used. We also do not have a photo studio but an office with a large window so it's almost impossible with flash or no flash to produce exact same shades and tones. This is even true for the same round of pictures taken at the same time. If you look closely at all the before pictures in this result, each shade of the background is slightly off. There's a bigger difference between the two days but know what I mean. You can try to minimize the variables that go into each shot, but you can only do so much whether flash is used or not. Just my opinion. This is a nice SMP result that I'm sure he's happy with but I have to say my initial reaction was "wow, that's an aggressive hairline", then it's "okay, it's only temporary". You're right, it's only possible to enjoy a young hairline with his aggressive hairloss with the temporary technique. I like the new trademark name, it's somewhat Jotronic'ish. Did you come up with the name?
  10. Yes, he started Finasteride at the time of his consult with Shapiro Medical late last year. He lives local to our clinic so we should be able to get another update at 12 months post op. We may even get lucky and get pics at 9 months. Thank you all for your feedback.
  11. Nice result. The patient looks like he's got ample donor for future - he is lucky in that regard.
  12. You don't have cobblestoning. What you're experiencing is folliculitis, which is why your surgeon prescribed antibiotics. Keep your surgeon abreast of your condition till it's completely cleared up.
  13. Mick, A conservative approach utilizing small number of grafts on a young patient went a long ways. It's made a nice transformation w/o using up too much donor.
  14. This very happy patient came in for his 6 month's follow up appointment. He says he's loving his new hair! http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm182/janna0001/DrPaulShapiro/Slide12.jpg[/img
  15. Dr. K, The brows look beautiful. I can see why she'd be thrilled. The eyebrows are definately more difficult to produce a natural look in terms of angle and direction of the transplanted hairs, perhaps it's the loose tissue in the brows but this case looks great.
  16. You have an awesome head of hair now and your donor supply looks abundant considering your degree of loss. Really happy for you!
  17. There are so many different hairloss patterns that the Norwood Scale doesn't cover, it'd be nice to add more levels of loss.
  18. Baldtoo, In your pre-op shaved pics without toppiks, the back looks like you used a grade 3-4. You should be able to shave to a grade 2 or possibly a grade 1 without the round scars showing. You had a large area addressed with 1800 grafts that look evenly distributed. It was really wise to go with the conservative hairline placement. You should see a nice improvement by 6 months post op. Good luck.
  19. Try not to stress at 3 mos post op, it's way too soon to worry about growth. The hairs will just starting to grow between 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 mark and you need to allow time for the hairs to grow long enough to make a noticeable difference. At 6 months you should be able to see a good change. Final result at 12-14 months. Good luck. Thanks Can't Decide and Slickers. Spankers, Thanks for the vote of confidence in our work and philosophy to restoring hair. The case size is indeed smaller than usual for someone with his level of hair loss, however, he is one of the first cases with the Artas. Mickey, Here a close up of the hairline:
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