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Everything posted by Janna

  1. Since you're basically a repair case and may need multipe procedures to get yourself fixed. I'd recommend speaking to several clinics near you in UK and Belgium that have expertise in repair cases via strip and fue surgeries. A scar revisions may be in order to minimize your scar sizes. It's not an easy fix to simply put grafts into the scar tissue, especially since you're running out of donor hairs.
  2. You're actually right in the middle of the timeframe where you should shed your transplanted hairs.
  3. Hi Nick, Just looked through your pre-op and post op pics - I have to say the immediate post op pics look beautiful. You got a lot of area covered for 3300 grafts. You can always bring the hairline down lower in the future if the progression of hairloss slows and you have pleny of donor but it's difficult to undue a low hair line. I'm glad you agree with Dr. Paul's design and plan. I think he made a wise choice too.
  4. Oh, oh........we better start over! Sorry I missed you but do keep us updated of our progress. Thanks everyone for your comments.
  5. Oh, oh........we better start over! Sorry I missed you but do keep us updated of our progress.
  6. His hairline isnt' going to be brought down very much, it's not his goal. Covering towards the crown is more important to him. For now he's happy to have the stand alone procedure and can do another procedure whenever he's ready.
  7. Spanker, One's own opinion on what they'd prefer isn't being unreasonable, imo . The patient is very happy with his results, however, he did go into hair restoration thinking one session wasn't going to be enough to address all the areas he wants addressed. The doc and patient agreed on achieving a good foundation then add accordingly in the second session. He'll be coming soon for the next session. Thanks Spankers and Staggerlee for your feedback.
  8. The third one after the op doesn't show where the grafts were placed... Your current pics are a bit dark as I said but you do look like you're on track. There is much more hair now than you had few days after surgery. I can't tell much in your pre-op since it's just the frontal shot.
  9. Are those your current pics? Do you have any other pics from before surgery and any that are top-down shots? The lighting is a bit dark.
  10. Stephen, Great result. I agree he's got a fantastic number of 3 hair grafts to help with the density. VERY NICE!
  11. Arrie is correct that month 5 is way too early to judge your results. You need to give it a good full year. However, you should notice a lot more growth in the next couple of months. How much of a surface was covered with 2300 grafts? Pictures would help if you can post before, immediate post op and current pics to let you know if you are on track for this time period.
  12. That's great Nick. I'm out of the clinic next week but you'll be well taken care of. In the meantime, let me know if you have any other questions or concerns regarding your surgery.
  13. Hi Nick, The state of MN has a care tax of 2% so if your procedure costs $12K, the tax comes to $240. The post op kit/meds comes to $55. There aren't any other surprise costs. As for Dr. Ron's donor estimate - that would be via strip procedures. If you're looking at possibly doing fue later on down the road, the donor availability increases a bit more than the 6-8000.
  14. I am not a doctor but from my experience...... Yes, the follicle that remained below the scalp will generate growth. The grafts are well adhered by 1 week. Some scabs do shed with hairs attached and with what looks like follicles. The important part of the grafts are left securely behind. Not to worry.
  15. For a 1000 grafts, most docs probably won't need to shave the recipient area but the donor area will depend largely on individual patient's donor density and how big the donor area is. I believe 5-600 grafts is about what you can exact on the average patient with minimal shaving in donor.
  16. You can't judge a success or failure of a procedure by just the scabs. If you had normal blood scabbing, you're probably fine. It'll be a matter of waiting for the hairs to grow at this point. Heal and grow well.
  17. I can verify that Dr. Diaz visited Shapiro Medical couple of years ago to observe Dr. Ron Shapiro for a week. Dr. Shapiro would have given lectures on his technique, which he hopes the physicians will incorporate into their practice. Many doctors have come to SMG to observe for a day or two and in few instances for a week. We take the term "training" seriously. Technically, the only physician who actually "trained" by Dr. Ron is Dr. Paul Shapiro. I believe he observed and trained for over a year.
  18. It's true that when they dissect the grafts into singles and if they trim the grafts, there will be very little tissue attached. You should, however, have a tiny bit of scabbing/crust. Do you have any pictures?
  19. He tried Propecia but had stopped at the time of his consultation. How long he tried it or when he stopped taking it is unknown when I checked his files today. He's on biotin and other herbal hair loss remedies.
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