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Everything posted by Janna

  1. An important question for you Rhino, are you on the main hair loss prevention meds? You've had two prior surgeries and your loss in the crown looks like it's spreading. When did your hair loss begin?
  2. Great documentation. Looks like you're healing up well. I'm sure you'll keep us posted of your progress.
  3. Thanks everyone. We will try to get a pic of the scar at 12 mos follow up appointment.
  4. While this patient had above average donor laxity and density, his hair to graft ratio was not as good. However, he still loves the transformation.
  5. Straight on - you won't be able to tell, especially on a thickening effect because you already have native hairs there at the hair line. I'll have few examples shortly. Like everything else we do at SMG, we take our time to make sure this technique is something we feel will benefit patients.
  6. It's difficult to say with fue procedures if any of the hairs will grow through the round scars. The belief with an fue isolation technique is that the physician pinpoints a 2, 3 or 4 hair follicular unit but tries to punch out only a part of the follicular unit. For example, on a 3 hair follicular unit - they try for 1 or two hairs instead of all 3. The objective is to leave hairs for the future and eliminate the white dot scarring. This means you end up with less hairs transplanted to the top but you may not get as many white dots in the donor. A patient has to decide what's more important, hairs on top or hairs in the back. In my experience of seeing fue donor scars from a wide variety of clinics, I can't say I've seen hairs growing through the round dots. For those that practice this technique, it'd be great to make more believers by showing some pics to back this technique.
  7. Of course I'm joking..... Matt is not old by any means nor is he a dog but I do like to tease him when given the opportunity . Guess that's the cheeky nature in me. One thing I'd say about Matt is that I've never come across anyone who takes his job more seriously and is more passionate about what he does. The term "sales guy" would be a huge insult because he's not about sales at all. Education is his top priority. I think it's one of the first things I learned about him and it still holds true today. All those who have consulted with him can attest to this fact. Having said that, hey Zup, go fetch..... Thanks again everyone for viewing and commenting on our result.
  8. Trinder, Since you are a repair case, which may take multiple procedures to correct, you should stick to a clinic close to home. Dr. Bisange is definitely worth consulting with. Good luck.
  9. Thanks guys. Matt at SMG is like an old dog who can't learn new tricks. He normally holds the follow up appointments and does not typically take pics of the donor scar. Donor scars are hard to see and even harder to take pictures of so I'm not sure if he forgets on purpose or if its really a case of the old dog thing. I'll remind him.
  10. I too would like to know your age. Your current degree of hair loss really concerns me as well as your donor supply. Don't give into sales pressure from any clinic. It should tell you something if they're hounding you.
  11. I agree, the donor area is looking just about back to normal. You're right, your hair does grow fast. Great pics, btw. As for your remaining donor supply - I think you have another 2 strip surgeries remaining - 15-2000 each session. If you were to do fue, probably closer to 3000 in two sessions.
  12. We have not seen this patient in person yet. Hopefully, he'll come in at 1 yr for pics and video. Thanks all for your comments!
  13. You should be thankful that your face (beard area) isn't full of white dot scars. I'm surprised she gave you the option for beard or scalp hairs when it sounds like she didn't have a clue about extracting or planting the grafts. Sorry to hear about your experience.
  14. I'd recommend lancing it rather than just popping it, less trama to the skin. Apply a little bacitracin after lancing. If you get rid of the pus, it'll heal after. If there is more than 5-6 pimples or they are large in diameter than an average size pimple, consult with your ht physician.
  15. Glad you're home safe and got out of here before the deep freeze. Heal well. Orlhair's FUE Procedure with Shapiro Medical - He had 969 grafts extracted with the Artas system and 544 grafts via SAFE system. The donor area hairs dyed to see the hairs better 1513 grafts/2850 hairs 1's - 453 2's - 789 3's - 271 These pics are one day post op from his FUE procedure.
  16. It sounds like you have hair/follicle confused with follicular unit/graft. I wouldn't advise anyone to go to a clinic that charges per hair/follicle.
  17. Wow, really? We've not had the same experience with our sutures/staples left in longer or from other clinic's work. I'm aware of so many other physcians who use the 10-14 days. In fact, we have on few occassions when the strip width is wider than average, we adopted Dr. Bernstein's method with staple removal. At 10 days post op, remove every other staple then remove remaining half out at another 10 days. This seems to keep an extra support along the scar line while giving them some relief from irritation from the staples at 10 days post op. Again, we've never seen any remnants of rr tracks from the staples. But I agree with you, a physician should use the method that gets the best result.
  18. Hi Orlhair, I know we planned on putting these pics in your first thread but since discussions have started here about your donor scar, I'll post all pics on this thread. Reminder: Orlhair had a 3048gr strip session with Dr. Ron Shapiro a 1 1/2 yrs ago. One of his main concerns prior to strip surgery was the donor scar. He ended up with nearly undetectable strip scar when shaves to a #3 guard. We wondered if he'd be able to notice the scar at #2 guard. Seeing the scar in person at #2 guard, you could make it out slightly if you're looking for it. You can easily pass it off as hat hair. The flash from the camera at #2 guard makes the scar stand out more than it appears in person. We shaved his head with #2 guard all over in preparation for his FUE procedure. Then shaved the back to #1 guard and #1/2 guard to take pics. I'll post some pics from his FUE procedure shortly. For now, I thought the 17 pics were sufficient to show his result from his strip surgery.
  19. No, I'm not at liberty to state who did the permanent smp, sorry. When we asked Milena about laser removal, she said she did not know of any who needed to remove her pigments. Dr. Ron said that since the temporary ink needle is inserted more shallow than permanent ink, it's removed faster and easier. The laser pinpoints the ink color to laser it out. I agree with Zenmunk. I really don't believe anyone will feel the need to laser the temporary ink out. If anything, they'll want it darker or perhaps feel that it fades sooner than they'd like.
  20. I don't think it's normal. Any reputable clinic should give you the options to pay by check, credit card, or cash. The procedures are expensive enough for the patients that the business should be able to absorb the cost they incur from credit card companies to process the transactions. Dealing in cash only tells me that they only do a minimum number of cases a month or other reasons that we can speculate about. How good and reputable is this clinic? Hope you're able to speak to past patients and possibly see them in person before you put down the deposit.
  21. I forgot to add that it's much easier for the laser to remove Milena's temporary ink because the ink is set in more superficially than permanent ink. We've been following a patient who had the permanent ink that turned blue almost right away so he started the process of having it lasered off. 4 laser treatments later, the blueness on his scalp is much less noticeable.
  22. Yup, that's understandable to want others' opinions. When it comes to ourselves, we're our own worst critic. It's good to get others opinions.
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