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Everything posted by Janna

  1. The frontal 1/2. Here is a 1 day post op pic. - Thanks all for you feedback!
  2. 6 Months results and surgery data posted in below link - http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/167428-dr-ron-shapiro-%96-fue-%96-6-months-result-%96-1831gr-3896-hairs.html NEW UPDATED 1 YR PICS BELOW -
  3. It's normal not to see any growth at 2 mos post op. It'll be close to 4 mos post op before you notice growth. Thanks for the update.
  4. During day of the procedure and perhaps the next day there may be a slight more redness but it certainly doesn't cause "severe redness" in the donor from the Artas.
  5. Thanks O, Sad,& Orl! Mick, I will indeed be in Manchester in couple of weeks. Looking forward to seeing your new facility. I'm sure it'll be grand. See you soon!
  6. No, you can separate them very carefully without damaging any of the roots. If for some chance two hairs are intertwined and cannot separate safely, then they may have to be transplanted together in the midded part of your eyebrow. It will give it thickness (good density). The grafts in the pics look like they can be separated.
  7. Lol, no it's not blasphemous but it will make for a good laugh around here. You made Dr. Paul very happy, I'm sure! Thanks everyone for your kind feedback!!
  8. No, it's not too difficult to separate the groupings to attain single hair grafts with microscopes. Generally, if you have thick (big roots), they tend to be spaced further apart so it should be easier to separate your roots.
  9. That's great that you're on Finasteride but I would recommend you to incorporate Rogaine foam as well. If you apply the foam once at night and shampoo in the morning, it won't hinder any hair styles you choose. Since you are young and are exhibiting aggressive hair loss, it's best that you do approach it conservatively. With diffused thinning, you have to keep in mind that you could be chasing your current hair loss status even if you go the ht surgery route. This means that even if you add 2000 grafts via surgery, you could lose another 2000 grafts of your native hairs. Therefore, you may want to wait until your hair loss has somewhat stabilized. It's not to say that you will continue losing your native hairs but just that you need to accept that this is a possibility. It looks like you could be a good candidate but you'd have to have realistic expectations and goals.
  10. Hi, I'm not on this thread as an expert but I can give you my opinion on what I see from your recent pics of your result and your continued concerns. It's difficult to guage exactly the number of grafts(3500) from the petri dishes and since your clinic state there were more dishes than what's pictured, there's no sense in worrying about the number of grafts in the dishes. What matters the most is the result. Judging by your pics from immed post op and your 1 yr post op, the yield does not look like the density the clinic says they did of 50-60 per cm2 in front and 30/cm2 in back. You did have a large area of coverage but 5900 graft session should have yielded a more dense result. To me it looks closer to 5900 hairs but not an average result of a 5900 grafts fue result. 3500 GBP for a 5900 graft fue session is really, really low and it explains why you had and still have concerns about your result and what the clinic is telling you. I wouldn't be surprised if you did pay per hairs. The price makes sense if your did. Perhaps ask for the graft breakdown? Do you have any pics of your donor area?
  11. This is a presentation of case that is not a "wow" result. It is presented to show why and when we will take a conservative approach to restoring hair.
  12. It's wise for you to give it a second thought. In fact, you should give it a lot of thought sinice you look like you have significant hair loss. I'd suggest you do the math - not only on the finances/costs of ht's but on the number of grafts and the cm2 of the area that needs coverage. It's difficult to say if you'd be happy with what a 3000 graft session will achieve. The cm2 area that need work is about 200 cm2. Are you prepared to go down this road if you feel you will need more density or coverage after the initial 3000 grafts? If you can get away with a buzzed look now, then maybe stick to that and wait for cloning or other treatments down the road. I would only recommend ht route if you cannot live with the balding look/shaved look.
  13. Hi Mike, I found it a bit humorous that you look like a badass with your shaved look but you have disney blankets in the background so not so intimidating... Were you on Fin and Rogaine prior to your procedure? You're coming along nicely for the 3 months mark. The next few months will be fun!!
  14. We are doing small number of smp treatments currently on select patients to find out more about it before we officially offer it. #1, we'd like to get some more experience/practice on the technique of applying the smp. #2, we need more results at 2, 3, 4+ months to find out what we need to do to achieve satisfactory outcome from the treatments. We've done a handful of patients so far since January and are looking to do about dozen before we decide on the price.
  15. It agree with Spanker. He is not saying Hairneeded isn't going to end up with a nice result, especially in Dr. Konior's hands. The fact that he has diffused thinning and is not on meds takes him out of the "excellent candidate" category. There's more potential for losing more native hairs as he waits for new growth or soon after.
  16. I think we can all agree from the onset of posting this patient's progress pics that its a bit on the conservative side. He's pretty young with a good possibility of ending up with a high Norwood scale in his future so a conservative route seemed prudent. The permanent SMP also comes with a risk of the ink turning blue/green or the ink bleeding so another good reason to be conservative. Its much easier to bring the hairline down with FUE or be more aggressive with SMP in the future but its difficult to change the other way around. You have to keep in mind that he is one of the first patients at SMG to get the SMP and FUE combo so I don't think it'd be fair for him have an aggressive FUE session and SMP treatment with the possible risks. He's happy with both procedures and is not even thinking that he wants a lower or more defined hairline than what he's achieved. if anything, he'd have an fue procedure for mid scalp and crown if his hair loss progresses.
  17. Hello, I'd like to thank everyone who have inquired about this patient's result for their patience. Here are pics of before any procedure (SMP&FUE) and 1 year after. He is still very happy with his results of permanent ink smp and fue. He shaves his hair every 3-4 days with 0 guard. He is considering more fue in the future if his hair loss progresses further in the crown. Reminder - He had 2194 grafts via FUE 1 yr ago and Permanent Ink (SMP) -
  18. Back to topic....... Great transformation. I know the difficulties of dissecting and planting African/American hairs. Nicely done!
  19. No, it's not normal to have the follicles pop out with the puss. You should contact your ht physician.
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