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Bill - Seemiller

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Everything posted by Bill - Seemiller

  1. Payam, No apology necessary, I just wanted to offer some reassurance. I know how easy it is to compare your hair Transplant to someone else’s. But you’ll just drive yourself crazy and stress yourself out. Because everyone is different, each hair transplant plan is also different. I encourage you to create your own topic share your experience and photos if you haven’t already. Best wishes, Bill
  2. Made2care, I trust that Dr. Arocha will do an incredible job for you. He is a highly esteemed Coalition member and has a long history of producing excellent results on this forum. Best Wishes, Bill
  3. Pipo, I agree with Melvin that would be great if you could post some photos so we can see exactly what you’re talking about. Yes, hair can be removed however, if there is a lot of it, you might be looking at some scarring. Please post some photos so we can take a look. Best wishes, Bill
  4. Made2care, I’m sorry if I missed it but who is your surgeon for your last surgery and your upcoming surgery? best wishes, Bill
  5. Payam, Welcome to our new and improved mobile friendly hair restoration discussion forum. We're happy to have you here. You are likely better starting your own topic to ask your questions however, I will say generally speaking that physicians recommend varying graft numbers depending on the patient, their physiology, their donor availability, their hair thickness, etc. Don't be concerned about how many grafts another member received as their case is different than yours, even if it looks similar. Instead, stay focused on your hair transplant procedure and results. How far along are you after your surgery? I'm guessing from the photo that you only had hair restoration surgery on March 18th? If that's the case, then you have a very long way to go until you see the final result. Best wishes, Bill
  6. Hmf, I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble sleeping 7 days after your FUE hair transplant. Have you spoken with your surgeon? What has he/she said about this? Best wishes, Bill
  7. Members and guests, Last week, we sent out a newsletter letting everyone know that June 26 at 7 AM we will begin migrating all of the information, user profiles, forum topics, images, blogs and all data to our new mobile friendly forum and social community. Well tomorrow is the big day. Starting tomorrow, June 26 at 7 AM Eastern standard time, we will begin migrating data over to our new community. This process will likely take a couple of days. During the first phase of the migration, you will see this forum with a notice at the top. You will be able to access all of the information however, you will not be able to login or post anything new during this time. The notice will try to be as specific as possible letting you know approximately when the migration will be complete. During the second phase of the migration, which will likely be after the first day, you will be automatically transferred to the new, mobile friendly discussion forum and social community. There will also be a notice at the top while the migration is going on. This notice will try to be as specific as possible letting you know approximately when the migration will be complete so that you can login and begin posting on the new forum. Once the new community is ready with all user profiles, private messages, forum posts, blogs, images, videos, etc, the notification at the top of the new community will be removed and you will be able to login, post and new members can join. When we are live, you will be able to login with the same username and password as you have been. For those of you having problems logging in, there will be a note with my email address and phone number giving you the option to contact me for quick help. Please email help@hairtransplantnetwork.com or call 954-558-0579 if you are having problems logging into the new discussion forum community after we go live. The URL of the new for him will be exactly the same as the current one so you don’t have to memorize any new website addresses. All of the old URLs associated with discussion forum topics will also automatically redirect to the new forum topic URLs. We know that change isn’t always easy however, we expect that once you get used to this new, mobile friendly forum that you will find it much more user-friendly, easy to use and more cosmetically appealing. If you have any questions, please feel free to reply to this topic or send me an email at the email address above. Onwards and Upwards, Bill
  8. jj5702, I trust you know that hair transplant surgery is a team effort and that many medical professionals are working on one scalp. I am under the impression based on my conversation with him that Dr. Ozgur is the leading physician who worked on this case. However, other surgeons work on cases with Dr. Ozgur. Ultimately, whomever the leading surgeon is for a particular procedure is the one in charge and responsible for the result. Best wishes, Bill
  9. Artofeden, I thought I would chime in here and just give you some information based on my experience. If your scalp is itchy or inflamed, one thing that worked for me really well was Nioxin Shampoo and Conditioner and Aloe Vera. I would always put Nioxen shampoo and conditioner on my scalp for a few minutes each letting the coolness factor Sue’s my scalp and any if she knows that I have. Then, after I got out of the shower, I would typically wait about 30 minutes or so because I still feel the cooling affect and virtually no itchiness. But then, as needed I would apply aloe vera on any and all of the itchy areas of my scalp. There were times when I would be in the shower multiple times a day just so I could use the Nioxen again because it worked wonders. And just so you know, I have no financial vested interest in any of these products, I just happen to like them during the first couple weeks or more after surgery… As long as there’s itchiness, these products work well. Best wishes, Bill
  10. I’ve been seeing a lot of plugs for Dr. Ball lately however to be honest, I have not seen much of his work. I am interested however, in exploring it now that several members have claimed that his work is on par with other leading surgeons. But like anything else, we like to be thorough in researching physicians before we recommend them to our community. That said, when I do know is that Dr. Farjo and Dr. Reddy are absolutely outstanding and have proven themselves for years now posting dozens of examples of their first rate results on this forum. Both of them are recommended by this community and Dr. Farjo is a highly esteemed member of the coalition of independent hair restoration physicians. My opinion, I would definitely consult with one or both of them and then select the one that you are impressed with the most. You can view their profiles by selecting their name in the drop-down box in the right hand side bar of this forum. As for Dr. Ball, I haven’t seen enough of his work or results just say one thing or another at this time. Best wishes, Bill
  11. Dr. Dua, I always love seeing female patients because they are more rare than the usual male patients we see multiple times a day. However, I must admit that the results look way too good on this female for only 1250 grafts and so much hair loss. Is this patient using any kind of concealer to make their hair look thicker? While I have confidence in your ability to provide state of the art hair transplant results, there’s only so much surgeons can do with the small number of grafts on a very bald head. Considering how much hair loss this woman seems to have in the before pictures and how thick it looks after, it really appears that this woman has had more than 1250 grafts. Can you explain a little more why it appears that she has a lot more hair than what was transplanted in a single procedure? Best wishes Bill
  12. Members and guests, you are all welcome to discuss and share information about any and all new and old hair loss treatment options. However, our discussion form is not a venue to promote any of them. Therefore, we ask that you do not post links back to where these products can be purchased. Anybody who is seriously interested in any of these products knows how to use Google or other search engines. That said, in the 15 years but I’ve been a member of this forum, I have never seen one product discussed transform into a miracle hair loss cure. The most effective treatments that are non-surgical to date are still Propecia and Rogaine. Perhaps one day there will be something more affective but until then, those are the only FDA proven hair loss solutions and hair transplant surgery is the only proven method of growing hair in completely bald areas. Best wishes, Bill
  13. Spex, While I appreciate your advice in general, I am surprised that you would suggest traveling when the op happens to have a top notch Coalition physician pretty close to his area. So yes, I guess he technically would be traveling a little bit to see Dr. Arocha. However, I am surprised your reply did not acknowledge that Dr. Arocha is excellent. I know that you represent a few hair transplant surgeons however, I hope that you continue providing unbiased advice and acknowledge all other surgeons recommended by this community and their good work. Best wishes, Bill
  14. Made2care, I’ve met Dr. Arocha number of times in person and have spoken with him on the phone even more. Not only is he a skilled and excellent surgeon, but he is also one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met. While spex makes a good point about traveling, in your case, is not necessary because you happen to have a gym in your backyard. In my opinion, don’t hesitate to consult with Dr. Arocha and undergo hair transplant surgery with him. Best wishes, Bill
  15. Vboteju, Far be it from me to tell anybody to get on medication since I am not a doctor and I certainly wouldn’t want to be responsible for somebody else’s medical decisions. However, I will say that you do have a lot of hair left and it’s very possible that without finasteride, you might lose a lot more. So if you do want to go hair transplant surgery, do you know that you will likely end up back in the chair for subsequent procedures to keep on top of the loss. What I mean is, It’s not that you are a diffuse dinner at least not like a lot of people, you have different areas with various levels of balding. Therefore, the first procedure will likely be putting more hair in some areas and less in others. If you lose more natural hair, it will look unbalanced yet again and you’ll be back in the chair. There’s nothing wrong with that, I needed for hair transplant procedures in order to feel confident with my new hair. However, I knew that going in and I was OK with that. If you are OK knowing that you will likely need many follow procedures to keep ahead of the hair loss, then hair transplant surgery may be for you. That said, finasteride May actually save a lot of your natural hair and you might not need as many subsequence procedures. Best wishes, Bill
  16. It is safe to wear a loose fitting hat the day of surgery so four days after the procedure, it is definitely still safe. However, try not to wear any fitted hats or anything overly tight for the first week. The fact that you were working environment is casual certainly help you. However, here is a tip, if you don’t usually wear hats at work, it may be very suspicious if you start randomly wearing hats every day. So, I would suggest as far out from surgery as possible that you start wearing hats every other day or every third day and then gradually move to every day as much as possible. That way, people are used to see with a hat and don’t randomly ask you why you’re wearing one. And if they do ask, they will likely ask before you get to the real reason you can just take off your hat in front of them so they see nothing unusual. Hopefully that advice helps. Bill
  17. Spex, I know that you have the discussion forum community his best interest in mind and you want to see patients held accountable just as doctors are. Believe me, our goal is to maintain a fair and see if environment for both physician and patient. In fact, Melvin and I were speaking earlier today and we realize that we have not yet heard from gentel_man. While we certainly do not want to be too quick and walk and archive this topic out of public view, we do need the patient to respond to our concerns and honor our request to post photos and to privately identify himself so that we can notify the clinic. If he does not do this in a couple of days, we will have to archive this topic out of public view because it is not fair to Dr. Feriduni to leave this topic open when he can’t even properly respond to the concerns. Thus, I asked Melvin to post a reply which she did and contact the patient privately to give him one more chance to honor our request. If he does not buy Thursday, we will likely be archiving this topic out of public view. This discussion forum is a venue to share genuine opinions, experiences and Dr. reviews. However, we need to keep a fair and balanced community and in order to do so, both surgeons/clinics and patients must be held accountable. If a doctor is truly in the wro this discussion forum is a venue to share genuine the pinons, experiences and doctor reviews. However, we need to keep a fair and balanced community and in order to do so, both surgeons/clinics and patience must be held accountable. There have been times when patient reviews have resulted in a surgeon this termination from being recommended or the coal Lycian while there are other times where we must remove a topic or post because the patient is unfairly maligning the doctor or refuses to identify himself privately or give his surgeon permission to post their side of the story including pictures. We will give this patient a couple days to respond but after that, he’ll have to archive it. Best wishes, Bill
  18. Spex, I appreciate your dedication to this community and attempting to hold patients accountable along with physicians However, I do agree that it is a bit premature to call the poster disingenuous when he may just not have had time to present pictures or respond to member questions. However, I do agree that patients need to be held accountable and provide proof of their claims. We all know that Coalition member Dr. Feriduni is top notch so I can certainly understand those who are quick to defend him. However, I prefer not to make this a case of defending either party but instead, helping both the patient and doctor collaborate on fashioning an amicable resolution that’s fair to all parties. Both Melvin and I have posted asking for this patient to privately identify himself so that we can provide the information to the clinic as appropriate. Moreover, we have contacted Dr. Feriduni to notify him about this topic and encouraged him or his staff to respond with their side of the story. Obviously, we want to maintain a fair and balanced environment for both physicians and patients so in the event that the patient doesn’t provide the information we requested in a suitable amount of time, then we will end up archiving this topic out of public view because it’s not fair. However, if he does provide all the information and he is being genuine, then we will allow this topic to proceed in hopes that amicable resolution can be reached. Best wishes, Bill
  19. Gentel_man, Thanks for posting and sharing your concerns. I am sorry to hear that you are not happy with your hair transplant procedures with Dr. Feriduni. However, I do ask that you post some detail before pictures and pictures after your first hair transplant procedure and again after your second one. If you have any photos showing your scalp immediately after either procedure, please paste them as well. Furthermore, we will be contacting you or Dr. to notify him about your concerns so that he has an opportunity to share his side of the story. That said, we ask that you identify yourself privately to either the Clinic or me so that the clinic knows who you are and can respond accordingly. You will need to give your clinic permission to share their side of the story. Please contact me privately and provide me with both your full name and the date of your hair transplant procedure is. He will then notify the doctor so that he may form a reply to this topic. Also, have you expressed your dissatisfaction with your second procedure to the clinic? What did they say? Best wishes, Bill
  20. Despite the few individuals today who will tell you to travel, there are some outstanding hair transplant surgeons in the UK that are on par with other leading surgeons in the world. This includes Dr. Farjo who is an elite Coalition member and Dr. Reddy. Both hair transplant surgeons perform state of the art hair transplant surgery with excellent results in the UK. To view their profiles, visit https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/surgeon-list.asp?StateAbr=UK&sr=HRN I hope this helps. Bill
  21. While there is no direct correlation between undergoing hair transplant surgery and getting tattooing, if your body seems to heal quickly overall plan trauma occurs…which includes tattooing and hair transplant surgery or any cuts, bruises or damage done to your body, then It is quite likely that your scalp will heal more quickly from a hair transplant then others who don’t heal as fast from injury. As for exactly how long it will take you to heal, will depends on a number of factors but your own physiology is certainly one consideration. How much trauma of the scalp receives is certainly another one. This directly correlates to the type of donor excision technique that’s performed, how many grafts you receive, the size of the cutting instruments, etc. I hope this helps. Bill
  22. Well it looks like I may have been too late in my response, because I guess his comments were from a while ago and looks like you may have actually had the surgery with Dr. Heubner. To be honest, I haven’t taken the liberty of researching this doctor extensively, based on the comments here, I do have many concerns. For instance, any physician who tries to brand their own version of a popular technique claiming that the new version is for superior is not a surgeon I would ever go to. One of the most obvious problems is that doctors who do this are using controversial marketing techniques that will likely work on the ignorance because they have not yet researched the procedure and how it works. FUSS and FUE are the two gold standard techniques in harvesting donor hair for follicular unit hair transplantation (FUT). Just because a doctor uses a different tool to harvest follicular units or worse…mini grafts, doesn’t make it a new or better procedure. In fact, in many cases, it’s inferior to the current gold standards. But frankly, no matter what tool a doctor or technician uses to harvest flick your units one at a time from the back and sides of the scalp or elsewhere, the procedure is FUE. HUE is just a play on FUE with “Huebner” as the “H”. But frankly, I don’t know what a Huebner Unit is and I certainly don’t want to know. Bill
  23. Northstart, I haven’t had a chance to read all of the comments on this topic however, I can’t help but think why you would go to a physician that most people have never heard of given that it’s your last chance at getting it right instead of one of our prescreened surgeons to have a long standing record of producing outstanding results. Is there a reason why you chose in this particular doctor? It sounds like you’re not too sure of yourself which is why you’re asking people to pinions. If you want my honest opinion, go to a physician who is well-known and has a long proven public history of producing outstanding results. To see who we recommend, use the drop-down list on the right-hand side bar. Best wishes, Bill
  24. Dr. Path, That’s another very impressive results as usual. Thanks for sharing. Best wishes, Bill
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