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Bill - Seemiller

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Everything posted by Bill - Seemiller

  1. DJlazer, I’m not familiar with that shampoo but be careful of any lofty claims of shampoo growing hair. It probably makes statements that it grows healthy hair and contains all natural ingredients… Mind you I’m guessing because most of them do this. But does it make a claim that it actually regrows hair lost from male pattern baldness or female hair loss? If so, be careful because unless it contains minoxidil, it’s not proven. Best wishes, Bill
  2. Mark Weston, While you are welcome to have a general profile and participate on this for him as a member, our community is not a venue for free promotion. Please do not post links to your website, your contact information or any promotional content which includes examples of your results, etc. Therefore, I have removed the link above from your post. Please do not share any promotional content in the future. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation, Bill
  3. Ultrasnd, Congrats on your recent hair transplant procedure with an excellent doctor. Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong produces excellent results. I encourage you to take and share some photos of your procedure. When was your procedure? Did you just have surgery or did the results grow in? Let’s hear some more details and see some photos ? best wishes, Bill
  4. Malcolm, When you contacted me, I invited you to post on this topic to present your side of the story in good faith that you would be professional and respectful to our forum members. However, in almost every post, you’ve resorted to name calling, ridicule and harassment. The members that you are calling “trolls“ are long term, helpful contributors to this community. They’re posting history is well known and while they may use an anonymous name, that is the nature of discussion forums. Most people don’t want the whole world to know they’ve had a hair transplant. After speaking with Melvin and finding out that he’s had to remove a plethora of promotional content from your postings and clean up some of your insults, I don’t feel you are doing yourself any justice in continuing to post here. At this point, I have given you ample time and plenty of chances to present your case and defend yourself. But frankly, I feel that many of your posts will do more damage than good, I especially given the malcontents you have shown well respected members of this community. It would have likely been much better if you responded asking some of the members who criticized you to call you privately to discuss the situation and see if there’s anything you can do to help them. That would have gone a long way with the community. Instead, you’ve added insult to injury by attacking those two already feel that you’ve hurt them in someway. Of course, that’s going to make them even more defensive and dislike you more. I really think you should’ve asked yourself what your goals are in responding to this topic before you did. Were you trying to clear your name or did you just want to disparage an attack people? Being respectful And showing genuine concern for those who feel you’ve hurt them could have potentially sway peoples opinions. But attacking them will only serve the opposite. This topic has now become like a virus and continues to add insult to injury for all parties. Thus, I feel it is best to lock it and move on. I ask that you refrain from posting anymore on this forum unless you contact me and obtain my permission first. Unfortunately, I’ve already seen what happens when you start posting freely on this forum and we just can’t allow that. I ask that you refrain from posting anymore on this forum unless you contact me and obtain my permission first. Unfortunately, I’ve already seen what happens when you start posting freely on this forum and we just can’t allow that. Ultimately, it is up to the adult members of this community to draw their own conclusions based on what has been posted. But now, this topic must come to an end. Onwards and upwards, Bill
  5. Besides, as a patient, why would I attempt to make my hairline look any better than it is when if I was on happy with my hairline, I would be showing it as it is and explaining how I need to go for another hair transplant procedure. I never post to deceive. I do not work for a hair transplant clinic nor do I sell hair transplants. Instead, I am the managing publisher of this community and provide information and help to people who need it. I am perfectly fine advising people not to get a hair transplant if I think they are not a good candidate. I’ve done it dozens of times. Bill
  6. And what’s ironic, is it actually the pictures of the scalp from the top down angle that matter way more than a hairline picture. Hairline pictures are deceiving as even somebody almost completely bald can have a nice looking hairline but when somebody views the top of scalp, he can look incredibly thin. I think I’ve proven with the top down photos how thick my hair actually is. However, for you and any other critics, I will take some hairline photos without any filters. Bill
  7. Literalno, I resent Your comments and don’t appreciate you trying to make it sound like I’m attempting to make my hairline look denser with filters when I only used a filter on a couple of the face pictures because I thought they looked cool and I was using them on social media. I did not take those pictures special to share what my hair looks like. That’s what the other pictures are for. I can certainly take dozens of pictures and have showing my hairline as Melvin has already proven. I am starting to get messages from various members claiming that you are a troll and likely another member who has already been banned. I have answered questions of yours and I’ve been very nice to you so I don’t understand why he would attempt to attack me on this topic. Personally, I really don’t care what you have to say to me and I’m not offended because I have very thick skin. However, simply because of the way you present yourself, consider this a warning. If I see you continue to make derogatory comments towards anybody, you will be suspended. Bill
  8. Dear members and guests, Our fair forum policy enables Patients to share their genuine experiences and opinions on this forum. However, in cases where results are less than optimal, patients may be required to privately identify themselves to their clinic and give them the necessary permission to share their side of the story. Moreover, patients are expected to attempt to work out genuine concerns with their physician in order to come to an amicable resolution. Likewise, surgeons recommended by this community are expected to work with and stand behind their patients in order to give them the best service and results. After investigating this particular situation And speaking both to the patient and Dr. Keene, It has come to my attention that there are some legal issues going on behind the scenes that extend beyond the scope of this community and what we allow. Moreover, because of those legal matters, Dr. Keene cannot share everything she wants to what she would under normal circumstances where legal issues don’t exist. In this case, I do not feel it is appropriate to continue allowing discussion when the doctor cannot share everything that she needs to in order to publicly defend yourself and share her side of the story. However, she did send me what she can post at this point and as a result, I am sharing it below. After a few days and when enough people have had a chance to view Dr. Keene’s response, we will be archiving this topic out of public view. In the event something changes and Dr. Keene becomes able to share her side of the story completely, we will move the topic back into public view and reopen the discussion. We understand that some people may feel this is unfair, but you have to realize that the only way this community can offer a fair platform is if both patients and physicians can share their full side of the story without any possible legal ramifications. Frankly, once lawyers are involved, there’s really no advantage to hosting a discussion about a case that can’t be fully discussed by both parties. That said, below is Dr. Keene’s response. ——————— I am disappointed to read the narrative posted by a patient who I operated on in good faith, educating he and his father about the various medical and surgical options to treat hair loss, the donor harvesting methods including pros and cons of each (my notes indicated the patient went back and forth between the two before a final meeting to decide for FUT), and also advising them of the advantages of waiting to see if the FDA approved medical therapy would be effective at stabilization—especially because of this patients age. I do not operate on every patient I meet, age is a consideration, and so is a patients intellectual capacity to understand the risks and benefits of surgery, as well as their goals. I was impressed that both father and son were capable of understanding the information provided to them, asked relevant questions, and did not attempt to jump into surgery, but spent time to deliberate on what would be best option for this patients goals and self esteem. I review the risks and benefits of hair restoration surgery with every patient, regardless of age—but do provide age related advice, based on my extensive experience and knowledge of the field of hair loss. The caveats to proceeding with surgery are outlined in the notes that were not posted— accelerated hair loss, as well as progressive hair loss from AGA are among them. I provided a service based on my impression of a father’s earnest request to help his son, and my desire to do the same—as well as a young patient who seemed intellectually capable of making an informed decision . During my last visit I did my best to address the patients concerns, and particularly the claim that his most recent grafts hadn’t grown—although at 6 months in my view they were already improving the appearance of density, I knew and reminded the patient from his previous experience they had not matured to their ultimate benefit which should make them more apparent to him. The various options to improve the scar which widened early in the postop period from exercise, I attempted to review with him again-- as had been done preoperatively. Because I personally want my patients to be satisfied with their results, I provide SMP into surgery scars for a minimal charge and provide a scar revision at no charge. Since the patient has unfortunately not returned for the usual scheduled follow up visits at 8 and 12 months postop, I was unable to provide a final assessment or do more to address his concerns. I would share before and after photos from the first surgery which I believe document successful growth, and a very natural,cosmetic appearance, as well as a flattering frame to his face-- However, because the patient attempted to demand quadruple the amount of money from me that he paid for all of the surgery, and did so 6 months before the final growth was expected—I am legally advised to limit further public discussion at this time. ——————— We will give members and anyone interested a few days to read both Dr. Keene’s and my response on this topic and then we will archive this topic out of public view. Onwards and Upwards, Bill
  9. I have just received a response from Dr. Keene. It seems as if there may be a lot more going on behind the scenes then we are being made aware of here. As a result, I am currently walking this topic until I can obtain more information and I can be sure that the patient gives Dr. Keene all of the necessary permission to share her side of the story. I will keep you all posted. Bill
  10. Payam, I received your report however, I genuinely believe that all of our members are trying to help you. Looking through your posts, I’ll be honest… It makes me scratch my head and wonder why you’re concerned and upset. I’m sure that’s why some of our members are getting impatient because they are trying to tell you that everything is fine and normal and you continue to express more and more concerns that aren’t even issues. Like I said, my advice is to relax. You are only four months postop. Do you understand that a lot of people have not even experienced any signs of growth at that stage? If you’re seeing any signs of growth that for months, then you are ahead of the game. Typically growth starts between three and five months so i’d say you are right on schedule. I just hope you’re not the kind of patient that over scrutinizes every little thing and even when other people see how wonderful your results are, you don’t like it and think it’s a failure. I’m worried that this is what’s going to happen with you based on the fact that you’re so concerned over things that are perfectly normal. My invitation to speak on the phone still stands if you wish. Bill
  11. Payam, You seem to be highly concerned about what’s 100% perfectly normal. I’m not sure if you just don’t understand the process and how it works or if you are just very easily upset and worried but you really need to be calm. Your photos look exactly the way they should. The scabbing and crusting that you see is perfectly normal. Yes, some of the grafts Will appear to cluster in what appears to be islands but that’s not how your hair will look when it grows. You need to have some faith. You selected an outstanding surgeon and he has been producing superior results for a long time. I encourage you to have faith and trust. You need to also understand that hair transplant growth doesn’t typically start for 3 to 5 months and even then, it’s only the very beginning. It takes up to a year to 18 months for hair transplant to fully mature and grow. Try to hang in there, if you would like to talk, perhaps we can schedule time to chat on the phone. Send me a private message if you want to set that up. Bill
  12. @throwawayht111, I’m terribly sorry to hear of your disappointing hair transplant experiences, all three of them apparently. This is quite shocking to me in particular because Dr. Keene is one of our recommended hair transplant surgeons and a member of the Coalition of Indepemdent Hair Restoration Physicians. While even the best hair transplant surgeons have cases of less than stellar results, the photos you have shown are highly concerning. In order to help you and in order to keep this for unfair and safe for both patients and physicians, I ask that you send me a private message with your full name and all three dates of your procedures. I will then contact Dr. Keene to let her know that you have publicly posted your concerns and photos and ask her to reply with her side of the story. Please be sure you give her permission to do so as this is required to keep our community fair and safe to all. I will be looking for your private message But in the meantime, I will be contacting Dr. Keene to give her heads up about this topic so she can at least offer an initial reply until you give her full permission. Best wishes, Bill
  13. B, The story I told you was many years ago and to be honest, I can’t remember his username for the life of me. I remember his real name but I certainly can’t give that out without his permission. And I haven’t spoken with him in many years. So regrettably, I probably can’t get you in touch with him specifically however, there are many Dr. Rahal patience on this for him who I’m sure would be willing to speak with you personally about their experience. If they don’t respond to this topic, use the “search“ feature to find other Rahal patients. You can also view patient created websites by physician at www.hairLossweblogs.com. I hope this helps, Bill
  14. Chris, thanks for presenting your experience and photos showing your hair transplant six months after your procedure. It does look like you’ve had a lot of existing natural hair and combined with the transplanted hair, it certainly looks nice and thick. As you know, you will still likely experience more growth and maturation over the next 6 to 12 months but, your hair is already so thick that like you said, if it doesn’t grow anymore you’d be happy. I look forward to seeing what it looks like in another six months or so. Best wishes, Bill
  15. Hair gone, I’m not sure if you are using the mobile version of this forum or the computer version however, At the top right-hand side of your computer or your mobile device you will see a button that says something like “find a prescreen and hair surgeon”. You can also search by location. For instance, click here to view all the hair transplant surgeons in Belgium that we recommend. While I have not personally had hair transplant in Belgium, I have seen results from each and every surgeon we recommend, some of which I’ve seen in person. They are all very impressive and I would certainly suggest consulting with at least one or two of them that you were most impressed with after viewing their profiles. You can also use the search feature of this forum community see what their patients are saying. Bill
  16. I posted the above before I read through the second page… But now that I’ve read through that, it sounds like you decided to proceed with Dr. Erdogan is that correct? I feel confident that you will be in the best of hands so I hope to see you were photos and follow your progress as you go through this experience. Best wishes, Bill
  17. Der3k7, Personally, I am not a huge fan of ARTAS mostly because I think it’s overhyped on some doctors websites. A picture of the machine is present and it goes on to discuss how innovative and knew it is, making it sound like it’s superior to other alternative FUE devices when in reality, a skilled and experienced surgeon using manual or powered devices will likely produce a much better and more natural looking results then someone using ARTAS. Now that’s not to say that I haven’t seen some good results from our physicians to use ARTAS. However, I do believe as a device that is overhyped in general. That said, Who did you decide to go to for surgery? There are a lot of outstanding hair transplant surgeons in Europe and the United States. Any of those surgeons have been mentioned above. As for who is best… A lot of that is more subjective than objective. It really depends on which doctors philosophy you agree with the most and who you feel is producing the most natural looking results. I look forward to hearing about who you’ve chosen and then following your journey from beginning to end. Best wishes, Bill
  18. Literal no, I can understand your concerns however, please know that even the best hair transplant surgeons have cases of less than optimal growth and results. Dr. Rahal happens to be very well respected by his peers and adored by his patients. Frankly, I have always been very impressed by his results and his hairline are phenomenal. Not only have I seen examples of his results online, but also in person. Someone who lived local to me reached out to me asking questions about Dr. Rahal several years ago and I ended up randomly meeting him and literally got to watch his journey and progress as he went through his procedure. He had to restore the frontal third of his scalp using strip surgery and his results were fantastic… Some of the best I’ve ever seen. In my opinion, I wouldn’t hesitate to go to Dr. Rahal for hair transplant surgery. Best wishes, Bill
  19. Nick, Your hairline looks nice and thick, which I’m sure you are happy with. Can you post some additional photos showing different angles of your scalp so we can see the top of your scalp, etc.? That will give us all a better overview amd appreciation of your progress so far. Best wishes, Bill
  20. Doug, thanks for your response regarding the photos and lighting. I do understand that it’s tough to get lighting perfect but there were some photos where the before photos showed much lighter hair than tha after photos which indicates one of two things. It was either much brighter in there for the after photos or the patient dyed his hair. Assuming it’s the former, buy default brighter lighting makes hair look thinner while reduced lighting makes it look thicker. So to see before picture under potentially brighter lighting which makes it look thinner than it is and after photos under potentially reduced lighting which makes the results look thicker therefore makes a result appear more dramatic than it really is. That said, I know you know all of these things and I’m not suggesting you intended to do this. But I suggest commenting on this phenomenon in the future, explaining why the lighting is doggerel and that it’s not an intentional method of making a result look even more superior than it is. Dont get me wrong, usually the photos you present are a very close match with lighting and I know first hand how exceptional Hasson and Wong are. I just suggest being mindful of this phenomenon as I would hate to see anyone question Hasson and Wong when we know how good they are. Best wishes, Bill
  21. Deanomag, Dr. Reddy presents examples of his results on this forum every month. Moreover, I strongly suggest viewing Dr. Reddy’s recommendation profile here to view dozens of examples of his results. Best wishes, Bill
  22. John, That’s a fantastic result! I’d love to see more photos of your results. Did you create your own topic to showcase your results yet? If not you should. Best wishes, Bill
  23. Literalno, your post is so outrageous and nonsensical that I simply can’t in good conscience leave it up on this topic. It literally doesn’t even make sense. In the future if you are going to make critical comments, do so in a way that shows you understand how hair transplant or on this case eyebrow surgery works. If you don’t like a result, explain why respectfully. Don’t just make blanket statements that you’ve heard others say when you have no understanding of what the word means. If you post unfairly maligning, blanket comments again without any evidence to back it up we may have to suspend your posting privileges. Best regards, Bill
  24. Kimura, im concerned that you said you usually post under another login name but are having problems logging in. What is your other username? Did you try the forgot password option? Theres a nite there too about contacting me of you’re having problems logging in. But I don’t have an email from you. Send me a private message and let’s get your other account working for you. By the way your hair looks fantastic for only 5 months. Best wishes, Bill
  25. This is a tough question to answer for a number of reasons. But on average, assuming you want to keep the donor area free from obvious scarring or missing hair, I’d say 5000 grafts is a realistic average. If you’ve been quoted 9000, then I’d love to hear what your donor hair density is in grafts per cm^2. I suspect it’s quite high. I also suspect your head is above average size, which ultimately does impact the number of grafts one has available. Best wishes, Bill
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