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Bill - Seemiller

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Everything posted by Bill - Seemiller

  1. All Three surgeons are recommended by this community and are excellent. I know that doesn’t help you narrow it down but at least you’re deciding between 3 excellent surgeons. In my opinion, review results from each of the 3 hair surgeons posted by patients and the clinic on this forum and then consult with them. This will help you select one of the three for your hair transplant procedure. Best wishes, Bill
  2. Shampoo, Right on. I encourage you to start a new topic after you’ve had enough time to evaluate this product and share your product review. You can tell us what you like, what you don’t like, whether it’s helped you with your hair loss or not, etc. I look forward to hearing more in time. Best wishes, Bill
  3. Legend, You should really lost more pictures of the top of your scalp including the hairline. Between the pictures you posted and your profile picture (unless that’s really old), I don’t see why you would need a hair transplant. Best, Bill
  4. I don’t know where one member got 6 weeks from, but I would have said at least 12 months to allow the hair from the hair transplant to fully grow in and mature. At 6 weeks, you may be mostly healed from hair transplant surgery but most of the new hairs will have shed. If you undergo SMP, how will the practitioner know where to place the micro dots? But once the hair grows in, there’s no guesswork. Best wishes, Bill
  5. Ahktar, I see you asked a question about whether or not your donor area possesses 4000 grafts for transplanting. The photos you presented are very low quality and blurry. The one photo I see of your donor area (one side only) looks about average but it’s difficult to say. I suggest posting some additional photos showing the back of your scalp as well Best wishes, Bill
  6. Smine Kelly, Sorry, but we don’t allow third party, promotional links on our forum. If you have a specific product you believe truly prevents hair loss, you are free to make it and tell us how it works. But when explaining how it works be sure to put it in your own words rather than using generali terms from their website that boasts claims without any explanation. We can then have an intelligent discussion about the product, it’s ingredients and whether or not we think it would be successful. Best wishes, Bill
  7. In scar revision surgery, the primary and only priority is to minimize the scar. Thus, only the old scar will be harvested, making it easier to close the wound with minimal tension. When someone wants a scar revision but also more hair for transplantation, a larger strip is harvested making the wound larger and adding a bit more tension on the wound. While tension is still considered minimal as top hair surgeons won’t put too much tension on the wound, harvesting a larger strip automatically creates some increased tension, which adds some additional risks of scar stretching. I hope this helps. Bill
  8. Shampoo, I don’t know anything about this product at the moment but I did just want to chime in just to say that this shampoo has nothing to do with recommended hair transplant physicians and Coalition members Dr. Ron Shapiro or Dr. Paul Shapiro. This “hair loss shampoo” is being sold by a Dr. Steven Shapiro, who is not affiliated with our community. That doesn’t make him or his product bad - it’s just that this community doesn’t know much about him. Shampoo, let us know how you make out with the product. Best wishes, Bill
  9. Transplanted hair is the same as natural hair. Therefore, if your hair from hair transplant has grown in and you are also undergoing platelet rich plasma treatment, your hair transplant will be safe. You may even experience some additional marginal benefit from the PRP because of the decreased shedding and stimulation to surrounding natural hair follicles. Sure to speak with your PRP physician to discuss this further so you understand how it works. Best wishes, Bill
  10. Home1212, I’m not sure exactly what mean by a “safe“ shampoo. Frankly, you can put just about any shampoo on your scalp and hair and will do the job of cleaning. Sure there are some that are better quality than others and some ingredients are better for the hair and scalp than others. But as far as safe for the scalp, I think they all are. I think we really need to know more about what it is you’re looking for before we can really address this question accurately. For instance, if you’re talking about a shampoo that will help minimize or eliminate hair loss, there are some shampoos out there that are more gentle and contain ingredients that may even slow down or stop the progression of pattern baldness. Shampoos containing ketoconazole such as Revita or Nizoral May help especially when used in conjunction with Propecia and Rogaine. Together, these are referred to as the big three. But if you’re referring to shampoos that are used for another purpose, such as moisturizing of the scalp or providing essential nutrients and vitamins to the hair, moisturizing shampoos, dandruff shampoos, etc., advice maybe different. So what exactly are you referring to when you are asking for a safe shampoo? Bill
  11. Hairlaw, 1800 grafts may sound like a lot but the truth is, 1800 grafts won’t cover too much of the bowling scalp, especially if you want any degree of density. However, your hair transplant is only covering what appears to be the frontal third so I would agree that everything looks just fine and appears to be 1800 grafts. Also, it is very normal for technicians to do the majority if not all of the placement. Although it is true that the surgeon truly comes in once in a while to check on the patients and evaluate the final result of the procedure. Best wishes, Bill
  12. Gasthoerer, I won’t try to answer for Dr. Feriduni But with the donor harvesting technique FUE, follicular units are typically not further dissected under microscope. Sure magnification is used during the excision process which includes both making the incision and extracting the follicle. Microscopic dissection is used during strip surgery to separate follicular units from one another and possibly even trim them down further. In most cases, a graft that’s harvested via FUE doesn’t need any further trimming and doesn’t need to be separated from another follicular units because one is harvested at a time. So I’m guessing, although obviously each clinic is different and I will let Dr. Feriduni describe how things work at his own clinic, that the fact that microscopic dissection wasn’t used is because it’s not typically used in this type of donor closure technique. Best wishes, Bill
  13. Kayve, I agree with Matt, postoperative healing takes some time. While you may have seen some people heal more quickly, some people take longer to heal. Everybody is different and has distinct physiological properties. Remember, follicular unit excision (formerly follicular unit extraction) is still surgery and surgery does disrupt the natural flow of the inner workings of the area operated on. In my opinion, I wouldn’t be concerned at this early stage. Postoperative redness in the recipient and donor areas can last up to a couple months. You can consider applying aloe vera gel or even speak with your surgeon about prescribing something if appropriate. But overall, you’re still within the normal range so I wouldn’t worry so much. Best wishes, Bill
  14. Akhtarsahil, Is there a particular reason why you’re only considering one doctor? Dr.Doganay was recommended by our community several years ago however, due to several patient posted concerns, we ended up is continuing his recommendation. He did re-apply for recommendation again recently and while he seems to have addressed many of the concerns of the past, several members presented enough concerns where we felt it was best not to approve him for a recommendation again. That said, many of his recent results have been presented on this forum as well as the recent potential recommendation topic with everybody’s comments. Feel free to use the search feature and draw your own conclusions. That said, we do still recommend a couple excellent hair transplant surgeons in turkey we strongly recommend you consider and consult with. On the right-hand side bar of this forum, you will see a drop-down list of surgeons by name and by location. We suggest clicking on that and selecting the area or surgeon you’re interested in learning more about. You can also use the search feature of this forum as well. Best wishes, Bill
  15. This is potentially a controversial question and I know there are many people out there that truly believe in various herbs and natural remedies that could potentially stop hair loss and regrow hair. However, the only two medical solutions that have been FDA approved and indefinitely proven to stop hair loss and regrow hair is Propecia and Rogaine. Surgical hair restoration, while not exactly in the same category as a medical hair loss treatment, is the only proven solution to grow hair in completely bald areas. That said, hair transplant surgery does nothing to stop the progression of female or male pattern baldness. Thus, many people who undergo hair surgery also use Propecia and or Rogaine. As for natural remedies, there aren’t really any I suggest because frankly I don’t really believe they will do much for you. However, most of them likely won’t Farview either so if there are some you want to try, you’re probably OK in the safety department. But make sure you research anything you put into your system because even the so-called natural remedies can have side effects. Best wishes, Bill
  16. Davis, I do see that one or two of your posts ended up in the moderation cute. This sometimes occurs when a particular word, called a trigger word is used. Frankly, I’m not sure what word triggered you were post to go to the moderation queue so I went ahead and approved it. Sorry for the inconvenience. Bill
  17. My grandfather passed away at 88 years old with a full head of hair and no receding hairline. His hair looked thick and youthful but yet it was still fitting for him. The reality is, many older man still have a youthful looking hairline that still suits and fits them perfectly. Some may even argue that my hairline is too low but I think it fits and feet should be perfectly now and with no end. Ultimately, we all have to recognize that we all have our individual preferences and while some may not like one hairline, others will. And vice versa for other hairlines. That’s why Hair transplant surgery is as much subjective as it is objective. I see nothing wrong with this case and I have full confidence in Dr. Rahal’s skill, experience and ethics and have for many, many years. Best wishes, Bill
  18. Tarantula, Thanks for sharing a detailed account of your hair transplant experience. What was the name your hair transplant surgeon? Everything seems to look good at this early stage in your progress so we will all be waiting to see how your hair looks in the next several months when most of the new hair is growing and maturing. It’ll take a full year or more to see and experience the final results. I look forward to seeing your progress Best wishes, Bill
  19. Sparky, Many of our hair restoration surgeons also prescribe finasteride. You may want to consult a few of them to see if you can get Proscar that way. Best wishes, Bill
  20. You’ve already received some excellent answers so I do apologize for sounding like a broken record. But, as others have stated, there’s really no way to judge your donor based on those photos in particular. It’s hard enough with photos and shorthair, but long hair makes it even harder to tell. You really do need to see a qualified hair restoration physician in person who can evaluate your hair density and thickness. Regarding an overall number of grafts, I know somebody said you may have between 8000 and 10,000 available for trans- planting, but I would say that’s on the flyer in. I’d say the average is closer to 5000 to 8000. But some may have more or less depending on density, scalp elasticity, hair loss scale, etc. Best wishes, Bill
  21. I actually don’t think it’s wise advising to go without the drug without hearing it from your doctor. While I suppose we look at “erring on the side of caution” anything that won’t hurt your hair transplant, the other way to err on the side of caution is to do what’s best for your overall health. I don’t know what would happen if you stop taking Ritalin cold turkey and I would not buys it without getting an OK from your doctor. Bill
  22. Dear members and guests, I know we're all used to calling a particular donor harvesting technique that involves removing follicular units (groups of hair follicles as they occur naturally in the scalp) one by one, Follicular Unit Extraction. But recently, a group of leading hair transplant surgeons who are dedicated to advancing and improving FUE have renamed the technique. Thankfully, the acronym remains FUE but the actual donor harvesting name is just a little different. Only the last word in the acronym receives a makeover. The first two words remain the same. Thus, the new name, formerly Follicular Unit Extraction is - Follicular Unit Excision. Why? Click our more formal press release / news article on the Hair Transplant Network entitled "FUE Gets a New Name - Follicular Unit Excision (Formerly Follicular Unit Extraction)". What does everybody think? I look forward to your thoughts. Bill
  23. Guys, Regrettably, I did have to remove a few links from this topic because those particular forums do not allow links back to our community. As a result, we do not allow only links back to them. I’m sorry for the Vignon‘s and realize that may put a hindrance on the original post however, I’m sure there are a plethora of examples from our forum you could link to and discuss. That said, I must admit that I’m very surprised by this topic… because frankly, I’ve always been very impressed by dr. Erdogan, his work and results even before he was approved for recommendation on this community. And on just about every result I’ve seen the clinic post in addition to patients, people are typically raving about how good the results are. Now, evaluating whether or not you like a particular hairline or results can sometimes be very subjective. And some surgeons do typically quote a larger number of grafts than others. There are multiple reasons why this might be possible but I won’t go into all of them here. That said, you are free to speak about any results of his that you wish on this forum, but please do not linked to other discussion forums to start talking about them. He has probably 40 to 50 results if not more presented on this discussion forum, so feel free to discuss them either on this topic or each corresponding result topic. Best wishes, Bill
  24. Jp2018, That is really a question for your hair transplant surgeon and medical doctor. Typically, hair transplant surgeons ask patients to stop taking any medication that thins the blood a few weeks before surgery but I’m not sure about Ritalin. I would speak with your hair surgeon first and if he or she advises you to stop taking Ritalin for a period of time, I would then check with your prescribing physician to get their opinion. The truth is, some medication, when stopped can cause withdrawal symptoms or other problems so it is advisable to consult your doctor before making any changes to your medication. Best wishes, Bill
  25. Sloppos, You seem to be very argumentative and are ignoring a lot of excellent advice. Why? Is it because you do work for Dr. Rogers like people are saying? If you do that’s fine but we do ask that you disclose your affiliation with him in your form signature. If you don’t, but I don’t know why you were being so defensive or argumentative because it appears that you started this topic to ask for opinions. Now I’ve taken the time to explain how we recommend hair transplant surgeons and gave you essentially the information that you are looking for. Best wishes, Bill
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